Diferenças entre categorias e correlação entre variáveis neuromotoras e desempenho de jovens surfistas

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O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar, comparar e correlacionar variáveis neuromotoras com a performance de jovens das categorias de base do surfe. Para tanto, foram avaliados 76 atletas das categorias masculina e feminina sub12 (15), sub14 (19), sub16 (20) e sub18 (22) do Circuito Hang Loose Surf Attack e observada a colocação final no ranking. As variáveis analisadas foram: Maturação (Pico de Velocidade de Crescimento - PVC), controle motor e estabilidade (In-Line half-kneeling), equilíbrio dinâmico (Y-Balance Test - YBT), mobilidade e estabilidade de ombros e tronco (Upper Quarte Y-Balance Test - UQYBT), potência de membros inferiores (Countermovement Jump - CMJ e Squat Jump - SJ) e de membros superiores (Arremesso Medicine Ball - AMB). Foi realizado cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o nível de significância adotado foi 5%. Os resultados mostraram que na categoria sub12 masculina houve correlações entre a colocação no ranking e YBT_D_Ant (r = 0,80), YBT_D_ScoreComp (r = 0,69) e YBT_E_Ant (r = 0,94) e, na feminina para o YBT_E_Ant (r = 0,92). A categoria sub14 masculina apresentou correlação para AMB (r = -0,58), CMJ(W/kg) (r = -0,68), SJ(cm) (r = -0,76) e SJ(W/kg) (r = -0,70), já a categoria feminina apresentou correlação para Maturação (r = 0,76), YBT_D_Med (r = -0,80), YBT_D_Lat (r = -0,87), UQYBT_D_Sup (r = -0,83), UQYBT_D_ScoreComp (r = -0,76) e YBT_E_Lat (r = -0,93). A categoria sub16 apresentou correlação apenas na categoria masculina no UQYBT_E_Sup (r = 0,63). Na categoria sub18 masculina a correlação apareceu para YBT_D_Med (r = -0,58) e na feminina para UQYBT_D_Med (r = -0,78). Quando comparada as categorias, observou-se tanto no masculino quanto feminino que não houve diferenças entre sub16 e sub18, já entre sub12 e sub14 houve diferença no aspecto maturacional no masculino (p = 0,036). Porém, quando comparadas sub12 e sub14 com sub16 e sub18 observou-se diferenças (p ≤ 0,05) em praticamente todas as variáveis para o masculino e, para o feminino, diferenças maturacionais quando comparado sub12 com sub16 e sub18 (0,018 e 0,003 respectivamente) assim como quando comparado sub14 com sub16 e sub18 (0,039 e 0,007 respectivamente). Além disso, a produção relativa de força (W/kg) foi diferente entre sub12 e sub18 (0,014). Concluiu-se que na categoria sub12 feminina e principalmente masculina, a dorsiflexão plantar em ambos os lados é inversamente proporcional ao ranking. Já a categoria sub14 masculina se mostrou influenciada pela potência de membros superiores e inferiores e a categoria feminina pelo nível maturacional e melhores níveis de alcance unilateral dinâmico de membros inferiores e superiores, ao passo que as categorias sub16 e sub18 demonstraram poucas variáveis correlacionadas com o ranking em ambos os sexos.
The objective of this study was to characterize, compare, and correlate neuromotor variables with the performance of young athletes in the base categories of surfing. For this purpose, 76 athletes from the male and female under-12 (15), under-14 (19), under-16 (20), and under-18 (22) categories of the Hang Loose Surf Attack Circuit were evaluated, and their final ranking positions were recorded. The analyzed variables were: Maturation (Peak Height Velocity - PHV), motor control and stability (In-Line Half-Kneeling), dynamic balance (Y-Balance Test - YBT), shoulder and trunk mobility and stability (Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test - UQYBT), lower limb power (Countermovement Jump - CMJ and Squat Jump - SJ), and upper limb power (Medicine Ball Throw - MBT). Spearman's correlation coefficient was calculated, and the significance level adopted was 5%. The results showed that, in the male under-12 category, correlations were found between ranking position and YBT_D_Ant (r = 0.80), YBT_D_ScoreComp (r = 0.69), and YBT_E_Ant (r = 0.94). In the female under-12 category, a correlation was observed for YBT_E_Ant (r = 0.92). In the male under-14 category, correlations were observed for MBT (r = -0.58), CMJ (W/kg) (r = -0.68), SJ (cm) (r = -0.76), and SJ (W/kg) (r = -0.70). In the female under-14 category, correlations were identified for Maturation (r = 0.76), YBT_D_Med (r = -0.80), YBT_D_Lat (r = -0.87), UQYBT_D_Sup (r = -0.83), UQYBT_D_ScoreComp (r = -0.76), and YBT_E_Lat (r = -0.93). The male under-16 category showed a correlation for UQYBT_E_Sup (r = 0.63), while in the under-18 category, correlations were observed for YBT_D_Med (r = -0.58) in males and for UQYBT_D_Med (r = -0.78) in females. When comparing the categories, no differences were observed between under-16 and under-18 in both males and females. However, differences in maturation were noted between under-12 and under-14 males (p = 0.036). When comparing under-12 and under-14 with under-16 and under-18, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were observed in almost all variables for males. For females, maturation differences were found when comparing under-12 with under-16 and under-18 (p = 0.018 and p = 0.003, respectively) and under-14 with under-16 and under-18 (p = 0.039 and p = 0.007, respectively). Additionally, relative force production (W/kg) differed between under-12 and under-18 (p = 0.014). It was concluded that, in the female and especially male under-12 categories, plantar dorsiflexion on both sides is inversely proportional to the ranking. In the male under-14 category, performance was influenced by upper and lower limb power, while in the female category, performance was influenced by maturation level and better dynamic unilateral reach levels of the lower and upper limbs. The under-16 and under-18 categories demonstrated few variables correlated with ranking in both sexes.
SANTOS, Marcel Fernandes. Diferenças entre categorias e correlação entre variáveis neuromotoras e desempenho de jovens surfistas. 2024. 62 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.
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