Diferentes energias (12J e 24J) da fotobiomodulação na intensidade da dor em pacientes com osteoartrite de joelho
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Introdução: Osteoartrite (OA) é uma doença degenerativa crônica que no mundo afeta, aproximadamente, 250 milhões de pessoas, sendo que 83% é referente ao joelho (KOHN et al., 2016), que tem a dor como principal sintoma afetando tanto a funcionalidade da articulação como a qualidade de vida do indivíduo (NEOGI et al.,(2013). A fotobiomodulação é um recurso eficaz para o tratamento da OA por consequência do seu efeito analgésico, além do seu resultado de redução da inflamação e aceleração da regeneração tecidual (COTLER et al., 2015). Desta forma, deve-se pesquisar sobre tratamentos eficazes, como a fotobiomodulação, na qual diferentes energias devem ser analisadas a fim de obter um efeito analgésico esperado no tratamento. Objetivo: A pesquisa tem como objetivo primário avaliar o efeito da Fotobiomodulação com diferentes energias de 12J e 24J, na intensidade da dor de pacientes com osteoartrite de joelho. Método: Foram selecionados 20 participantes de ambos os sexos que possui osteoartrite de joelho unilateral ou bilateral grau I ao IV, com pontuação acima de 4 pontos (moderada) na Escala Numérica de Dor (END) no momento da avaliação e apresentar dor em pelo menos três tipos de atividades de vida diária (AVDs) como subir ou descer escadas, sentar e levantar, ajoelhar, correr e agachar, no qual foram submetidos a um estudo transversal em que todos os participantes realizaram duas sessões com diferentes grupos de dosimetrias. Desta forma, na primeira semana foi aplicado no indivíduo parâmetros do grupo 1 (12J, contínuo, comprimento de onda de 808 nm, potência de 200mW, área do feixe de 0,12cm², irradiância de 1,67W/cm², tempo por ponto de 60 segundos e fluência de 100J/cm²) e foi realizado um treino de propriocepção e os testes Sit To Stand (STS) e Time Up and Go (TUG). Na segunda sessão, ou seja, na semana seguinte, foi aplicado no mesmo indivíduo a laserterapia com parâmetros do grupo 2 (24J, contínuo, comprimento de onda de 808 nm, potência de 200mW, área do feixe de 0,12cm², irradiância de 1,67W/cm², tempo por ponto de 120 segundos e fluência de 200J/cm²) além do treino de propriocepção e dos testes STS e TUG. A dor, nas duas sessões, foi avaliada por meio da END após as duas intervenções (laserterapia e treino de propriocepção), depois de 24 horas por intermédio da rede social Whatsapp. Resultado: Os achados deste estudo mostram uma redução do nível da dor após 24 horas das intervenções com a redução de 1,4 e 1,9 nos pontos de dor utilizando a END, sendo os resultados do Grupo 1 e Grupo 2 respectivamente, sem uma alteração no resultado do STS e TUG. Conclusão: Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos com dosimetrias diferentes, no entanto ambas diminuíram consideravelmente a pontuação de dor na END.
Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative disease that affects approximately 250 million people worldwide, 83% of which are related to the knee (KOHN et al., 2016), which has pain as its main symptom, affecting both the joint functionality and the individual's quality of life (NEOGI et al., (2013). Photobiomodulation is an effective resource for the treatment of OA due to its analgesic effect, in addition to its result of reducing inflammation and accelerating regeneration tissue (COTLER et al., 2015). Therefore, research should be done on effective treatments, such as photobiomodulation, in which different energies must be analyzed in order to obtain an expected analgesic effect in the treatment. Objective: The research aims to primary to evaluate the effect of Photobiomodulation with different energies of 12J and 24J, on the intensity of pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Method: 20 participants of both sexes were selected who had unilateral or bilateral knee osteoarthritis grades I to IV, with a score above 4 points (moderate) on the Numerical Pain Scale (NDS) at the time of assessment and presenting pain in at least three types of activities of daily living (ADLs) such as going up or down stairs, sitting and standing, kneeling, running and squatting, in which they were subjected to a cross-sectional study in which all participants performed two sessions with different dosimetry groups. Thus, in the first week, group 1 parameters were applied to the individual (12J, continuous, wavelength of 808 nm, power of 200mW, beam area of 0.12cm², irradiance of 1.67W/cm², time per point of 60 seconds and fluency of 100J/cm²) and proprioception training and the Sit to Stand (STS) and Time Up and Go (TUG) tests were also carried out. In the second session, that is, in the following week, laser therapy was applied to the same individual with group 2 parameters (24J, continuous, wavelength of 808 nm, power of 200mW, beam area of 0.12cm², irradiance of 1.67W/cm², time per point of 120 seconds and fluence of 200J/cm²) in addition to proprioception training and the STS and TUG tests. Pain, in both sessions, was assessed using END after the two interventions (laser therapy and proprioception training), after 24 hours via the social network Whatsapp. Result: The findings of this study show a reduction in pain level after 24 hours of interventions with a reduction of 1.4 and 1.9 in pain points using END, with the results of Group 1 and Group 2 respectively, without a change in the STS and TUG results. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the groups with different dosimetries, however both considerably reduced the END pain score.
Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative disease that affects approximately 250 million people worldwide, 83% of which are related to the knee (KOHN et al., 2016), which has pain as its main symptom, affecting both the joint functionality and the individual's quality of life (NEOGI et al., (2013). Photobiomodulation is an effective resource for the treatment of OA due to its analgesic effect, in addition to its result of reducing inflammation and accelerating regeneration tissue (COTLER et al., 2015). Therefore, research should be done on effective treatments, such as photobiomodulation, in which different energies must be analyzed in order to obtain an expected analgesic effect in the treatment. Objective: The research aims to primary to evaluate the effect of Photobiomodulation with different energies of 12J and 24J, on the intensity of pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Method: 20 participants of both sexes were selected who had unilateral or bilateral knee osteoarthritis grades I to IV, with a score above 4 points (moderate) on the Numerical Pain Scale (NDS) at the time of assessment and presenting pain in at least three types of activities of daily living (ADLs) such as going up or down stairs, sitting and standing, kneeling, running and squatting, in which they were subjected to a cross-sectional study in which all participants performed two sessions with different dosimetry groups. Thus, in the first week, group 1 parameters were applied to the individual (12J, continuous, wavelength of 808 nm, power of 200mW, beam area of 0.12cm², irradiance of 1.67W/cm², time per point of 60 seconds and fluency of 100J/cm²) and proprioception training and the Sit to Stand (STS) and Time Up and Go (TUG) tests were also carried out. In the second session, that is, in the following week, laser therapy was applied to the same individual with group 2 parameters (24J, continuous, wavelength of 808 nm, power of 200mW, beam area of 0.12cm², irradiance of 1.67W/cm², time per point of 120 seconds and fluence of 200J/cm²) in addition to proprioception training and the STS and TUG tests. Pain, in both sessions, was assessed using END after the two interventions (laser therapy and proprioception training), after 24 hours via the social network Whatsapp. Result: The findings of this study show a reduction in pain level after 24 hours of interventions with a reduction of 1.4 and 1.9 in pain points using END, with the results of Group 1 and Group 2 respectively, without a change in the STS and TUG results. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the groups with different dosimetries, however both considerably reduced the END pain score.
HENRIQUE, Nícolas Mendes Freihat. Diferentes energias (12J e 24J) da fotobiomodulação na intensidade da dor em pacientes com osteoartrite de joelho. 2023. 31 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.