Preferências entre funcionalidades de aplicativos de smartphone para monitorar a atividade física em adultos de acordo com o risco cardiovascular
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Introdução: No Brasil, o perfil de usuários de aplicativos de smartphone para atividade física é pouco conhecido. Em países desenvolvidos, os usuários são jovens com maior escolaridade e renda comparados aos não-usuários. Diante do crescimento da m-health, analisar as preferências das funcionalidades é imperativo, especialmente dos indivíduos de maior risco cardiovascular (RCV) que mais se beneficiam do aumento da atividade física habitual. A partir disso, é possível desenvolver e aprimorar as funcionalidades, principalmente para indivíduos com RCV aumentado. Objetivo: Identificar as preferências de funcionalidades para aplicativos de smartphone para monitorar a atividade física em indivíduos estratificados segundo a avaliação do RCV.Materiais e método: Trata-se de estudo transversal com 238 adultos selecionados do Estudo Epidemiológico do Movimento Humano (#186.796/2013) e do Projeto Playful data-driven Active Urban Living (#0499/2018). Os participantes forneceram dados sociodemográficos e informações sobre problemas de saúde prévios, uso regular de medicamentos e fatores de risco cardiovascular. Consideramos como RCV baixo < 2 fatores de risco e RCV moderado/alto > 2. Avaliamos as preferências dos participantes segundo: Personalização/individualização, Treinamento, Desempenho, Aspecto social, Feedback, Motivação, Dicas, Outras gerais, Outras sugestões de funcionalidades. Para determinar as preferências, comparamos a proporção de participantes com RCV baixo e moderado/alto para cada funcionalidade por meio do teste x2.Resultados: Nossa amostra foi composta por 238 indivíduos, sobretudo brancos inativos e hipertensos de meia-idade com sobrepeso e maior escolaridade. Os não-usuários têm maior média de idade e maiores prevalências de RCV comparados aos usuários. Em nossa amostra, 73,5% dos participantes apresentaram RCV baixo, enquanto 26,5% tiveram RCV moderado/alto. Apenas 36% e 14,3% dos participantes com RCV baixo e moderado/alto, respectivamente, foram considerados usuários. Para o grupo RCV baixo, a personalização/individualização é mais importante do que para moderado/alto. Contudo, o grupo RCV moderado/alto considera menos importante o aplicativo “oferecer um programa de treinamento” e “ter a opção de salvar e revisar dados do treinamento”. Embora referido por ambos os grupos, “Monitorar o próprio progresso” é mais importante para o RCV baixo. Os grupos não julgam tão importante “competir com amigos”, porém preferem “ser parte de uma comunidade/grupo”. Para o RCV baixo, “receber feedback sobre meu desempenho” e “ter pequenos objetivos/tarefas ou desafios a cumprir” são importantes, enquanto participantes com RCV moderado/alto preferem “receber mensagens motivadoras ou notificações”. Acima de 80% dos participantes preferem as funcionalidades relacionadas às dicas, exceto “receber sugestões de rotas ou locais para praticar a atividade”. Adicionalmente, indivíduos com RCV moderado/alto preferem “ter opção de navegação por voz no aplicativo”, enquanto aqueles com RCV baixo preferem “ter a opção de monitorar o percurso percorrido”.Conclusão: A navegação por voz e o recebimento de mensagens motivadoras são as funcionalidades preferidas por indivíduos com RCV moderado/alto, reforçando a necessidade de aprimorar e/ou desenvolver aplicativos com funcionalidades para atividade física baseados em evidências sólidas e orientados aos indivíduos, que precisam aumentar os níveis de atividade e aptidão físicas.
Introduction: In Brazil, the profile of users of smartphone applications for physical activity is little known. In developed countries, users are young people with higher education and income compared to non-users. Given the growth of m-health, analyzing functionality preferences is imperative, especially for individuals at higher cardiovascular risk (CVR) who benefit most from increased regular physical activity. From there, it is possible to develop and improve the functionalities, mainly for individuals with increased RCV. Objective: To identify functionality preferences for smartphone applications to monitor physical activity in individuals stratified according to the RCV assessment. Materials and method: We conducted a cross-sectional study with 238 adults selected from the Epidemiological Study of Human Movement (#186.796/2013) and the Playful data driven Active Urban Living Project (#0499/2018). Participants provided sociodemographic data and information about previous health problems, regular use of medications, and cardiovascular risk factors. We considered as low RCV < 2 risk factors and moderate/high RC > 2. We evaluated the participants' preferences according to: Personalization/individualization, Training, Performance, Social Aspect, Feedback, Motivation, Tips, General Others, Other Functionality Suggestions. To determine preferences, we compared the proportion of participants with low and moderate/high RCV for each feature using the x2 test. Results: Our sample consisted of 238 individuals, mostly inactive whites, and middle-aged hypertensive individuals with overweight and higher education. Non-users have a higher mean age and higher prevalence of CVR compared to users. In our sample, 73.5% of the participants had low CVR, while 26.5% had moderate/high CVR. Only 36% and 14.3% of participants with low and moderate/high CVR, respectively, were considered users. For the low RCV group, personalization/individualization is more important than for moderate/high. However, the moderate/high RCV group considered the application “offer a training program” and “having the option to save and review training data” less important. Although referred to by both groups, “Monitoring your own progress” is more important for low RCV. The groups do not think it is so important to “compete with friends ”but prefer to “be part of a community/group”. For the low RCV, “getting feedback on my performance” and “having small goals/tasks or challenges to accomplish” are important, while participants with moderate/high RCV prefer to “receive motivating messages or notifications”. Over 80% of participants prefer the features related to tips, except “receive suggestions for routes or places to practice the activity”. Additionally, individuals with moderate/high RCV prefer “to have voice navigation option in the app”, while those with low RCV prefer “to have the option to monitor the route traveled”. Conclusion: Voice browsing and receiving motivating messages are the features preferred by individuals with moderate/high CVR, reinforcing the need to improve and/or develop applications with physical activity features based on solid evidence and oriented to individuals who need increase levels of physical activity and fitness.
Introduction: In Brazil, the profile of users of smartphone applications for physical activity is little known. In developed countries, users are young people with higher education and income compared to non-users. Given the growth of m-health, analyzing functionality preferences is imperative, especially for individuals at higher cardiovascular risk (CVR) who benefit most from increased regular physical activity. From there, it is possible to develop and improve the functionalities, mainly for individuals with increased RCV. Objective: To identify functionality preferences for smartphone applications to monitor physical activity in individuals stratified according to the RCV assessment. Materials and method: We conducted a cross-sectional study with 238 adults selected from the Epidemiological Study of Human Movement (#186.796/2013) and the Playful data driven Active Urban Living Project (#0499/2018). Participants provided sociodemographic data and information about previous health problems, regular use of medications, and cardiovascular risk factors. We considered as low RCV < 2 risk factors and moderate/high RC > 2. We evaluated the participants' preferences according to: Personalization/individualization, Training, Performance, Social Aspect, Feedback, Motivation, Tips, General Others, Other Functionality Suggestions. To determine preferences, we compared the proportion of participants with low and moderate/high RCV for each feature using the x2 test. Results: Our sample consisted of 238 individuals, mostly inactive whites, and middle-aged hypertensive individuals with overweight and higher education. Non-users have a higher mean age and higher prevalence of CVR compared to users. In our sample, 73.5% of the participants had low CVR, while 26.5% had moderate/high CVR. Only 36% and 14.3% of participants with low and moderate/high CVR, respectively, were considered users. For the low RCV group, personalization/individualization is more important than for moderate/high. However, the moderate/high RCV group considered the application “offer a training program” and “having the option to save and review training data” less important. Although referred to by both groups, “Monitoring your own progress” is more important for low RCV. The groups do not think it is so important to “compete with friends ”but prefer to “be part of a community/group”. For the low RCV, “getting feedback on my performance” and “having small goals/tasks or challenges to accomplish” are important, while participants with moderate/high RCV prefer to “receive motivating messages or notifications”. Over 80% of participants prefer the features related to tips, except “receive suggestions for routes or places to practice the activity”. Additionally, individuals with moderate/high RCV prefer “to have voice navigation option in the app”, while those with low RCV prefer “to have the option to monitor the route traveled”. Conclusion: Voice browsing and receiving motivating messages are the features preferred by individuals with moderate/high CVR, reinforcing the need to improve and/or develop applications with physical activity features based on solid evidence and oriented to individuals who need increase levels of physical activity and fitness.
GOMES, Gabriela Ferreira. Preferências entre funcionalidades de aplicativos de smartphone para monitorar a atividade física em adultos de acordo com o risco cardiovascular. 2021. 51 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021