Interações entre o exercício físico e medicamentos utilizados por indivíduos com obesidade: uma revisão da literatura
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A obesidade é uma doença multifatorial que cresce de maneira acentuada, tanto em países desenvolvidos, quanto em países em desenvolvimento. Acredita-se que uma estratégia interdisciplinar em saúde pode ser mais efetiva do que intervenções isoladas para o controle e tratamento da obesidade. Contudo, a relação entre intervenções não farmacológicas (exercícios) e as possíveis interações com determinadas classes de medicamentos, normalmente utilizadas por obesos, têm sido pouco descrita na literatura. Assim, o estudo objetiva investigar os efeitos de diferentes protocolos de exercícios sobre uso de medicamentos em indivíduos obesos, por meio de uma revisão da literatura. Os descritores utilizados para busca foram “obesidade”, “exercício físico”, treinamento físico, “medicamentos”, “interação”, e a combinação dos termos, em português e em inglês. Foram consultadas as plataformas Lillacs, Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), National Library of Medicine (PubMed) e Web of Science, sendo incluídos 9 estudos. Com base nos resultados encontrados, nota-se que os principais medicamentos utilizados pelos obesos são os hipoglicemiantes orais, hipotensores e estatinas, e que, os protocolos de exercícios dos estudos incluíram o treinamento aeróbio, como o mais frequente. Conclui-se a partir dos artigos analisados que os medicamentos citados podem prejudicar alguns dos efeitos benéficos do exercício físico, interferindo sobre a sensibilidade à insulina e aptidão cardiovascular, dependendo do protocolo de exercício/medicamento estudado. Contudo, em função de estudos com resultados conflitantes sobre esse tema, são necessárias novas pesquisas que aprofundem o conhecimento sobre a interação dos exercícios com os medicamentos mais utilizados por obesos.
Obesity is a multifactorial disease that is growing at an alarming rate, both in developed and developing countries. It is believed that an interdisciplinary health strategy can be more effective than isolated interventions for the control and treatment of obesity. However, the relationship between non-pharmacological interventions (exercise) and possible interactions with certain classes of medications, normally used by obese people, has been little described in the literature. Thus, the project aims to investigate the effects of different exercise protocols on medication use in obese individuals, through a literature review. The descriptors used for the search were “obesity”, “physical exercise”, physical training, “medicines”, “interaction”, and the combination of terms, in Portuguese and in English. The platforms Lillacs, Scielo, Virtual Health Library (VHL), National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and Web of Science were consulted and 9 studies were included. Based on the results found, it is noted that the main medications used by the obese are oral hypoglycemic agents, hypotensives and statins, and that the exercise protocols in the studies included aerobic training, as the most frequent. It can be concluded from the articles analyzed that the drugs mentioned can impair some of the beneficial effects of physical exercise, interfering with insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular fitness, depending on the exercise protocol/medication studied. However, due to studies with conflicting results on this topic, further research is needed to deepen the knowledge about the interaction of exercise with the medications most used by obese people
Obesity is a multifactorial disease that is growing at an alarming rate, both in developed and developing countries. It is believed that an interdisciplinary health strategy can be more effective than isolated interventions for the control and treatment of obesity. However, the relationship between non-pharmacological interventions (exercise) and possible interactions with certain classes of medications, normally used by obese people, has been little described in the literature. Thus, the project aims to investigate the effects of different exercise protocols on medication use in obese individuals, through a literature review. The descriptors used for the search were “obesity”, “physical exercise”, physical training, “medicines”, “interaction”, and the combination of terms, in Portuguese and in English. The platforms Lillacs, Scielo, Virtual Health Library (VHL), National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and Web of Science were consulted and 9 studies were included. Based on the results found, it is noted that the main medications used by the obese are oral hypoglycemic agents, hypotensives and statins, and that the exercise protocols in the studies included aerobic training, as the most frequent. It can be concluded from the articles analyzed that the drugs mentioned can impair some of the beneficial effects of physical exercise, interfering with insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular fitness, depending on the exercise protocol/medication studied. However, due to studies with conflicting results on this topic, further research is needed to deepen the knowledge about the interaction of exercise with the medications most used by obese people
OLIVEIRA, Renan Santos Silva. Interações entre o exercício físico e medicamentos utilizados por indivíduos com obesidade: uma revisão da literatura. 2021. 29 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Educação Física) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.