Rede de Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa Idosa em São Paulo: desafios no campo dos direitos
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Na realidade brasileira, observa-se que os desafios que cercam o processo de envelhecimento se apresentam como expressões da questão social em um contexto de modernização do Estado e da economia, que aprofunda desigualdades e concentra privilégios. Envelhecer é visto como um problema social no sistema capitalista e é nesse contexto das relações de produção e reprodução social que se explica as diferentes formas de envelhecer de cada indivíduo, conforme os determinantes sociais aos quais estiveram expostos ao longo da vida. O município de São Paulo possui cerca de dois milhões de pessoas com mais de 60 anos, despertando a atenção, sobretudo, no que diz respeito às condições de saúde e de acesso a bens e serviços sociais dessa população. Em 2019, foi instituída na capital paulista, a Rede de Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa Idosa (RASPI), composta por serviços de saúde e sociosanitários específicos para o atendimento desse público, configurada como importante estratégia de cuidados em saúde da pessoa idosa. A construção do sistema de garantia dos direitos da pessoa idosa no Brasil teve participação imprescindível dos velhos e velhas trabalhadores/as em movimentos sociais e espaços de controle social, como os conselhos de direitos. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a construção e execução da RASPI enquanto mecanismo de acesso ao direito dos/as idosos/as à saúde pública no município. Trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental em fontes públicas, com análise crítica das Atas do Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Pessoa Idosa (CMI) de São Paulo, registradas no período de 2018 a 2022. Destacam-se os avanços na formulação de políticas públicas de saúde à população idosa na capital; os desafios na efetivação dessa política, com a maioria dos serviços que compõem a RASPI localizados na região central do município, onde concentra a população com melhor nível socioeconômico; e embora tenhamos encontrado dificuldade em acessar os registros das atas em sua totalidade, nota-se os esforços do CMI na execução da RASPI, levantando as demandas apresentadas pela sociedade e conselheiros participantes, e elaborando respostas institucionais. Espera-se, com este estudo, contribuir com uma análise crítico-dialética da temática do envelhecimento na cidade de São Paulo e o acesso à rede de cuidados em saúde, possibilitando expressar subsídios aos agentes formuladores de políticas públicas para a pessoa idosa.
In the Brazilian reality, it is observed that the challenges surrounding the aging process are presented as expressions of the social issue in a context of modernization of the State and the economy, which deepens inequalities and concentrates privileges. Aging is seen as a social problem in the capitalist system and it is in this context of relations of production and social reproduction that the different ways in which each individual ages are explained, according to the social determinants to which they have been exposed throughout their lives. The city of São Paulo has approximately two million people over the age of 60, drawing attention, above all, with regard to the health conditions and access to social goods and services of this population. In 2019, the Health Care Network for the Elderly (RASPI) was established in the capital of São Paulo, consisting of specific health and social health services to serve this population, configured as an important health care strategy for the elderly. The construction of the system to guarantee the rights of the elderly in Brazil had the essential participation of elderly workers in social movements and spaces of social control, such as rights councils. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the construction and implementation of RASPI as a mechanism for accessing the elderly's right to public health in the municipality. This is a bibliographic and documentary research in public sources, with a critical analysis of the Minutes of the Municipal Council for the Rights of the Elderly (CMI) of São Paulo, recorded in the period from 2018 to 2022. The advances in the formulation of public health policies for the elderly population in the capital stand out; the challenges in implementing this policy, with most of the services that make up RASPI located in the central region of the municipality, where the population with a higher socioeconomic level is concentrated; and although we found it difficult to access the records of the minutes in their entirety, the efforts of CMI in implementing RASPI are noted, raising the demands presented by society and participating councilors, and developing institutional responses. This study is expected to contribute with a critical-dialectical analysis of the issue of aging in the city of São Paulo and access to the health care network, enabling the expression of subsidies to agents formulating public policies for the elderly.
In the Brazilian reality, it is observed that the challenges surrounding the aging process are presented as expressions of the social issue in a context of modernization of the State and the economy, which deepens inequalities and concentrates privileges. Aging is seen as a social problem in the capitalist system and it is in this context of relations of production and social reproduction that the different ways in which each individual ages are explained, according to the social determinants to which they have been exposed throughout their lives. The city of São Paulo has approximately two million people over the age of 60, drawing attention, above all, with regard to the health conditions and access to social goods and services of this population. In 2019, the Health Care Network for the Elderly (RASPI) was established in the capital of São Paulo, consisting of specific health and social health services to serve this population, configured as an important health care strategy for the elderly. The construction of the system to guarantee the rights of the elderly in Brazil had the essential participation of elderly workers in social movements and spaces of social control, such as rights councils. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the construction and implementation of RASPI as a mechanism for accessing the elderly's right to public health in the municipality. This is a bibliographic and documentary research in public sources, with a critical analysis of the Minutes of the Municipal Council for the Rights of the Elderly (CMI) of São Paulo, recorded in the period from 2018 to 2022. The advances in the formulation of public health policies for the elderly population in the capital stand out; the challenges in implementing this policy, with most of the services that make up RASPI located in the central region of the municipality, where the population with a higher socioeconomic level is concentrated; and although we found it difficult to access the records of the minutes in their entirety, the efforts of CMI in implementing RASPI are noted, raising the demands presented by society and participating councilors, and developing institutional responses. This study is expected to contribute with a critical-dialectical analysis of the issue of aging in the city of São Paulo and access to the health care network, enabling the expression of subsidies to agents formulating public policies for the elderly.
SILVA, Suellen Cristina de Jesus. Rede de Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa Idosa em São Paulo: desafios no campo dos direitos. 2024. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.