A disciplina escolar ciências: o caso da escola raul saddi (1974-2012)
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Por um longo período o âmbito da História da Educação foi formado por documentações escritas. A cultura material escolar participa do processo de ensino-aprendizagem porém, são escassas as pesquisas que analisam as práticas escolares partindo da utilização de artefatos. Quando os pesquisadores se propõem a estudar as práticas escolares são escassos os documentos para realizar as análises então, em diversos momentos só é possível localizar vestígios dessas práticas em artefatos esquecidos nos armários e porões das escolas. As informações das práticas escolares têm se perdido com o passar do tempo e esse é um motivo da urgência em se ter mais estudos sobre esse tema. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar de que forma os objetos de ensino de ciências participaram da cultura escolar no período de 1974-2012 e tentar entender como se deu a apropriação desses artefatos na escola. O presente trabalho é caracterizado como uma pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa e foi desenvolvido em duas fases: a constituição de uma fonte de pesquisa baseada nos objetos de educação em ciências e a história oral para apoiar os estudos e as análises da relação destes objetos com a memória dos sujeitos e a história da escola. As informações obtidas nas entrevistas foram cruzadas com as documentações localizadas tanto no arquivo escolar quanto fora da instituição. A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Estadual Raul Saddi localizada no município de Diadema – SP, a instituição atende alunos de Ensino Fundamental I. Ao investigar uma instituição escolar que não faz parte das instituições referências da educação no estado de São Paulo (que pode ser considerada modelo a ser seguido por outras instituições) especialmente tratando-se da temática da cultura escolar, afirma-se que toda instituição pode ser produtora e reprodutora de cultura e que cada escola pode possuir sua própria cultura. Entre os diversos artefatos que a escola possui em seu acervo percebeu-se que os objetos arcada dentária e o torso bissexual foram os que mais marcaram a vida escolar no período analisado. As temáticas centrais discutidas a partir dos objetos foram higiene bucal e o corpo/educação sexual. Identificou-se a partir das práticas escolares envolvendo estes artefatos um processo de apropriação.
For a long time, the scope of the History of Education consisted of written documentation. The school material culture is part of the teaching-learning process, but, on the other hand, there is little research about school practices based on artifacts use. When researchers set out to study school practices, they find few documents to analyze, and, in many cases, it is only possible to find traces of these practices on artifacts left in schools' closets and basements. Over time, information about school practices has been lost, making further studies on the topic urgent. This paper aims to verify how science-teaching objects integrated school culture between 1974 and 2012, as well as understand how the appropriation of these artifacts took place in school. It is characterized as an exploratory study of qualitative nature and was developed in two phases: the establishment of a research source based on the objects of science education and oral history to support the studies, as well as the analysis of the relationship of these objects with the memory of the subjects and the history of the school. The information obtained in the interviews was cross-checked with the documentation from the school archive and outside the institution. The research was carried out in the Raul Saddi State School, located in Diadema city, São Paulo state, attending first grade primary students. As it investigates a school not among the institutions that are a reference in the state of São Paulo (the ones considered a model to be followed by other institutions), especially when dealing with the issue of school culture, it is crucial to affirm that every institution can be a producer and reproducer of culture and that each school can have its own culture. Among the various artifacts in the school collection, the dental arch and the bisexual torso were noticeably the most present objects in school life in the analyzed period. The central topics discussed from the objects were oral hygiene and body/sexual education. A process of appropriation was identified from the school practices involving these artifacts.
For a long time, the scope of the History of Education consisted of written documentation. The school material culture is part of the teaching-learning process, but, on the other hand, there is little research about school practices based on artifacts use. When researchers set out to study school practices, they find few documents to analyze, and, in many cases, it is only possible to find traces of these practices on artifacts left in schools' closets and basements. Over time, information about school practices has been lost, making further studies on the topic urgent. This paper aims to verify how science-teaching objects integrated school culture between 1974 and 2012, as well as understand how the appropriation of these artifacts took place in school. It is characterized as an exploratory study of qualitative nature and was developed in two phases: the establishment of a research source based on the objects of science education and oral history to support the studies, as well as the analysis of the relationship of these objects with the memory of the subjects and the history of the school. The information obtained in the interviews was cross-checked with the documentation from the school archive and outside the institution. The research was carried out in the Raul Saddi State School, located in Diadema city, São Paulo state, attending first grade primary students. As it investigates a school not among the institutions that are a reference in the state of São Paulo (the ones considered a model to be followed by other institutions), especially when dealing with the issue of school culture, it is crucial to affirm that every institution can be a producer and reproducer of culture and that each school can have its own culture. Among the various artifacts in the school collection, the dental arch and the bisexual torso were noticeably the most present objects in school life in the analyzed period. The central topics discussed from the objects were oral hygiene and body/sexual education. A process of appropriation was identified from the school practices involving these artifacts.