Atividade inflamatória, oxidante e proliferativa em fígado e rim de ratos expostos ao crack
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O crack é uma das drogas ilícitas mais utilizadas ao redor do mundo, sendo o consumo e a disseminação desenfreada representam grande problema de saúde pública. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos da exposição subaguda de crack no contexto inflamatório, oxidativo e proliferativo em fígado e rim de ratos Wistar. Para tanto, o trabalho foi dividido em 4 capítulos a citar: o Capítulo I foi dedicado a estabelecer uma revisão de literatura acerca do assunto; o Capítulo II apresentamos uma revisão de literatura intitulada “Genotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammatory response induced by crack cocaine: relevance to carcingoenesis” publicada na Revista Environmental Science and Pollution Research; o Capítulo III apresentamos o artigo intitulado “Histopathological and inflammatory response in multiple organs of rats exposed to crack“, que foi aceito para a publicação na Revista International Journal of Environmental Health Research e finalmente o Capítulo IV apresentamos o artigo intitulado “Genomic instability suppresses toll like signaling pathway in rat liver exposed to crack cocaine, que foi aceito para publicação na revista In Vivo.
Crack cocaine is one of the most widely used illicit drugs worldwide, with consumption and widespread dissemination seen as a major public health problem. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of subacute crack cocaine exposure in the inflammatory, oxidative and proliferative context in the liver and kidney of male Wistar rats. To this end, the study was categorized into 4 chapters as follows: Chapter I was dedicated to establishing a literature review on the subject; Chapter II presents a literature review entitled “Genotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammatory response induced by crack cocaine: relevance to carcinogenesis ”, in which was published to Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Chapter III we present the article entitled “Histopathological and inflammatory response in multiple organs of rats exposed to crack“, in which was accepted into International Journal of Environmental Health Research finally chapter IV we present the article entitled “Genomic instability suppresses toll like signaling pathway in rat liver exposed to crack cocaine, which was accepted into In Vivo.
Crack cocaine is one of the most widely used illicit drugs worldwide, with consumption and widespread dissemination seen as a major public health problem. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of subacute crack cocaine exposure in the inflammatory, oxidative and proliferative context in the liver and kidney of male Wistar rats. To this end, the study was categorized into 4 chapters as follows: Chapter I was dedicated to establishing a literature review on the subject; Chapter II presents a literature review entitled “Genotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammatory response induced by crack cocaine: relevance to carcinogenesis ”, in which was published to Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Chapter III we present the article entitled “Histopathological and inflammatory response in multiple organs of rats exposed to crack“, in which was accepted into International Journal of Environmental Health Research finally chapter IV we present the article entitled “Genomic instability suppresses toll like signaling pathway in rat liver exposed to crack cocaine, which was accepted into In Vivo.
SOUZA, Daniel Vitor de. Atividade inflamatória, oxidante e proliferativa em fígado e rim de ratos expostos ao crack. 2021. 141 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.