Reflexões sobre o Conselho de Direitos das Mulheres de Santos: avanços, desafios e a necessária representatividade das lutas e demandas das mulheres
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Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender a representatividade no interior do
Conselho Municipal dos Direitos das Mulheres de Santos. Para tanto, realiza pesquisa
documental entre o período de 2012 a 2020, problematizando a representação
qualitativa, as condições de participação e a autonomia do Conselho Apontamos que
sua representatividade é frágil, num contexto em que a maior parte das entidades civis
não são vinculadas com a temática de gênero. Ao longo do estudo propomos uma
revisão de literatura sobre a relação do liberalismo clássico com o patriarcado
moderno, apontando a construção de uma cidadania burguesa que apartou as
mulheres dos espaços deliberativos. Direcionamos nosso olhar para realidade
brasileira e propomos reconhecer as interseções entre raça, classe e gênero que
imprimem diferentes vivências às mulheres. Consideramos a importância dos
feminismos para a subversão dos papéis associados ao feminino e masculino, bem
como as estratégias de luta para o fortalecimento dos seus direitos, com ênfase na
participação do Conselho da Mulher nesse processo. Situamos o lócus dessa
pesquisa: o munícipio de Santos e, a partir de pesquisa documental problematizamos
a representatividade do Conselho da Mulher e fazemos um balanço de suas ações
(2012 a a 2020). Apontamos a necessidade de fortalecimento dos mecanismos de
controle social e reafirmamos que estes são espaços (possíveis) de resistência frente
aos desafios na contemporaneidade. Apresentam limitações aos parâmetros da
democracia burguesa e, portanto, devem ser acompanhados das lutas anticapitalistas
mais amplas.
This study aims to understand representation within the Santos Municipal Council for Women's Rights. To this end, it carries out documentary research between the period from 2012 to 2020, problematizing the qualitative representation, the conditions of participation and the autonomy of the Council in relation to the Executive. We point out that its representation is fragile, in a context in which most civil entities are not linked to gender issues. Throughout the study, we propose a literature review on the relationship between classical liberalism and modern patriarchy, pointing out the construction of a bourgeois citizenship that separated women from deliberative spaces. We direct our gaze to the Brazilian reality and propose to consider the intersections between race, class and gender that give different experiences to women. We consider the importance of feminisms for the subversion of the roles associated with feminine and masculine, as well as the fighting strategies for strengthening their rights, with an emphasis on the participation of the Women's Council in this process. It locates the locus of this research: the municipality of Santos and, based on documentary research, problematizes the representativeness of the Women's Council. We point out the need to strengthen social control mechanisms and reaffirm that these are (possible) spaces for resistance in the face of contemporary challenges. They present limitations to the restrictions of bourgeois democracy and, therefore, must be accompanied by broader anti-capitalist struggles.
This study aims to understand representation within the Santos Municipal Council for Women's Rights. To this end, it carries out documentary research between the period from 2012 to 2020, problematizing the qualitative representation, the conditions of participation and the autonomy of the Council in relation to the Executive. We point out that its representation is fragile, in a context in which most civil entities are not linked to gender issues. Throughout the study, we propose a literature review on the relationship between classical liberalism and modern patriarchy, pointing out the construction of a bourgeois citizenship that separated women from deliberative spaces. We direct our gaze to the Brazilian reality and propose to consider the intersections between race, class and gender that give different experiences to women. We consider the importance of feminisms for the subversion of the roles associated with feminine and masculine, as well as the fighting strategies for strengthening their rights, with an emphasis on the participation of the Women's Council in this process. It locates the locus of this research: the municipality of Santos and, based on documentary research, problematizes the representativeness of the Women's Council. We point out the need to strengthen social control mechanisms and reaffirm that these are (possible) spaces for resistance in the face of contemporary challenges. They present limitations to the restrictions of bourgeois democracy and, therefore, must be accompanied by broader anti-capitalist struggles.
SANTOS, Gabriela Alves dos Santos. Reflexões sobre o Conselho de Direitos das Mulheres de Santos: avanços, desafios e a necessária representatividade das lutas e demandas das mulheres. 2024. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.