Judicialização da saúde suplementar: impactos da pandemia da covid-19
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A Constituição Federal de 1988 estabelece a saúde como um direito fundamental garantido pelo Estado e, para regulamentar os serviços de saúde prestados pelo setor privado, foram promulgadas leis, como a Lei dos Planos de Saúde (nº 9.656/98) e a Lei nº 9.961 de 2000, que criou a Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS). Observou-se nos últimos anos um aumento na contratação de planos/seguros de saúde, e não diferente de outros serviços, proporcionalmente, houve também um crescimento na demanda por parte de beneficiários que recorreram ao sistema de justiça brasileiro como forma de obtenção de recursos e/ou direitos negados pelas operadoras/seguradoras de saúde (SILVA, 2018). Essa situação acaba por gerar um fenômeno que passou a ser denominado “judicialização da saúde” (GIACOMETO, 2018, p. 9). Tendo isso em vista, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o aumento dos processos judiciais sobre a saúde suplementar em face da pandemia da COVID-19, realizando comparativos entre o período pandêmico (2020-2022) e o cenário pré-pandemia (2017-2019). A hipótese levantada é que, durante a pandemia, a proporção de casos de judicialização em relação ao número de beneficiários aumentou, causando um impacto maior nas operadoras de saúde. Para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa, foi realizada pesquisa descritiva e de natureza mista, quantitativa e qualitativa. Para delimitar a pesquisa, utilizou-se o período de 2017 a 2022, e todos os dados referentes a novos processos de Judicialização da Saúde Suplementar, sendo os principais referentes ao Direito do Consumidor e, posteriormente, ao Direito da Saúde. Como resultado, obteve-se que durante a pandemia da COVID-19, houve um aumento na contratação de planos de saúde, e muitos beneficiários recorreram ao judiciário para obter recursos e direitos negados pelas operadoras de saúde. Isso porque os dados apresentados indicam um aumento significativo no número de casos de judicialização da saúde suplementar durante a pandemia. A proporção de casos em relação ao número total de beneficiários também aumentou, sugerindo um possível aumento no impacto sobre as operadoras de saúde, como o aumento das despesas com o total de ações por parte das operadoras, que passou de R$ 1,8 bilhões em 2017 para R$ 4,0 bilhões em 2022. No entanto, o estudo observa que a falta de dados concretos dificulta uma análise completa. Nesse sentido, deve ser reconhecida a complexidade do tema abordado, além da incipiência de estudos aprofundados sobre o tema, bem como a praticamente nula apresentação de trabalhos que abrangem a Judicialização da Saúde Suplementar em território nacional. Sugere-se, para os próximos passos, a realização de pesquisas sobre o mesmo tema de maneira mais ampla, abrangendo maiores períodos e considerando o cenário pós-pandemia da COVID-19.
The Federal Constitution of 1988 establishes health as a fundamental right guaranteed by the State and, in order to regulate health services provided by the private sector, laws were enacted, such as the Health Plans Law (nº 9.656/98) and Law nº 9.961 of 2000, which created the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS). In recent years, there has been an increase in the contracting of health plans/insurance, and not unlike other services, proportionally, there has also been an increase in demand from beneficiaries who have turned to the Brazilian justice system as a way of obtaining resources and/or rights denied by health operators/insurers (SILVA, 2018). This situation ends up generating a phenomenon that has come to be called the "judicialization of health" (GIACOMETO, 2018, p. 9). This study aims to analyze the increase in lawsuits over supplementary healthcare in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, making comparisons between the pandemic period (2020-2022) and the pre-pandemic scenario (2017-2019). The hypothesis raised is that, during the pandemic, the proportion of judicialization cases in relation to the number of beneficiaries has increased, causing a greater impact on health operators. To achieve the research objective, a descriptive, mixed quantitative and qualitative study was conducted. To delimit the research, we used the period from 2017 to 2022, and all the data referring to new cases of Judicialization of Supplementary Health, the main ones referring to Consumer Law and, later, Health Law. As a result, it was found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in the contracting of health plans, and many beneficiaries resorted to the judiciary to obtain resources and rights denied by health operators. This is because the data presented indicates a significant increase in the number of cases of judicialization of supplementary health during the pandemic. The proportion of cases in relation to the total number of beneficiaries has also increased, suggesting an increase in the impact on health operators, such as the increase in expenses with total lawsuits by operators, which went from R$1.8 billion in 2017 to R$4,0 billion in 2022. However, the study notes that the lack of concrete data makes a complete analysis difficult. In this sense, the complexity of the subject must be acknowledged, as well as the incipiency of in-depth studies on the subject, as well as the practically nil presentation of works covering the Judicialization of Supplementary Health in the national territory. For the next steps, it is suggested that research be conducted on the same subject in a broader way, covering longer periods and considering the post-pandemic scenario of COVID-19.
The Federal Constitution of 1988 establishes health as a fundamental right guaranteed by the State and, in order to regulate health services provided by the private sector, laws were enacted, such as the Health Plans Law (nº 9.656/98) and Law nº 9.961 of 2000, which created the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS). In recent years, there has been an increase in the contracting of health plans/insurance, and not unlike other services, proportionally, there has also been an increase in demand from beneficiaries who have turned to the Brazilian justice system as a way of obtaining resources and/or rights denied by health operators/insurers (SILVA, 2018). This situation ends up generating a phenomenon that has come to be called the "judicialization of health" (GIACOMETO, 2018, p. 9). This study aims to analyze the increase in lawsuits over supplementary healthcare in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, making comparisons between the pandemic period (2020-2022) and the pre-pandemic scenario (2017-2019). The hypothesis raised is that, during the pandemic, the proportion of judicialization cases in relation to the number of beneficiaries has increased, causing a greater impact on health operators. To achieve the research objective, a descriptive, mixed quantitative and qualitative study was conducted. To delimit the research, we used the period from 2017 to 2022, and all the data referring to new cases of Judicialization of Supplementary Health, the main ones referring to Consumer Law and, later, Health Law. As a result, it was found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in the contracting of health plans, and many beneficiaries resorted to the judiciary to obtain resources and rights denied by health operators. This is because the data presented indicates a significant increase in the number of cases of judicialization of supplementary health during the pandemic. The proportion of cases in relation to the total number of beneficiaries has also increased, suggesting an increase in the impact on health operators, such as the increase in expenses with total lawsuits by operators, which went from R$1.8 billion in 2017 to R$4,0 billion in 2022. However, the study notes that the lack of concrete data makes a complete analysis difficult. In this sense, the complexity of the subject must be acknowledged, as well as the incipiency of in-depth studies on the subject, as well as the practically nil presentation of works covering the Judicialization of Supplementary Health in the national territory. For the next steps, it is suggested that research be conducted on the same subject in a broader way, covering longer periods and considering the post-pandemic scenario of COVID-19.
VAZ, Thais Machado. Judicialização da saúde suplementar: impactos da pandemia da covid-19. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) – Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2023.