Economia solidária e meio ambiente: a sustentabilidade na construção e desenvolvimento da Osasco Solidária
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Este trabalho explora a temática da economia solidária voltada ao desenvolvimento sustentável
e a sustentabilidade ambiental. Busca-se analisar e compreender os elementos de
sustentabilidade ambiental associados às políticas públicas de economia solidária municipais.
O estudo de caso analisado é a Osasco Solidária, economia solidária do município de Osasco-SP, em que a preocupação com o desenvolvimento sustentável é prevista na Lei em que foi
homologada. A revisão bibliográfica apresenta um levantamento histórico da economia
solidária, contendo um panorama dos principais pesquisadores da área e seus conceitos básicos,
em seguida traz uma breve discussão sobre a institucionalização do desenvolvimento
sustentável e as diferentes perspectivas do entendimento da sustentabilidade ambiental. O
método utilizado para a análise das entrevistas semiestruturadas foi a triangulação
metodológica, realizada unindo as respostas coletadas através dos questionários aplicados em
entrevistas realizadas com agentes ligados à burocracia da política pública que deu origem à
Osasco Solidária com os membros dos empreendimentos em processo de incubação ou já
graduados desta política pública; além da análise de documentos públicos e registros do
município de Osasco, observação participante em reuniões do Fórum Oeste Metropolitano de
Economia Solidária e na VI Plenária Regional de Economia Solidária, e a bibliografia
relacionada ao tema. O estudo demonstrou que o município de Osasco compreende e promove
os princípios sustentáveis com micropolíticas de forma a minimizar impactos ambientais em
todos os processos realizados nos projetos solidários. Por outro lado, a aderência dos projetos
da Osasco Solidária aos princípios da economia solidária acontece de forma lenta devido à falta
de oferta de formação contínua aos membros dos empreendimentos. Por fim, ressalta-se que
são necessários empenhos complementares para difundir os conceitos ambientais entre os
participantes e ampliar as ações para reforçar o conhecimento dos princípios da Osasco
Solidária. E ainda, aponta para a necessidade de reestruturação da Secretaria Nacional de
Economia Solidária e ampliação do fomento em projetos ligados à economia solidária.
This paper traverses the theme of solidarity economy focused on sustainable development and environmental sustainability. Seeking the comprehension of the elements of environmental sustainability associated with public policies of municipal solidary economy. The case studied is Osasco Solidária, a solidary economy in the municipality of Osasco-SP, in which the concern with sustainable development is foreseen in the Law in which it was ratified. This review article presents a historical survey of the solidarity economy, with an overview of the main theoretical aspects and their basic concepts, then brings a brief discussion about the institutionalization of sustainable development and the different perspectives of understanding environmental sustainability. Several qualitative methods were used in this research. The method used for analysis and discuss the case study was semi-structured interviews using the methodological triangulation, carried out by uniting the answers collected through the questionnaires applied in interviews with agents linked to the public policy bureaucracy that gave rise to Osasco Solidária, and with the members enterprises from this public policy; in addition to the analysis of public documents and records of the municipality of Osasco, participant observation in meetings of the Oeste Metropolitano Solidarity Economy Forum and the VI Regional Plenary of Solidarity Economy, and also the bibliography related to the theme. The study proved that the municipality of Osasco understands and promotes the principles directed with micropolicies to minimize the environmental impacts in all processes carried out in solidarity projects. On the other hand, the adherence of Osasco Solidária's projects to the principles of the solidary economy happens slowly due to the lack of continuous training offered to the members of the enterprises. Finally, it is emphasized that complementary efforts are needed to disseminate environmental concepts among participants and expand actions to reinforce knowledge of the principles of Osasco Solidária. Furthermore, it points to the need to restructure the National Secretariat for the Solidarity Economy and to expand the promotion of projects linked to the solidarity economy.
This paper traverses the theme of solidarity economy focused on sustainable development and environmental sustainability. Seeking the comprehension of the elements of environmental sustainability associated with public policies of municipal solidary economy. The case studied is Osasco Solidária, a solidary economy in the municipality of Osasco-SP, in which the concern with sustainable development is foreseen in the Law in which it was ratified. This review article presents a historical survey of the solidarity economy, with an overview of the main theoretical aspects and their basic concepts, then brings a brief discussion about the institutionalization of sustainable development and the different perspectives of understanding environmental sustainability. Several qualitative methods were used in this research. The method used for analysis and discuss the case study was semi-structured interviews using the methodological triangulation, carried out by uniting the answers collected through the questionnaires applied in interviews with agents linked to the public policy bureaucracy that gave rise to Osasco Solidária, and with the members enterprises from this public policy; in addition to the analysis of public documents and records of the municipality of Osasco, participant observation in meetings of the Oeste Metropolitano Solidarity Economy Forum and the VI Regional Plenary of Solidarity Economy, and also the bibliography related to the theme. The study proved that the municipality of Osasco understands and promotes the principles directed with micropolicies to minimize the environmental impacts in all processes carried out in solidarity projects. On the other hand, the adherence of Osasco Solidária's projects to the principles of the solidary economy happens slowly due to the lack of continuous training offered to the members of the enterprises. Finally, it is emphasized that complementary efforts are needed to disseminate environmental concepts among participants and expand actions to reinforce knowledge of the principles of Osasco Solidária. Furthermore, it points to the need to restructure the National Secretariat for the Solidarity Economy and to expand the promotion of projects linked to the solidarity economy.
ASSIS, Mariana Nunes de. Economia solidária e meio ambiente: A sustentabilidade na construção e desenvolvimento da Osasco Solidária. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.