Centros de defesa e convivência da mulher no município de São Paulo: os impactos do trabalho interdisciplinar
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O presente estudo desenvolvido no Programa de Pós- Graduação em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais teve por objetivo a problematização a respeito da atuação interdisciplinar no cuidado e proteção às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica realizada em serviços da rede socioassistencial do município de São Paulo, intitulados como Centros de Defesa e Convivência da Mulher (CDCMs). Trouxe para o debate o percurso histórico dos movimentos de mulheres na construção de políticas públicas de proteção e prevenção da violência e também na disputa do debate sobre as violências enfrentadas pelas mulheres, especialmente no contexto brasileiro, o qual é atravessado por questões econômicas, raciais e culturais específicas. A metodologia deste trabalho se baseou no método de pesquisa da teoria social, o qual buscou recompor a totalidade do objeto e sua historicidade. A fim de recompor o debate acerca da temática, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico e para trazer elementos da realidade dos serviços em questão, optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa de campo de natureza qualitativa. Os procedimentos adotados para obtenção de dados foi a realização do grupo focal com duas equipes técnicas de dois CDCMs, além da aplicação de um questionário, via Google Forms, para entendermos a opinião das mulheres assistidas pelos serviços. O referencial teórico se pautou em Gonzalez (2020) para enteder o feminismo negro, assim como em Federerici (2019) e Segato (2013) para entender aspectos relacionados à construção do patriarcado e as consequencias para as mulheres e Telles (1999) para compreender sobre a trajetória dos movimentos de mulheres na cidade de São Paulo. No campo das discussões sobre interdisciplinaridade o trabalho se pautou em Fazenda (2012) e Japiassu (1994).
This study, developed in the Postgraduate Program in Social Work and Social Policies, aimed to problematize the interdisciplinary approach to care and protection for women in situations of domestic violence carried out in services of the social welfare network of the city of São Paulo, known as Women's Defense and Coexistence Centers (CDCMs). It brought to the debate the historical path of women's movements in the construction of public policies for the protection and prevention of violence and also in the debate on the violence faced by women, especially in the Brazilian context, which is permeated by specific economic, racial and cultural issues. The methodology of this work was based on the research method of social theory, which sought to reconstruct the totality of the object and its historicity. In order to reconstruct the debate on the theme, a bibliographical survey was carried out and to bring elements of the reality of the services in question, it was decided to carry out a qualitative field research. The procedures adopted to obtain data were the realization of a focus group with two technical teams from two CDCMs, in addition to the application of a questionnaire, via Google Forms, to understand the opinion of the women assisted by the services. The theoretical framework was based on Gonzalez (2020) to understand black feminism, as well as on Federerici (2019) and Segato (2013) to understand aspects related to the construction of patriarchy and the consequences for women and Telles (1999) to understand the trajectory of women's movements in the city of São Paulo. In the field of discussions on interdisciplinarity, the work was based on Fazenda (2012) and Japiassu (1994).
This study, developed in the Postgraduate Program in Social Work and Social Policies, aimed to problematize the interdisciplinary approach to care and protection for women in situations of domestic violence carried out in services of the social welfare network of the city of São Paulo, known as Women's Defense and Coexistence Centers (CDCMs). It brought to the debate the historical path of women's movements in the construction of public policies for the protection and prevention of violence and also in the debate on the violence faced by women, especially in the Brazilian context, which is permeated by specific economic, racial and cultural issues. The methodology of this work was based on the research method of social theory, which sought to reconstruct the totality of the object and its historicity. In order to reconstruct the debate on the theme, a bibliographical survey was carried out and to bring elements of the reality of the services in question, it was decided to carry out a qualitative field research. The procedures adopted to obtain data were the realization of a focus group with two technical teams from two CDCMs, in addition to the application of a questionnaire, via Google Forms, to understand the opinion of the women assisted by the services. The theoretical framework was based on Gonzalez (2020) to understand black feminism, as well as on Federerici (2019) and Segato (2013) to understand aspects related to the construction of patriarchy and the consequences for women and Telles (1999) to understand the trajectory of women's movements in the city of São Paulo. In the field of discussions on interdisciplinarity, the work was based on Fazenda (2012) and Japiassu (1994).
SCHNEIDER, Paula Francieli Bamberg. Centros de defesa e convivência da mulher no município de São Paulo: os impactos do trabalho interdisciplinar. 2024. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.