Empreendimento áfrica em mãos - a arte griô na promoção de resiliência em adolescentes e jovens para a desconstrução do racismo
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Este estudo teve como proposta conhecer a influência da arte Griô no processo de resiliência em adolescentes e jovens e registrar a percepção deles sobre as contribuições do empreendimento cultural, para a desconstrução do racismo. A arte Griô, vem do conceito africano Griôt que no Brasil foi reelaborado pela Pedagogia Griô e instituído como ação educativa do Programa Cultura Viva com o eixo Ação Griô. A concepção ética Ubuntu como referencial teórico desta pesquisa e a Pedagogia das Encruzilhadas completam os conceitos para nossa investigação. O levantamento bibliográfico e pesquisa de campo com coleta de dados por meio da observação participativa com auxílio da teoria do ator-rede TAR e entrevistas semi estruturadas com adolescentes e jovens de 13 a 19 anos, analisadas com o método de analise de conteúdo, possibilitou o estudo tipo etnográfico. Considerando os processos de construção e manutenção de racismo desenvolvidos em adolescentes e jovens no Brasil, o acesso às informações multiculturais, pode proporcionar atalhos para chegar à promoção de resiliência, aspecto importante da saúde. Esta pesquisa demonstra como a intersecção entre saúde e educação estão na cultura. Com as referências culturais que abranjam a diversidade dos povos brasileiros, apresentadas por empreendimentos culturais alcançamos resultados positivos para a sociedade. A economia envolvida gera resultados positivos em toda a sociedade brasileira protegendo e empoderando adolescentes e jovens através dos conhecimentos apresentados. O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Código de Financiamento 001.
This study aimed to understand the influence of Griô art in the process of resilience in adolescents and young people and register their perception of how cultural enterprises contribute to the deconstruction of racism. Griô art comes from the African Griôt concept that in Brazil was re-elaborated by the Griot Pedagogy and instituted as an educational action of the Living Culture Program with the Griô Action axis. The Ubuntu ethical opinion as the theoretical framework of this research and the Pedagogy of Encruzilhadas complete the concepts for our investigation. The bibliographic survey and field research with data collection through participatory observation with the aid of the TAR actor-network theory and semi-structured interviews with adolescents and young people aged 13 to 19 years, analyzed using the content analysis method, enabled the ethnographic study. Considering the processes of construction and maintenance of racism developed in adolescents and young people in Brazil, access to multicultural information can provide shortcuts to reach the promotion of resilience, an important aspect of health. This research demonstrates how the intersection between health and education is in culture. With cultural references that encompass the diversity of Brazilian peoples, presented by cultural undertakings, we achieve positive results for society. The economy involved generates positive results throughout Brazilian society, protecting and empowering adolescents and young people through the necessary knowledge. This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Financing Code 001.
This study aimed to understand the influence of Griô art in the process of resilience in adolescents and young people and register their perception of how cultural enterprises contribute to the deconstruction of racism. Griô art comes from the African Griôt concept that in Brazil was re-elaborated by the Griot Pedagogy and instituted as an educational action of the Living Culture Program with the Griô Action axis. The Ubuntu ethical opinion as the theoretical framework of this research and the Pedagogy of Encruzilhadas complete the concepts for our investigation. The bibliographic survey and field research with data collection through participatory observation with the aid of the TAR actor-network theory and semi-structured interviews with adolescents and young people aged 13 to 19 years, analyzed using the content analysis method, enabled the ethnographic study. Considering the processes of construction and maintenance of racism developed in adolescents and young people in Brazil, access to multicultural information can provide shortcuts to reach the promotion of resilience, an important aspect of health. This research demonstrates how the intersection between health and education is in culture. With cultural references that encompass the diversity of Brazilian peoples, presented by cultural undertakings, we achieve positive results for society. The economy involved generates positive results throughout Brazilian society, protecting and empowering adolescents and young people through the necessary knowledge. This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Financing Code 001.