Entre a aparência e a essência: conhecendo os determinantes do acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes do Vale do Ribeira - SP
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O presente trabalho se propõe a realizar uma análise de como a questão social se expressa na vida de famílias atendidas pelos serviços de acolhimento institucional para crianças e adolescentes na região do Vale do Ribeira – SP. Para tanto, os percursos metodológicos se deram fundamentados na teoria social crítica, utilizando como método o materialismo-histórico-dialético. Por meio de procedimentos analíticos, como pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e empírica, buscou-se realizar aproximações sucessivas à realidade das famílias, sujeitos desta pesquisa, no intuito de construir as mediações necessárias para o entendimento dos fenômenos que atravessam suas vidas. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada em treze municípios do Vale do Ribeira, através da aplicação de instrumental na modalidade questionário e coleta de informações secundárias. O estudo bibliográfico traz apreensões críticas de autores clássicos do serviço social, e de estudiosos contemporâneos, respalda-se de maneira preponderante em duas categorias de análises: “Questão Social” e “Proteção Social”, chaves-analíticas eleitas como essenciais na construção das mediações necessárias para compreender as dimensões em que se configura a realidade das famílias atendidas pelos SAICA do Vale do Ribeira, desvelando como a questão social se expressa nesses cotidianos, quem são essas famílias, suas condições de vida, e os acessos e não acessos às políticas públicas e sociais. Essas aproximações nos conduzem ao universo dos acolhimentos institucionais, ou seja, os fatores que determinaram esses afastamentos familiares. Nessa complexa relação entre proteção e desproteção, veremos, que esses espaços têm um público pré-definido, o estudo mostra que essas famílias têm classe, gênero, raça e cor, além de terem suas vidas carregadas por várias expressões que permeiam a estrutura capitalista.
This study aims to analyze how social issues are expressed in the lives of families served by institutional care services for children and adolescents in the Vale do Ribeira region of São Paulo. To this end, the methodological approaches were based on critical social theory, using historical-dialectical materialism as a method. Through analytical procedures, such as bibliographical, documentary and empirical research, we sought to make successive approximations to the reality of the families, the subjects of this research, in order to construct the necessary mediations for understanding the phenomena that permeate their lives. The empirical research was carried out in thirteen municipalities in the Ribeira Valley, through the application of instruments in the form of a questionnaire and collection of secondary information. The bibliographic study brings critical insights from classic authors of social services and contemporary scholars, and is predominantly supported by two categories of analysis: <Social Issue= and <Social Protection=, analytical keys chosen as essential in the construction of the necessary mediations to understand the dimensions in which the reality of the families served by SAICA in Vale do Ribeira is configured, revealing how the social issue is expressed in these daily lives, who these families are, their living conditions, and access and lack of access to public and social policies. These approaches lead us to the universe of institutional shelters, that is, the factors that determined these family separations. In this complex relationship between protection and lack of protection, we will see that these spaces have a pre-defined audience; the study shows that these families have class, gender, race and color, in addition to having their lives filled with various expressions that permeate the capitalist structure.
This study aims to analyze how social issues are expressed in the lives of families served by institutional care services for children and adolescents in the Vale do Ribeira region of São Paulo. To this end, the methodological approaches were based on critical social theory, using historical-dialectical materialism as a method. Through analytical procedures, such as bibliographical, documentary and empirical research, we sought to make successive approximations to the reality of the families, the subjects of this research, in order to construct the necessary mediations for understanding the phenomena that permeate their lives. The empirical research was carried out in thirteen municipalities in the Ribeira Valley, through the application of instruments in the form of a questionnaire and collection of secondary information. The bibliographic study brings critical insights from classic authors of social services and contemporary scholars, and is predominantly supported by two categories of analysis: <Social Issue= and <Social Protection=, analytical keys chosen as essential in the construction of the necessary mediations to understand the dimensions in which the reality of the families served by SAICA in Vale do Ribeira is configured, revealing how the social issue is expressed in these daily lives, who these families are, their living conditions, and access and lack of access to public and social policies. These approaches lead us to the universe of institutional shelters, that is, the factors that determined these family separations. In this complex relationship between protection and lack of protection, we will see that these spaces have a pre-defined audience; the study shows that these families have class, gender, race and color, in addition to having their lives filled with various expressions that permeate the capitalist structure.
PEREIRA, Mariana Roque. Entre a aparência e a essência: conhecendo os determinantes do acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes do Vale do Ribeira - SP. 2024. 122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.