Estudo da internalização e do processamento de proteínas plasmáticas por proteases do plasmodium e avaliação da atividade biológica dos peptídeos gerados
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A malária constitui um sério problema para a saúde pública por ser uma moléstia que afeta milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e por apresentar altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. Além disso, é também um grave problema socioeconômico, uma vez que a doença e a pobreza estão intimamente relacionadas. O agente etiológico causador da malária é o protozoário do gênero Plasmodium e o seu ciclo de vida envolve um hospedeiro invertebrado e outro vertebrado. O hospedeiro invertebrado é o mosquito do gênero Anopheles que transmite as diferentes espécies infectantes. No hospedeiro vertebrado, o ciclo intraeritrocítico é o responsável pela distinta manifestação clínica da doença, como as febres periódicas, anemia severa, desequilíbrio no sistema inflamatório, no processo de coagulação e na hemodinâmica. A nossa proposta foi estudar a participação de proteínas plasmáticas do hospedeiro vertebrado, mais especificamente plasminogênio e cininogênio, na fisiopatologia da malária. Estas proteínas são internalizadas para o citosol do parasita e hidrolisadas por proteases do Plasmodium gerando peptídeos com atividade biológica. Assim, na presente tese investigamos o papel desses peptídeos na interação parasita-hospedeiro e a sua relação com a infecção. Nossos estudos mostraram que o processamento do plasminogênio pelo Plasmodium gera angiostatina, mas não plasmina, sugerindo que a clivagem não é inespecífica. A angiostatina gerada foi capaz de inibir a proliferação de vasos, aumentar a concentração de cálcio citoplasmático e diminuir a capacidade migratória em células endoteliais humanas de veias umbilicais. Corroborando o resultado de processamento do plasminogênio pelo P. falciparum, verificamos que este está significativamente diminuído no modelo murino de infecção por P. chabaudi AS. Já o processamento do cininogênio levou a formação de cininas, que foram capazes de aumentar o cálcio citoplasmático e interferir na migração de células endoteliais, entretanto não influenciaram na proliferação do P. falciparum, não promoveram mudanças significativas na viabilidade celular, na expressão protéica de receptores da bradicinina e tampouco na liberação de óxido nítrico. Para melhor estudar esses eventos, foram feitas as mesmas análises no modelo de infecção murino por P. chabaudi AS, usando como ferramenta camundongos knockout para os receptores de bradicinina B1, B2 e duplo knockout. Verificamos que ocorreu uma redução na sobrevivência dos camundongos knockout, enquanto que a concentração plasmática de bradicinina, os índices hematimétricos e a liberação de óxido nítrico não foram significantemente reduzidos nestes camundongos com deleção dos genes, mas estão diminuídos nos camundongos infectados, quando comparados com os não infectados. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a capacidade do parasita utilizar localmente os peptídeos gerados pelo processamento, controlando assim eventos no hospedeiro que beneficiam a manutenção do processo infeccioso.
Malaria is a serious problem for public health as it affects millions of people around the world and presents high morbidity and mortality rates. Furthermore, it is also a serious social and economic problem, since the disease and poverty are closely connected. The etiologic agent of malaria is a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium and its life cycle involves a vertebrate and an invertebrate host. The mosquito Anopheles is the invertebrate host that transmits different Plasmodium species. The intraerythrocytic cycle in the vertebrate host is responsible for the clinical manifestation of the disease, such as periodic fevers, severe anemia, imbalance in inflammatory system in coagulation process and hemodynamics. The aim of this study was to better understand the participation of host plasma proteins, specifically plasminogen and kininogen, in the malaria pathology. These proteins are internalized into the cytosol of the parasite and hydrolyzed by Plasmodium proteases generating peptides with biological activity. Thus, we investigated the role of these peptides in host-parasite interactions and their relationship with the infection. Our studies have shown that the processing of plasminogen by Plasmodium generates angiostatin-like fragments, but not plasmin, suggesting that the cleavage is specific. The generated fragment was capable of inhibiting the proliferation of blood vessels, to increase the concentration of cytoplasmic calcium and to reduce the migratory capacity of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Corroborating the result of the plasminogen cleavage by P. falciparum, we demonstrated this protein is significantly decreased in murine model of infection with P. chabaudi AS. The processing of kininogen by P. falciparum led to kinins formation, which were able to increase the cytoplasmic calcium and interfere with the migration of endothelial cells. However, the generated kinins did not promote significant changes in the proliferation of P. falciparum, in cell viability, in protein expression of bradykinin receptors and in the release of nitric oxide. Furthermore, the same analysis was performed in murine model of infection with P. chabaudi AS, using knockout receptor B1R, B2R and double knockout mice as tool. We found a reduction in the survival of the knockout mice, whereas the plasma concentration of bradykinin, the erythrocyte indices, and nitric oxide release were not significantly reduced in these mice with deletion of the genes, but are decreased in all infected mice when compared with the uninfected animals. These results suggest that the parasite exploits the locally generated kinins to control events in the host, benefiting the maintenance of infection
Malaria is a serious problem for public health as it affects millions of people around the world and presents high morbidity and mortality rates. Furthermore, it is also a serious social and economic problem, since the disease and poverty are closely connected. The etiologic agent of malaria is a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium and its life cycle involves a vertebrate and an invertebrate host. The mosquito Anopheles is the invertebrate host that transmits different Plasmodium species. The intraerythrocytic cycle in the vertebrate host is responsible for the clinical manifestation of the disease, such as periodic fevers, severe anemia, imbalance in inflammatory system in coagulation process and hemodynamics. The aim of this study was to better understand the participation of host plasma proteins, specifically plasminogen and kininogen, in the malaria pathology. These proteins are internalized into the cytosol of the parasite and hydrolyzed by Plasmodium proteases generating peptides with biological activity. Thus, we investigated the role of these peptides in host-parasite interactions and their relationship with the infection. Our studies have shown that the processing of plasminogen by Plasmodium generates angiostatin-like fragments, but not plasmin, suggesting that the cleavage is specific. The generated fragment was capable of inhibiting the proliferation of blood vessels, to increase the concentration of cytoplasmic calcium and to reduce the migratory capacity of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Corroborating the result of the plasminogen cleavage by P. falciparum, we demonstrated this protein is significantly decreased in murine model of infection with P. chabaudi AS. The processing of kininogen by P. falciparum led to kinins formation, which were able to increase the cytoplasmic calcium and interfere with the migration of endothelial cells. However, the generated kinins did not promote significant changes in the proliferation of P. falciparum, in cell viability, in protein expression of bradykinin receptors and in the release of nitric oxide. Furthermore, the same analysis was performed in murine model of infection with P. chabaudi AS, using knockout receptor B1R, B2R and double knockout mice as tool. We found a reduction in the survival of the knockout mice, whereas the plasma concentration of bradykinin, the erythrocyte indices, and nitric oxide release were not significantly reduced in these mice with deletion of the genes, but are decreased in all infected mice when compared with the uninfected animals. These results suggest that the parasite exploits the locally generated kinins to control events in the host, benefiting the maintenance of infection
MELO, Pollyana Maria Saud. Estudo da internalização e do processamento de proteínas plasmáticas por proteases do plasmodium e avaliação da atividade biológica dos peptídeos gerados. 2015. 141 f. Tese (Doutorado em Biologia Molecular) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2015.