Adaptação cultural e reprodutibilidade do Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire em pacientes portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica no Brasil
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Nos ultimos anos, tem havido um crescimento na enfase da educacao de pacientes e de suas familias sobre as condicoes medicas deles. Isso tem levado os pacientes a desejarem mais informacoes sobre suas condicoes, e, em parte, os profissionais de Saúde tem reconhecido que um certo auto-controle da doenca e importante para os pacientes. Objetivo: Adaptar para a cultura brasileira e avaliar a reprodutibilidade do Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire em pacientes com doenca pulmonar obstrutiva cronica. Metodo: O questionario original em ingles, composto de 65 perguntas, foi traduzido para a lingua portuguesa por um profissional de Saúde com dominio na lingua inglesa. Essa primeira versao passou por uma adaptacao cultural por meio de uma comissao de especialistas. Em seguida, foi aplicada a versao adaptada a oito pacientes que responderam ao questionario e avaliadas as dificuldades com as palavras traduzidas. Essa versao em portugues, adaptada culturalmente, passou por uma traducao retrograda para o Ingles, por outro tradutor americano com dominio nas duas linguas. A segunda versao em Ingles foi comparada com a versao original pelos pesquisadores e depois pelo autor do questionario. Resultado: Encontrou-se o valor de CCI de 0,83 para a avaliacao global das duas aplicacoes do questionario. Avaliados isoladamente, seis dominios apresentaram o CCI acima de 0,70, quatro entre 0,60 - 0,69 e tres abaixo de 0,60. A menor e maior concordancia foram alcancadas nos dominios referentes a etiologia e corticoides orais, respectivamente. Conclusao: Concluimos que o Questionario Bristol e reprodutivel e que pode ser aplicado em pacientes com de DPOC no Brasil.
Introduction. During the last few years, an increasing emphasis has been laid on the sensitivity over patients’ health conditions related to their families. Such an interest has led patients to desire more information about their conditions and, partly, health practitioners have recognized how important a disease self-control is for them. Aim. To adapt and assess the reproducibility of Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire on patients with cronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Method. The questionnaire was first translated into Portuguese by a native health practitioner who has mastery of the Portuguese language. The first version was culturally adapted by a board of experts. Hereupon, it was applied to eight patients who answered the questionnaire. Once it was fully understood, that culturally adapted Portuguese version went through a retrograde translation into English, by another native translator with mastery of both languages. The second English version was compared with the original version, and afterwards by the author of the questionnaire. Result. As a result of the possibilities of reproduction, we have a CCI of 0,83, equivalent to the 65 questions. Relatively, when we observe each domain from an independent perspective, we have 6 domains which presented a CCI above 0,70, 4, between 0,60 - 0,69 and 3 below 0,60 where the closest uniformity was reached into the domains referring to etiology and oral corticoids respectively. Conclusion. All things considered, we concluded that the Bristol Questionnaire is reproducible and can be applied to carrier patients of DPOC in Brazil.
Introduction. During the last few years, an increasing emphasis has been laid on the sensitivity over patients’ health conditions related to their families. Such an interest has led patients to desire more information about their conditions and, partly, health practitioners have recognized how important a disease self-control is for them. Aim. To adapt and assess the reproducibility of Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire on patients with cronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Method. The questionnaire was first translated into Portuguese by a native health practitioner who has mastery of the Portuguese language. The first version was culturally adapted by a board of experts. Hereupon, it was applied to eight patients who answered the questionnaire. Once it was fully understood, that culturally adapted Portuguese version went through a retrograde translation into English, by another native translator with mastery of both languages. The second English version was compared with the original version, and afterwards by the author of the questionnaire. Result. As a result of the possibilities of reproduction, we have a CCI of 0,83, equivalent to the 65 questions. Relatively, when we observe each domain from an independent perspective, we have 6 domains which presented a CCI above 0,70, 4, between 0,60 - 0,69 and 3 below 0,60 where the closest uniformity was reached into the domains referring to etiology and oral corticoids respectively. Conclusion. All things considered, we concluded that the Bristol Questionnaire is reproducible and can be applied to carrier patients of DPOC in Brazil.
SANTOS, Elenildo Aquino. Adaptação cultural e reprodutibilidade do Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire em pacientes portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica no Brasil. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2010.