Significados de Sofrimento e Dor: Visões de Profissionais e de Pessoas em Tratamento com Auriculopuntura e Toque Terapêutico
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Os fenômenos de dor e sofrimento são desafiadores para pessoas, profissionais e
serviços de saúde. Na busca de entender significados da relação entre sofrimento e
dor, foram destacadas as causas que transcendem as dimensões biológicas e
psicossomáticas, envolvendo fatores culturais subjacentes. A pesquisa etnográfica
teve como objetivo geral investigar os significados de sofrimento e dor, na visão de
profissionais e pessoas em tratamento por dois tipos de Medicinas Alternativas e
Complementares (MAC)/Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde (PICS): o
Toque Terapêutico e a Auriculoterapia. Os objetivos específicos foram compreender
as percepções das pessoas em tratamento com o Toque Terapêutico ou
Auriculoterapia sobre dor e sofrimento e identificar a atuação dos profissionais nesse
modo de cuidado. Ao privilegiar a abordagem etnográfica, a pesquisa baseou-se na
perspectiva hermenêutica de Geertz, centrando-se na observação mais aproximada e
aprofundada, que permitisse um mergulho no universo pesquisado, visando à
compreensão da intensidade que o sofrimento representa, bem como seu alcance nos
aspectos pessoal, familiar e social. A pesquisa ocorreu no Centro Thermal da Lama
Negra de Peruibe ou Lamario, designado como unidade de referência para
atendimento com as PICS, após a implantação da Política Municipal de Práticas
Integrativas (Lei 3587/2018). Os usuários foram atendidos por voluntários do
Movimento de Educação Popular em Saúde (MOPS). Os profissionais da
Auriculoterapia observados foram um médico e uma terapeuta holística e do Toque
Terapêutico uma terapeuta holística. Foram selecionados doze usuários assim
distribuídos: para Auriculoterapia com a terapeuta holística, seis iniciaram e três
completaram o ciclo de sessões; para Auriculoterapia com médico, cinco mulheres
completaram todas as sessões e para o Toque Terapêutico com a terapeuta holística,
duas mulheres completaram os ciclos, sendo que uma usuária foi atendida com as
duas práticas. As narrativas referiram reclamações semelhantes de dores rebeldes,
limitantes, caminhantes, causadoras de transtornos emocionais, relacionais e sociais;
histórico de infância pobre, difícil, com dificuldades no relacionamento familiar,
incluindo abandono, perdas, violência física e moral e ainda sofrimentos físicos e
psíquicos ao lidar com as limitações impostas em sua rotina; desgastes com a
sucessão de consultas e medicações sem obtenção da cura esperada; ônus financeiro
e efeitos indesejáveis que resultaram em agravamento de sua condição. Os
profissionais se mostraram sensibilizados, estabelecendo conexões com os usuários,
ultrapassando o distanciamento profissional, relacionando-se em horizontalidade,
afetividade, atenção e interesse em apresentar opções de alívio, para além da
terapêutica. Os resultados decorreram de um conjunto de ações agregadas à prática
em si e que compreenderam o modo como as pessoas foram recepcionadas,
escutadas, tratadas, orientadas e consideradas em sua inteireza e humanidade.
Evidenciou-se a importância do modo de cuidado que favoreceu a interação entre
usuários e profissionais estabelecendo uma relação afetiva baseada no acolhimento
e na escuta, proporcionado um vínculo de confiança fundamental ao sucesso do
tratamento e abrindo a possibilidade de resgatar a identidade social perdida,
reintegrando essas pessoas à malha social da qual estavam apartadas.
The phenomena of pain and suffering are challenging for people, professionals and health services. In the search to understand meanings of the relationship between suffering and pain, the causes that transcend the biological and psychosomatic dimensions were highlighted, involving underlying cultural factors. The general objective of the ethnographic research was to investigate the meanings of suffering and pain, in the view of professionals and people being treated by two types of Alternative and Complementary Medicines (AMC)/Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (ICHP): Therapeutic Touch and Auriculotherapy. The specific objectives were to understand the perceptions of people being treated with Therapeutic Touch or Auriculotherapy on pain and suffering and identify the performance of professionals in this mode of care. By favouring the ethnographic approach, the research was based on the hermeneutic perspective of Geertz, focusing on the closest and most thorough observation, which would allow a plunge into the universe researched, aiming at understanding the intensity that suffering represents, as well as its reach in the personal, family and social aspects. The research occurred in the Lama Negra Thermal Centre of Peruibe or Lamario, designated as a reference unit for care with ICHP, after the implementation of the Municipal Policy of Integrative Practices (Law 3587/2018). The users were attended by volunteers from the Movement for Popular Education in Health (MOPS). The professionals of Auriculotherapy observed were a doctor and a holistic therapist and of Therapeutic Touch a holistic therapist. Twelve users were selected and distributed as follows: for Auriculotherapy with the holistic therapist, six started and three completed the cycle of sessions; for Auriculotherapy with a physician, five women completed all the sessions and for Therapeutic Touch with the holistic therapist, two women completed the cycles, and one user was seen with both practices. The narratives mentioned similar complaints of rebellious, limiting, wandering pains, causing emotional, relational and social disorders; a poor, difficult childhood history, with difficulties in family relationships, including abandonment, losses, physical and moral violence and physical and psychological suffering when dealing with the limitations imposed on their routine; wear and tear with the succession of consultations and medications without obtaining the expected cure; financial burden and undesirable effects which resulted in worsening of their condition. The professionals were sensitized, establishing connections with users, going beyond the professional distance, relating horizontally, affection, attention and interest in presenting options for relief, beyond the therapeutic. The results were due to a set of actions added to the practice itself and that understood how people were received, listened to, treated, guided and considered in their wholeness and humanity. It was evidenced the importance of the mode of care that favored the interaction between users and professionals establishing an affective relationship based on welcoming and listening, providing a bond of trust essential to the success of the treatment and opening the possibility of rescuing the lost social identity, reintegrating these people to the social network from which they were apart
The phenomena of pain and suffering are challenging for people, professionals and health services. In the search to understand meanings of the relationship between suffering and pain, the causes that transcend the biological and psychosomatic dimensions were highlighted, involving underlying cultural factors. The general objective of the ethnographic research was to investigate the meanings of suffering and pain, in the view of professionals and people being treated by two types of Alternative and Complementary Medicines (AMC)/Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (ICHP): Therapeutic Touch and Auriculotherapy. The specific objectives were to understand the perceptions of people being treated with Therapeutic Touch or Auriculotherapy on pain and suffering and identify the performance of professionals in this mode of care. By favouring the ethnographic approach, the research was based on the hermeneutic perspective of Geertz, focusing on the closest and most thorough observation, which would allow a plunge into the universe researched, aiming at understanding the intensity that suffering represents, as well as its reach in the personal, family and social aspects. The research occurred in the Lama Negra Thermal Centre of Peruibe or Lamario, designated as a reference unit for care with ICHP, after the implementation of the Municipal Policy of Integrative Practices (Law 3587/2018). The users were attended by volunteers from the Movement for Popular Education in Health (MOPS). The professionals of Auriculotherapy observed were a doctor and a holistic therapist and of Therapeutic Touch a holistic therapist. Twelve users were selected and distributed as follows: for Auriculotherapy with the holistic therapist, six started and three completed the cycle of sessions; for Auriculotherapy with a physician, five women completed all the sessions and for Therapeutic Touch with the holistic therapist, two women completed the cycles, and one user was seen with both practices. The narratives mentioned similar complaints of rebellious, limiting, wandering pains, causing emotional, relational and social disorders; a poor, difficult childhood history, with difficulties in family relationships, including abandonment, losses, physical and moral violence and physical and psychological suffering when dealing with the limitations imposed on their routine; wear and tear with the succession of consultations and medications without obtaining the expected cure; financial burden and undesirable effects which resulted in worsening of their condition. The professionals were sensitized, establishing connections with users, going beyond the professional distance, relating horizontally, affection, attention and interest in presenting options for relief, beyond the therapeutic. The results were due to a set of actions added to the practice itself and that understood how people were received, listened to, treated, guided and considered in their wholeness and humanity. It was evidenced the importance of the mode of care that favored the interaction between users and professionals establishing an affective relationship based on welcoming and listening, providing a bond of trust essential to the success of the treatment and opening the possibility of rescuing the lost social identity, reintegrating these people to the social network from which they were apart
IGNATTI, Carmencita. Significados de Sofrimento e Dor: Visões de Profissionais e de Pessoas em Tratamento com Auriculopuntura e Toque Terapêutico. 2021. 184 f. Tese (Doutorado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.