Cartografias da resistência: mulheres em situação de rua, políticas de cuidado, pandemia
Dissertação de mestrado
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Esta pesquisa-rio com mulheres em situação de rua, que emerge em meio à pandemia de Covid 19, propõe cartografar algumas de suas histórias de vida, atenta à inventividade em seus modos de
resistência. Uma abertura a outras histórias, que potencialmente tensionem o instituído, os
discursos hegemônicos, a ordem violenta da lógica colonial, capitalista, sexista, racista, produtora
de misérias e assujeitamentos. Um processo de problematizações, considerando dimensões macro
e micropolíticas, sobre gêneros, sexualidades, relações raciais, desigualdades,
interseccionalidade, políticas de cuidado e políticas públicas - especialmente nas áreas de saúde
mental, atenção psicossocial e proteção social. A população em situação de rua cria seus modos de
viver, de tecer suas redes, seus cuidados, suas movimentações nômades. São diversas as políticas
públicas que precisam estar articuladas intersetorialmente na busca por afirmação da vida e de
direitos. A Atenção Psicossocial no SUS implica em uma contínua criação conjunta de estratégias,
em rede, a partir das singularidades dos territórios, especialmente no contexto da pandemia. Esta
cartografia busca estar junto com a população em situação de rua, em territórios da cidade de
Santos/SP, a partir de parcerias com coletivos, vinculações, ações, andanças cotidianas, somadas a
lembranças e desassossegos de outros tempos de atuação profissional na Rede de Atenção
Psicossocial - RAPS e no Sistema Único de Assistência Social - SUAS. A proposta é de mergulhar
neste rio e em seus acontecimentos, com uma bússola ética contracolonial e histórias de Marias
como guias. Os escritos desse percurso fluem a partir do Diário de Campo, com fabulações de
narrativas, a partir de encontros e memórias, e com um olhar para a potência da vida em resistência
ao poder sobre a vida. Uma aposta de que as narrativas podem ser potenciais produtoras de
processos de subjetivação e de analisadores de políticas de cuidado e de interseccionalidade. Um
movimento de sondar pistas para o reencantamento de discursos, práticas, saberes, pesquisas, na
criação de cuidados nômades, de rupturas em relações de poder e na potencialização da vida.
This research-river with homeless women, emerging with the pandemic of Covid-19, proposes to research by cartography some of her stories of life, attentive to inventiveness in her modes of resistance. An opening to other stories, that potentially tension the instituted, the hegemonic discourses, the violent order of colonial, capitalist, sexist and racist logic, producer of miseries and subjection. A process of problematizations, considering macro and micro political dimensions, about gender, sexualities, racial relations, inequalities, intersectionality, care policies and public policies - especially in the areas of mental health, psychosocial care and social protection. The homeless population creates its ways of living, of weaving its networks, its care, its nomadic movements. There are several public policies that need to be intersectorally articulated in the search for the affirmation of life and rights. Psychosocial Care in the SUS implies a continuous joint creation of strategies, in a network, based on the singularities of the territories, especially in the context of the pandemic. This cartography seeks to be together with the homeless population, in territories of the city of Santos/SP, based on partnerships with collectives, bindings, actions, daily wanderings, added to memories and uneasiness of other times of professional performance in the Psychosocial Care Network - RAPS and in the Unified Social Assistance System - SUAS. The proposal is to delve into this river and its events, with a counter-colonial ethical compass and stories of Marias as guides. The writings of this path flow from the Field Diary, with narrative fabulations, from meetings and memories, and with a look at the power of life in resistance to the power over life. A bet that narratives can be potential producers of subjectivation processes and analyzers of care and intersectionality policies. A movement to probe clues for the re-enchantment of discourses, practices, knowledge, research, in the creation of nomadic care, of ruptures in power relations and aiming to potentialization of life.
This research-river with homeless women, emerging with the pandemic of Covid-19, proposes to research by cartography some of her stories of life, attentive to inventiveness in her modes of resistance. An opening to other stories, that potentially tension the instituted, the hegemonic discourses, the violent order of colonial, capitalist, sexist and racist logic, producer of miseries and subjection. A process of problematizations, considering macro and micro political dimensions, about gender, sexualities, racial relations, inequalities, intersectionality, care policies and public policies - especially in the areas of mental health, psychosocial care and social protection. The homeless population creates its ways of living, of weaving its networks, its care, its nomadic movements. There are several public policies that need to be intersectorally articulated in the search for the affirmation of life and rights. Psychosocial Care in the SUS implies a continuous joint creation of strategies, in a network, based on the singularities of the territories, especially in the context of the pandemic. This cartography seeks to be together with the homeless population, in territories of the city of Santos/SP, based on partnerships with collectives, bindings, actions, daily wanderings, added to memories and uneasiness of other times of professional performance in the Psychosocial Care Network - RAPS and in the Unified Social Assistance System - SUAS. The proposal is to delve into this river and its events, with a counter-colonial ethical compass and stories of Marias as guides. The writings of this path flow from the Field Diary, with narrative fabulations, from meetings and memories, and with a look at the power of life in resistance to the power over life. A bet that narratives can be potential producers of subjectivation processes and analyzers of care and intersectionality policies. A movement to probe clues for the re-enchantment of discourses, practices, knowledge, research, in the creation of nomadic care, of ruptures in power relations and aiming to potentialization of life.
AUGUSTO, Fernanda Carla de Moraes. Cartografias da resistência: mulheres em situação de rua, políticas de cuidado, pandemia. 2023. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.