Fisioterapia em cuidados paliativos para mulheres com câncer de mama ou ginecológico: revisão integrativa da literatura
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Introdução: para o Brasil, estimam-se 66.280 casos novos de câncer para cada ano do triênio 2020-2022. Em se tratando dos tumores ginecológicos, que compreendem vulva, vagina, colo do útero, endométrio, tuba uterina e ovário, o câncer de colo uterino é um dos mais frequentes no Brasil, com mais de 16 mil casos novos para cada ano do triênio 2020-2022, sendo considerado problema de saúde pública. Diante do diagnóstico de doença que ameace a vida, preconiza-se abordagem por meio dos cuidados paliativos, a fim de prevenir e aliviar sintomas. Essa abordagem integra aspectos físicos, psicossociais e espirituais, necessitando, portanto, de equipe multiprofissional. E nesse contexto, a Fisioterapia tem muito a contribuir para o cuidado do paciente oncológico. Objetivo: identificar e analisar produções científicas que envolvam os recursos utilizados pela Fisioterapia nos sintomas e complicações mais prevalentes em mulheres com câncer de mama e ginecológico metastáticos. Métodos: trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases BVS, PEDro, PubMed e Scopus a partir dos descritores e suas associações, sendo eles: fisioterapia, cuidados paliativos, câncer de mama e câncer ginecológico. Considerou-se o período de 5 anos (entre 2017 e 2022) e os estudos foram selecionados pelo título, resumo e leitura do texto completo. Síntese da análise: foram selecionados um total de 6 artigos. Destes, 4 apresentaram como sintomas e/ou condições das mulheres com doença avançada, a dor, o linfedema maligno, a dispneia e a fadiga; e 2 tiveram como foco a estratégia de abordagem para com essas mulheres, por meio de atividade física supervisionada ou por meio de orientação domiciliar. Os recursos mais utilizados foram o complexo descongestivo fisioterapêutico para linfedema; cinesioterapia respiratória e incentivador respiratório para dispneia; eletroacupuntura e bandagem terapêutica para dor; e orientações e conservação de energia para fadiga. Em relação à estratégia de abordagem, observou-se nos estudos que as mulheres preferem exercícios e atividade física supervisionados por profissionais especializados. Conclusão: foi possível observar com esta revisão que, embora a atuação do fisioterapeuta deva ser baseada em evidências, adaptações às condições apresentadas pelas mulheres que se encontram em cuidados paliativos devem ser feitas ao utilizar os recursos fisioterapêuticos. Abordagem supervisionada por profissional especializado - em oposição à orientação domiciliar - para prática de atividade física e exercícios tiveram a preferência das mulheres com câncer avançado.
Introduction: for Brazil, 66.280 new cases of cancer are estimated for each year of the 2020-2022 triennium. When it comes to gynecological tumors, which include vulva, vagina, cervix, endometrium, uterine tube and ovary, cervical cancer is one of the most frequent in Brazil, with more than 16,000 new case for each year of the 2020-2022 triennium, being considered a public health problem. Faced with the diagnosis of a lifethreatening disease, an approach through palliative care is recommended in order to prevent and relieve symptoms. This approach integrates physical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects, requiring, therefore, a multiprofessional team. In this context, physical therapy has much to contribute to the care of cancer patients. Objective: to identify and analyze scientific Productions that involve the resources used by physical therapy in the most prevalent symptoms and complications in women with metastatic breast and gynecological cancer. Methods: this is an integrative literature review conducted in the bases BVS, PEDro, PubMed and Scopus from the descriptors and their associations, being them: physiotherapy, palliative care, breast cancer and gynecological cancer. The period of 5 years (between 2017 and 2022) was considered and the studies were selected by title, abstract and reading of the entire text. Synthesis of the analysis: a total of 6 articles were selected. Of these, four presented symptoms and/or conditions of women with advanced disease, pain, malignant lymphedema, dyspnea and fatigue; and two had as focus the approach strategy towards these women, through supervised physical activity or through home guidance. The most used resources were the physiotherapeutic decongestive complex for lymphedema; respiratory kinesiotherapy and respiratory incentive for dyspnea; electroacupunture and kinesiology taping for pain; and guidance and energy conservation for fatigue. Regarding the approach strategy, it was observed in the studies that women prefer exercises and physical activity supervised by specialized professionals. Conclusion: it was possible to observe with this review that, although the performance of the physiotherapist should be based on evidence, adaptations to the conditions presented by women who are in palliative care, should be made when using physiotherapeutic resources. Supervised approach by a specialized professional – as opposed to home orientation – for physical activity and exercise had the preference of women with advanced cancer.
Introduction: for Brazil, 66.280 new cases of cancer are estimated for each year of the 2020-2022 triennium. When it comes to gynecological tumors, which include vulva, vagina, cervix, endometrium, uterine tube and ovary, cervical cancer is one of the most frequent in Brazil, with more than 16,000 new case for each year of the 2020-2022 triennium, being considered a public health problem. Faced with the diagnosis of a lifethreatening disease, an approach through palliative care is recommended in order to prevent and relieve symptoms. This approach integrates physical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects, requiring, therefore, a multiprofessional team. In this context, physical therapy has much to contribute to the care of cancer patients. Objective: to identify and analyze scientific Productions that involve the resources used by physical therapy in the most prevalent symptoms and complications in women with metastatic breast and gynecological cancer. Methods: this is an integrative literature review conducted in the bases BVS, PEDro, PubMed and Scopus from the descriptors and their associations, being them: physiotherapy, palliative care, breast cancer and gynecological cancer. The period of 5 years (between 2017 and 2022) was considered and the studies were selected by title, abstract and reading of the entire text. Synthesis of the analysis: a total of 6 articles were selected. Of these, four presented symptoms and/or conditions of women with advanced disease, pain, malignant lymphedema, dyspnea and fatigue; and two had as focus the approach strategy towards these women, through supervised physical activity or through home guidance. The most used resources were the physiotherapeutic decongestive complex for lymphedema; respiratory kinesiotherapy and respiratory incentive for dyspnea; electroacupunture and kinesiology taping for pain; and guidance and energy conservation for fatigue. Regarding the approach strategy, it was observed in the studies that women prefer exercises and physical activity supervised by specialized professionals. Conclusion: it was possible to observe with this review that, although the performance of the physiotherapist should be based on evidence, adaptations to the conditions presented by women who are in palliative care, should be made when using physiotherapeutic resources. Supervised approach by a specialized professional – as opposed to home orientation – for physical activity and exercise had the preference of women with advanced cancer.
SANTOS, Naiara Cristina Teles dos. Fisioterapia em cuidados paliativos para mulheres com câncer de mama ou ginecológico: revisão integrativa da literatura. 2023. 44 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.