Adesão de fisioterapeutas brasileiros à diretriz de prática clínica para o tratamento da fasciopatia plantar: um estudo observacional transversal
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Introdução: A adesão da Prática Baseada em Evidências pelos fisioterapeutas brasileiros contribui para a otimização do tempo tanto do paciente quanto do profissional, além de possibilitar a aplicação de intervenções mais eficazes e o uso racional dos recursos de saúde. No entanto, ainda não está claro se as condutas adotadas por esses profissionais no tratamento de pacientes com Fasciopatia Plantar estão alinhadas com as melhores evidências disponíveis. Objetivo: Investigar se as condutas adotadas por fisioterapeutas brasileiros no tratamento de pacientes com Fasciopatia Plantar estão fundamentadas nas melhores evidências científicas disponíveis, de acordo com as recomendações da American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) de 2023. Método: A amostra foi composta por fisioterapeutas de ambos os sexos, com diferentes tempos de experiência profissional, que atualmente atendem ou já atenderam pacientes com Fasciopatia Plantar. Os participantes que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão, responderam a um questionário sobre intervenções fisioterapêuticas no tratamento da Fasciopatia Plantar, incluindo intervenções recomendadas e não recomendadas pela APTA. Os dados foram coletados por meio da plataforma online (Google Forms). Em seguida, os participantes foram classificados com base na adesão de suas práticas às melhores evidências científicas disponíveis, conforme as diretrizes clínicas da APTA de 2023 para o tratamento da Fasciopatia Plantar. Resultados: O estudo contou com a participação de 234 fisioterapeutas, com idade média de 35 (±9) anos e tempo médio de experiência de 10 anos (±9). Em relação ao sexo, 129 participantes eram mulheres (55%) e 105 (45%) eram homens. Entre os participantes, apenas 1% (2 fisioterapeutas) apresentaram adesão total às diretrizes, enquanto 26% (60) apresentaram adesão parcial, 35% (82) tiveram baixa adesão e 38% (90) não apresentaram adesão. A única variável associada de forma significativa a uma maior adesão às diretrizes foi a pós-graduação lato sensu em traumato-ortopedia (p=0,015). Outras variáveis, como formação acadêmica, tempo de experiência profissional, modalidades de atendimento e métodos de atualização profissional, não apresentaram associação significativa com a adesão às diretrizes. Conclusão: A maioria dos fisioterapeutas brasileiros apresenta baixa ou nenhuma adesão às diretrizes da American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) de 2023. Esse cenário ressalta a necessidade de adotar estratégias eficazes para a disseminação e conscientização da prática baseada em evidências, a fim de assegurar que as intervenções realizadas pelos fisioterapeutas no Brasil estejam fundamentadas nas melhores evidências científicas disponíveis.
Introduction: Adherence to evidence-based practice by Brazilian physiotherapists contributes to optimizing both patient and professional time and enabling the application of more effective interventions and a more rational use of health resources. However, it is still being determined whether the chosen approaches adopted by these professionals to treat patients with Plantar Fasciopathy are fundamental or aligned with the best available evidence. Objective: To investigate whether the approaches adopted by Brazilian physiotherapists to treat patients with Plantar Fasciopathy are based on the best available scientific evidence, according to the recommendations of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) of 2023. Method: The sample consisted of physiotherapists of both sexes, with different lengths of professional experience, who currently treat or have treated patients with Plantar Fasciopathy. Participating volunteers who met the inclusion criteria answered a questionnaire about physical therapy interventions for treating plantar fasciopathy, including interventions recommended and not recommended by the APTA. Data were collected through an online platform (Google Forms). Then, participants were subsequently classified based on the adherence of their practices to the best interventions and scientific evidence available, according to the 2023 APTA clinical guidelines for treating plantar fasciopathy. Results: A total of 234 physical therapists participated in the study, with a mean age of 35 (±9) years and a mean experience of 10 years (±9). Regarding gender, 129 participants were women (55%), and 105 (45%) were men. Among the participants, only 1% (2 physiotherapists) fully adhered to the guidelines. In comparison, 26% (60) showed partial adherence, 35% (82) had low adherence, and finally, 38% (90) showed no adherence. The only variable significantly associated with greater adherence to the guidelines was a lato sensu postgraduate degree in trauma-orthopedics (p=0.015). Other variables, such as academic background, length of professional experience, forms of care, and methods of professional updating, did not show a significant association with adherence to the guidelines. Conclusion: Most Brazilian physiotherapists show low or no adherence to the 2023 American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) guidelines. This scenario highlights the need to adopt effective strategies for disseminating and raising awareness about evidence-based practice to ensure that the interventions performed by physiotherapists in Brazil are based on the best available scientific evidence.
Introduction: Adherence to evidence-based practice by Brazilian physiotherapists contributes to optimizing both patient and professional time and enabling the application of more effective interventions and a more rational use of health resources. However, it is still being determined whether the chosen approaches adopted by these professionals to treat patients with Plantar Fasciopathy are fundamental or aligned with the best available evidence. Objective: To investigate whether the approaches adopted by Brazilian physiotherapists to treat patients with Plantar Fasciopathy are based on the best available scientific evidence, according to the recommendations of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) of 2023. Method: The sample consisted of physiotherapists of both sexes, with different lengths of professional experience, who currently treat or have treated patients with Plantar Fasciopathy. Participating volunteers who met the inclusion criteria answered a questionnaire about physical therapy interventions for treating plantar fasciopathy, including interventions recommended and not recommended by the APTA. Data were collected through an online platform (Google Forms). Then, participants were subsequently classified based on the adherence of their practices to the best interventions and scientific evidence available, according to the 2023 APTA clinical guidelines for treating plantar fasciopathy. Results: A total of 234 physical therapists participated in the study, with a mean age of 35 (±9) years and a mean experience of 10 years (±9). Regarding gender, 129 participants were women (55%), and 105 (45%) were men. Among the participants, only 1% (2 physiotherapists) fully adhered to the guidelines. In comparison, 26% (60) showed partial adherence, 35% (82) had low adherence, and finally, 38% (90) showed no adherence. The only variable significantly associated with greater adherence to the guidelines was a lato sensu postgraduate degree in trauma-orthopedics (p=0.015). Other variables, such as academic background, length of professional experience, forms of care, and methods of professional updating, did not show a significant association with adherence to the guidelines. Conclusion: Most Brazilian physiotherapists show low or no adherence to the 2023 American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) guidelines. This scenario highlights the need to adopt effective strategies for disseminating and raising awareness about evidence-based practice to ensure that the interventions performed by physiotherapists in Brazil are based on the best available scientific evidence.
CASTRO, Iago Amancio Alves de. Adesão de fisioterapeutas brasileiros à diretriz de prática clínica para o tratamento da fasciopatia plantar: um estudo observacional transversal. 2024. 32 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.