Análise do valor nutricional, do teor de proteínas e composição de aminoácidos da dieta de gestantes vegetarianas
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Introdução: A posição da American Dietetic Association (ADA) em relação a dietas vegetarianas é que, se adequadamente planejadas, são apropriadas para todos os indivíduos em todas as fases do ciclo da vida, incluindo gravidez e lactação. Dietas vegetarianas possuem proteínas e aminoácidos adequados se alimentos ricos nestes nutrientes estiverem incluídos na alimentação, como as leguminosas, por exemplo.
Objetivo: Tendo em vista a falta de estudos que analisam a ingestão e qualidade proteica em dietas de gestantes vegetarianas estritas e ovolactovegetarianas, o presente estudo visa avaliar a quantidade de energia, classificação proteica e o perfil de aminoácidos consumido deste grupo específico, a partir de inquérito alimentar. Métodos: O recrutamento de voluntárias foi realizado através de redes sociais e a coleta de dados foi feita de maneira virtual, através de registros alimentares, os quais foram avaliados observando a quantidade de energia, proteína e o perfil de aminoácidos. Resultados: As gestantes vegetarianas estritas avaliadas tiveram resultados de ingestão proteica e calórica com menor variabilidade e com distribuição de valores maiores do que as ovolactovegetarianas. O perfil de aminoácido também foi melhor quando comparado ao outro grupo. A lisina foi o aminoácido limitante nos dois grupos, ficando abaixo de 100% no grupo ovolactovegetariano, assim como a metionina e cisteína.
Conclusão: No padrão alimentar vegetariano é essencial uma alimentação variada, com quantidades ajustadas e com os grupos de fonte proteica vegetal para atingir as recomendações de proteínas e aminoácidos, tendo atenção principalmente à lisina. São necessários mais estudos sobre a composição e digestibilidade de aminoácidos.
Introduction: The position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) about vegetarian diets is that, if planned, they are appropriate for every individual at all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy and lactation. Vegetarian diets have adequate proteins and amino acids if rich nutritious foods are included in the diet, such as legumes for example. Objective: Knowing about the lack of studies that analyze the protein intake and quality in strict vegetarians and ovolactovegetarian pregnants diets, this study aims to analyze the amount of energy, protein classification and amino acid profile being consumed by this specific group, through a food research. Methods: The volunteers recruitment has occurred virtually, using food records that have been evaluated through the observation of energy amount, protein and amino acid profile. Results: The evaluated strict vegetarian pregnant women had protein and caloric intake results with less variability and with greater distribution of values than lacto-ovo vegetarian women. The amino acid profile was also better when compared to the other group. Lysine was the limiting amino acid in both groups, remaining below 100% in the ovolactovegetarian group, as well as methionine and cysteine. Conclusion: In the vegetarian dietary pattern, a varied diet is essential, with adjusted amounts and with vegetable protein source groups to reach the protein and amino acid recommendations, paying attention mainly to lysine. More studies are needed on the composition and digestibility of amino acids.
Introduction: The position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) about vegetarian diets is that, if planned, they are appropriate for every individual at all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy and lactation. Vegetarian diets have adequate proteins and amino acids if rich nutritious foods are included in the diet, such as legumes for example. Objective: Knowing about the lack of studies that analyze the protein intake and quality in strict vegetarians and ovolactovegetarian pregnants diets, this study aims to analyze the amount of energy, protein classification and amino acid profile being consumed by this specific group, through a food research. Methods: The volunteers recruitment has occurred virtually, using food records that have been evaluated through the observation of energy amount, protein and amino acid profile. Results: The evaluated strict vegetarian pregnant women had protein and caloric intake results with less variability and with greater distribution of values than lacto-ovo vegetarian women. The amino acid profile was also better when compared to the other group. Lysine was the limiting amino acid in both groups, remaining below 100% in the ovolactovegetarian group, as well as methionine and cysteine. Conclusion: In the vegetarian dietary pattern, a varied diet is essential, with adjusted amounts and with vegetable protein source groups to reach the protein and amino acid recommendations, paying attention mainly to lysine. More studies are needed on the composition and digestibility of amino acids.
SOUZA, Pietra Oliveira Gualberto de. Análise do valor nutricional, do teor de proteínas e composição de aminoácidos da dieta de gestantes vegetarianas. 2023. 34 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Nutrição) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.