Relações entre dor crônica e histórias de vida de mulheres
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A presente pesquisa parte da relação entre as dores crônicas musculoesqueléticas e o histórico de vida de mulheres com dores crônicas, identificando os eventos negativos que abrangem situações como violências, perdas ou doenças em algum período da vida. Estão incluídos nessas condições diagnósticos tão diversos como osteoartrites, doenças reumatológicas e fibromialgia. A dor pode ser definida como uma experiência sensorial e emocional desagradável associada com um dano tecidual real ou potencial, tratando-se de uma experiência individual e subjetiva. Existe uma complexa interação de fatores biológicos e psicossociais que aumentam a probabilidade de que pessoas com histórias prévias de violência apresentem maior quantidade de problemas de saúde, com maior nível de dor associado e limitações funcionais decorrentes. Os objetivos do estudo foram analisar as relações entre a história de vida e a dor em mulheres com dores crônicas, identificando os sentidos e significados conferidos pelas participantes, além de buscar compreender como ocorre o manejo da dor crônica, identificando as experiências de atenção à saúde e de autocuidado. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, que se baseou em oito entrevistas em profundidade, construindo narrativas do tipo história oral de vida. A busca dos sentidos e significados dados pelas participantes à experiência dos sofrimentos, tanto físicos quanto emocionais, procurou basear-se na concepção da psicologia sócio histórica e o material foi examinado nos termos na análise de conteúdo. Foram construídas onze categorias temáticas, sendo destacados trechos das narrativas que mostraram intenso sofrimento ao longo da vida das participantes, envolvendo violências, doenças e lutos de familiares. As relações desiguais de gênero surgiram como fonte de sofrimento, além da exploração do trabalho infantil. Pôde ser observado um longo tempo de convivência com as dores crônicas antes da busca por tratamentos, com o manejo baseado em um misto de saberes aprendidos nos contatos sociais e em experiências com os cuidados em saúde, com dificuldades de compreensão acerca da própria condição, que repercutiram em problemas de adesão às práticas orientadas. É necessário que as práticas de cuidados em saúde sejam capazes de acolher os sofrimentos humanos que transcendem a dor em seu aspecto físico, uma vez que as ações limitadas às queixas somáticas se mostram insuficientes. O estudo aprofundado sobre os aspectos subjetivos relacionados às dores crônicas possibilita a construção de cuidados em saúde compatíveis com a perspectiva da integralidade, resultando em melhor qualidade e diminuição do sofrimento humano.
This research is based on the relationship between chronic musculoskeletal pain and life history of women with chronic pain, identifying the negative events that situations such as violence, loss or illness in some period of life. They are diagnostic conditions as diverse as osteoarthritis, rheumatologic and fibromyalgia. Pain can be defined as a sensory experience and emotional distress associated with actual or potential tissue damage, an individual and subjective experience. There is a complex interaction of biological and psychosocial factors that increase the likelihood that people with previous histories of greater number of health problems, with a higher level of pain associated with functional limitations.The objectives of the study were to analyze relationships between life history and pain in women with chronic pain, identifying the senses and meanings conferred by the participants, in addition to seeking to understand how the management of chronic pain, identifying the experiences of health care and of self-care. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach that based on eight in-depth interviews, constructing oral history narratives of life. The search for meaning and meaning given by the participants to the experience of the physical and emotional, sought to build upon the historical partner and the material was examined in terms of content analysis. Were Eleven thematic categories were constructed, with excerpts from the narratives that intense suffering throughout the participants' lives, involving violence, illness and grief of family members. Unequal gender relations have emerged as a source of suffering, in addition to exploitation of child labor. It could be observed a long time of coexistence with the chronic pain before the search for treatments, with management based on a mixture of knowledge learned in social contacts and in experiences with health care, with difficulties of understanding about the condition itself, which had repercussions on adherence to targeted practices. It is necessary that health care practices be human sufferings that transcend pain in their physical actions limited to somatic complaints are insufficient. The study the subjective aspects related to chronic pain construction of health care compatible with the perspective of integrality, resulting in in better quality and lessening of human suffering.
This research is based on the relationship between chronic musculoskeletal pain and life history of women with chronic pain, identifying the negative events that situations such as violence, loss or illness in some period of life. They are diagnostic conditions as diverse as osteoarthritis, rheumatologic and fibromyalgia. Pain can be defined as a sensory experience and emotional distress associated with actual or potential tissue damage, an individual and subjective experience. There is a complex interaction of biological and psychosocial factors that increase the likelihood that people with previous histories of greater number of health problems, with a higher level of pain associated with functional limitations.The objectives of the study were to analyze relationships between life history and pain in women with chronic pain, identifying the senses and meanings conferred by the participants, in addition to seeking to understand how the management of chronic pain, identifying the experiences of health care and of self-care. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach that based on eight in-depth interviews, constructing oral history narratives of life. The search for meaning and meaning given by the participants to the experience of the physical and emotional, sought to build upon the historical partner and the material was examined in terms of content analysis. Were Eleven thematic categories were constructed, with excerpts from the narratives that intense suffering throughout the participants' lives, involving violence, illness and grief of family members. Unequal gender relations have emerged as a source of suffering, in addition to exploitation of child labor. It could be observed a long time of coexistence with the chronic pain before the search for treatments, with management based on a mixture of knowledge learned in social contacts and in experiences with health care, with difficulties of understanding about the condition itself, which had repercussions on adherence to targeted practices. It is necessary that health care practices be human sufferings that transcend pain in their physical actions limited to somatic complaints are insufficient. The study the subjective aspects related to chronic pain construction of health care compatible with the perspective of integrality, resulting in in better quality and lessening of human suffering.
FEIO, Cinthia Bianca dos Anjos Pessoa Rodrigues. Relações entre dor crônica e histórias de vida de mulheres. 2017. 142 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2017.