Agência, engajamento e participação: interações entre crianças autistas e educadoras em sala de aula regular e especializada
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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever e analisar as possibilidades de e as formas pelas
quais se estrutura o trabalho mútuo de coparticipação constitutivo de interações que acontecem
em ambiente pedagógico entre crianças autistas e educadoras. O autismo é uma condição do
neurodesenvolvimento caracterizada por déficits na interação/comunicação social e
interesses/comportamentos restritos e repetitivos (AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC
ASSOCIATION, 2014). Para descrever e analisar as formas de trabalho mútuo em interações
de contexto educacional com a participação de crianças autistas selecionamos momentos
interacionais envolvendo a realização de tarefas pedagógicas (BULLA; SCHUTZ, 2018). Do
ponto de vista teórico, esta pesquisa mobiliza a perspectiva da análise da conversa multimodal
e análise das práticas corporificadas na interação social (STREECK; GOODWIN; LEBARON,
2011, MONDADA, 2016), com atenção para os estudos voltados à investigação
multidimensional da linguagem no autismo (STERPONI; KIRBY; SHANKEY, 2014) e de
práticas sociointeracionais envolvendo participantes autistas (OCHS; SOLOMON;
STERPONI, 2005; OCHS; SOLOMON, 2010). Para a realização desta pesquisa foi gerado um
corpus de interações das quais participam, em ambientes distintos, duas crianças autistas e
distintos interlocutores. Uma das crianças é Amanda, de idade de 10 anos, em ambiente de
escola regular, em interação em sala de aula com colegas estudantes, professora e auxiliar. A
outra criança é Ravi, de idade de 04 anos, em ambiente de educação especializada, em interação
com uma educadora. O corpus construído foi nomeado Interação, Corpo e Práticas mais
Inclusivas no TEA (InCorPI-TEA), autorizado pelo CEP-UNIFESP n°: 0710/2020. No que diz
respeito às análises apresentadas nesta tese, examinamos 09 excertos extraídos dos registros do
corpus de situações interacionais de convites à participação e de participação colaborativa para
o engajamento e realização de tarefas pedagógicas Os vídeos foram visualizados com auxílio
da ferramenta ELAN e transcritos com o sistema de transcrição multimodal de Mondada (2019).
Como resultado, identificamos que as crianças autistas participantes deste estudo, mesmo com
limitações linguístico-interacionais, participaram de situações envolvendo a realização de
tarefas pedagógicas, principalmente, em colaboração com a educadora. Para isso, lidam com
problemas interacionais, se envolvem em complexas negociações e podem precisar de mais
suporte social das participantes educadoras. Estas, por sua vez, precisam acomodar as
participações localmente, considerando e identificando a necessidade de construir turnos de fala
mais ou menos enfáticos e, por vezes, com mais pistas visuais. Também precisamos considerar
as limitações e as capacidades da criança que participa da tarefa proposta. Em alguns momentos,
vimos que uma ação de insistência do educador na participação da criança, sem recorrer a um
status de autoridade, possibilitou a agência do autista como membro do grupo escolar, até
mesmo quando essa agência se expressou como resistência à participação. Argumentamos que
as possibilidades de participar passam por um trabalho de todos os envolvidos nas situações
para realizar acomodações sociais (CAITITÉ, 2017) e para construir um espaço de coordenação
de sociabilidades (OCHS e SOLOMON, 2010). Contudo, o papel da educadora parece ser
central para criar condições para a criança autista exercer agência (RIOS, 2017; 2018; DOAK,
The present thesis aims to describe and analyze the possibilities of and the ways in which the mutual work of co-participation, constitutive of interactions that take place in a pedagogical environment between autistic children and educators, is structured. The autistic spectrum is characterized by the presence of engagement/social communication deficits, and restricted and repetitive interests/behavior (AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION, 2014). For the description and analysis of the mutual work in educational context interactions of the participation of autistic children, we selected interactional moments for the engagement, in interactive situations, involving the accomplishment of pedagogical tasks (BULLA e SCHUTZ, 2018). From a theoretical point of view, this research mobilizes for previous investigations carried within the approach of multimodal conversation analysis and analysis of practices embodied in social interaction (STREECK; GOODWIN; LEBARON, 2011, MONDADA, 2016), with special attention to studies in line with the multidimensional perspective of language in autism (STERPONI, KIRBY AND SHANKEY, 2014) and regarding the investigation of language in autism involving different and complementary dimensions, aimed at investigating sociointeractional practices involving autistic participants (OCHS; SOLOMON; STERPONI, 2005; OCHS; SOLOMON, 2010). In order to carry out this research, a corpus of interactions was generated in which two autistic children and different interlocutors participate in distinct environments. One of the children is Amanda, aged 10, in a regular school environment, interacting in the classroom with fellow students, teacher and assistant. The other child is Ravi, aged 04, in a specialized education environment, in interaction with an educator. The constructed corpus was named Interação, Corpo e Práticas Mais Inclusivas no TEA (InCorPI-TEA). Research Group authorized by the CEP-UNIFESP number: 0710/2020. With regard to the analyses presented in this study, we examined 09 excerpts extracted from the corpus records of interactional situations of invitations to participation and collaborative participation for engaging and carrying out pedagogical tasks. Methodologically, we made use of software ELAN, Praat and Mondada's Multimodal transcription system (2019). As a result, we identified that the autistic children, even those with linguistic-interactional limitations, engaged in interactional situations involving the accomplishment of pedagogical tasks, moreover in collaboration with the educator. They, therefore, handle interactional issues, engage in complex negotiations and may need more or less social support from the educators participating in the activity. Thus, these educators need to take the local participation into account and identify the need to build speech turns more or less emphatically and with more or less visual leads, bearing in mind the limitations and capabilities of the children participating in this proposed task. The educator’s emphasis on the children’s engagement, not resorting to an authoritative status, made the autistic agency possible even when that it was expressed as engagement resistance. We argue that participation may require hard work from all the participating agents so as to make the social accommodations (CAITITÉ, 2017) and build a space of coordination and sociability (OCHS e SOLOMON, 2010). In any case, the educator’s role seems to be central to creating the conditions for the autistic children’s agencies to be visible (RIOS, 2017; 2018; DOAK, 2018a).
The present thesis aims to describe and analyze the possibilities of and the ways in which the mutual work of co-participation, constitutive of interactions that take place in a pedagogical environment between autistic children and educators, is structured. The autistic spectrum is characterized by the presence of engagement/social communication deficits, and restricted and repetitive interests/behavior (AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION, 2014). For the description and analysis of the mutual work in educational context interactions of the participation of autistic children, we selected interactional moments for the engagement, in interactive situations, involving the accomplishment of pedagogical tasks (BULLA e SCHUTZ, 2018). From a theoretical point of view, this research mobilizes for previous investigations carried within the approach of multimodal conversation analysis and analysis of practices embodied in social interaction (STREECK; GOODWIN; LEBARON, 2011, MONDADA, 2016), with special attention to studies in line with the multidimensional perspective of language in autism (STERPONI, KIRBY AND SHANKEY, 2014) and regarding the investigation of language in autism involving different and complementary dimensions, aimed at investigating sociointeractional practices involving autistic participants (OCHS; SOLOMON; STERPONI, 2005; OCHS; SOLOMON, 2010). In order to carry out this research, a corpus of interactions was generated in which two autistic children and different interlocutors participate in distinct environments. One of the children is Amanda, aged 10, in a regular school environment, interacting in the classroom with fellow students, teacher and assistant. The other child is Ravi, aged 04, in a specialized education environment, in interaction with an educator. The constructed corpus was named Interação, Corpo e Práticas Mais Inclusivas no TEA (InCorPI-TEA). Research Group authorized by the CEP-UNIFESP number: 0710/2020. With regard to the analyses presented in this study, we examined 09 excerpts extracted from the corpus records of interactional situations of invitations to participation and collaborative participation for engaging and carrying out pedagogical tasks. Methodologically, we made use of software ELAN, Praat and Mondada's Multimodal transcription system (2019). As a result, we identified that the autistic children, even those with linguistic-interactional limitations, engaged in interactional situations involving the accomplishment of pedagogical tasks, moreover in collaboration with the educator. They, therefore, handle interactional issues, engage in complex negotiations and may need more or less social support from the educators participating in the activity. Thus, these educators need to take the local participation into account and identify the need to build speech turns more or less emphatically and with more or less visual leads, bearing in mind the limitations and capabilities of the children participating in this proposed task. The educator’s emphasis on the children’s engagement, not resorting to an authoritative status, made the autistic agency possible even when that it was expressed as engagement resistance. We argue that participation may require hard work from all the participating agents so as to make the social accommodations (CAITITÉ, 2017) and build a space of coordination and sociability (OCHS e SOLOMON, 2010). In any case, the educator’s role seems to be central to creating the conditions for the autistic children’s agencies to be visible (RIOS, 2017; 2018; DOAK, 2018a).
COTS, Caroline Paola. Agência, engajamento e participação: interações entre crianças autistas e educadoras em sala de aula regular e especializada. 2023. 199f. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos, 2023.