Ictiofauna da zona de arrebentação de praias arenosas do estado de São Paulo
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As praias arenosas definidas como ecossistemas localizadas na faixa de transição
entre o continentes e o mar são altamente impactados e sem legislação própria de
proteção. Estas abrigam muitas espécies de peixes de pequeno porte que utilizam a
zona de arrebentação para forrageamento, proteção contra predação e berçário para
peixes marinhos e macrocrustáceos. O litoral paulista, com cerca de 430 km de
extensão, formado por praias arenosas oceânicas e insulares, se destaca pela
escassez de informação disponível sobre a riqueza, composição e padrões de
distribuição da ictiofauna da zona de arrebentação. Esse trabalho avaliou os padrões
de distribuição da fauna de peixes da costa do estado de São Paulo e o efeito da
salinidade, temperatura e o arco praial como medida de área. Para isso foi construído
uma base de dados biológicos sobre presença das espécies da ictiofauna de praia da
zona de arrebentação do estado de São Paulo e, paralelamente com uma base de
dados das variáveis ambientais salinidade (SAL) e temperatura da superfície do mar
(TSM) extraídos por dados de satélite da “COPERNICUS”. O arco praial foi obtido por
imagem de satélite do programa “GOOGLE EARTH PRO”. Uma Análise de
Componentes Principais (PCA) reteve aproximadamente 81%, mas não foi observada
correlação entre elas. Uma Análise de Coordenas Principais (PCoA) com a matriz de
dissimilaridade de Jaccard foi utilizada para ordenar as 18 amostras obtidas. A
composição da ictiofauna da zona de arrebentação de praias arenosas dissipativas
apresentou-se muito homogênea em toda costa com altos valores de similaridade,
avaliando entre 40% a 92%, composta, principalmente, pelas espécies da ordem de
Perciformes. Por fim uma regressão linear múltipla sugere que diferenças devem ser
esperadas em escala de estudo mais abrangente.
Sandy beaches represent by ecosystems located in the continent-sea transition are highly impacted and do not possess a proper protection legislation. Beaches are habitat to many species of small fishes that usually forages at the surf zone. This infralittoral zone also provides protection against predation and a nursery habitat for some important fish and macrocrustaceans. The São Paulo coast, with about 430 km long is composed by oceanic and insular sandy beaches. Futhermore, it stands out for the scarcity of available information on the richness, composition and patterns of fish species distribution in the surf zone. The proposal of this study was to build the most complete inventory of fishes from the surf zone of the sandy beaches of the state of São Paulo. To do so, were evaluated the distribution patterns of ichthyofauna and the effect of salinity, temperature and beach arc as a measure of area. For this purpose, a biological database with the presence of the species in the surf zone was constructed based on literature. In parallel, a database of environmental variables such as salinity (SAL) and temperature (STM) were extracted by satellite data from “COPERNICUS”. The beach arc was obtained by a satellite image from Google Earth. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) retained 81% of the variation but no correlation was detected among them. A Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) with the Jaccard dissimilarity matrix was used to order the 18 beaches samples obtained. A total of 140 fish species along surf zone of dissipative beaches was recognized. The composition of the ichthyofauna is very homogeneous throughout the coast with high values of similarity (between 40% to 92%) composed mainly by species of the order of Perciformes. Finally, a multiple regression suggests that differences should be expected in a more comprehensive study scale.
Sandy beaches represent by ecosystems located in the continent-sea transition are highly impacted and do not possess a proper protection legislation. Beaches are habitat to many species of small fishes that usually forages at the surf zone. This infralittoral zone also provides protection against predation and a nursery habitat for some important fish and macrocrustaceans. The São Paulo coast, with about 430 km long is composed by oceanic and insular sandy beaches. Futhermore, it stands out for the scarcity of available information on the richness, composition and patterns of fish species distribution in the surf zone. The proposal of this study was to build the most complete inventory of fishes from the surf zone of the sandy beaches of the state of São Paulo. To do so, were evaluated the distribution patterns of ichthyofauna and the effect of salinity, temperature and beach arc as a measure of area. For this purpose, a biological database with the presence of the species in the surf zone was constructed based on literature. In parallel, a database of environmental variables such as salinity (SAL) and temperature (STM) were extracted by satellite data from “COPERNICUS”. The beach arc was obtained by a satellite image from Google Earth. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) retained 81% of the variation but no correlation was detected among them. A Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) with the Jaccard dissimilarity matrix was used to order the 18 beaches samples obtained. A total of 140 fish species along surf zone of dissipative beaches was recognized. The composition of the ichthyofauna is very homogeneous throughout the coast with high values of similarity (between 40% to 92%) composed mainly by species of the order of Perciformes. Finally, a multiple regression suggests that differences should be expected in a more comprehensive study scale.
TARELOW, Beatriz Aragão. Ictiofauna da zona de arrebentação de praias arenosas do estado de São Paulo. 2021. 36f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.