Representações, motivações e meio ambiente: um estudo de caso com estudantes de ciências biológicas
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A crise civilizatória e socioambiental pela qual a humanidade vem passando tem impactos diretos em nossas vidas e sustentabilidade do planeta, sendo fundamental que haja instituições e indivíduos cada vez mais conscientes de sua co-responsabilidade nessa problemática. Contudo, a tão necessária “conscientização ambiental” não é desenvolvida tão facilmente e são inúmeras as variáveis envolvidas no processo em direção ao desenvolvimento de comportamentos pró-ambientais (os quais evidenciam também os níveis de consciência socioambiental de um indivíduo ou de uma instituição). Dentro dessa perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as necessidades/motivações presentes em atitudes em prol ou não do meio ambiente entre estudantes de um curso de Ciências Biológicas – Bacharelado da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – campus Diadema. O estudo partiu do seguinte pressuposto inicial: que apesar de ser um curso que trabalha com a natureza/meio ambiente, as necessidades e motivações dos participantes teriam maior peso em relação aos comportamentos pró-ambientais quando suas necessidades básicas não fossem atendidas. Esta pesquisa teve caráter empírico, de base qualitativa e quantitativa, sendo que o referencial teórico principal adotado foi a Teoria das Necessidades segundo Maslow, bem como a teoria das representações sociais a partir das categorizações de Reigota. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante um questionário estruturado denominado de “Motivograma Ambiental”, adaptado de um motivograma derivado da teoria da pesquisa de necessidades pessoais de Abraham Maslow, de forma a incluir questões que buscavam avaliar, além das motivações a representação social de meio ambiente, as atitudes, ações e comportamentos de consumo adotados no dia a dia. O estudo contou com a participação de um total de 60 estudantes e os resultados obtidos revelaram que as decisões relacionadas ao meio ambiente são influenciadas pelas necessidades e motivações individuais. Essa constatação ressalta a importância de adotar abordagens mais integradoras ao promover não somente comportamentos, mas também atitudes que resgatem o valor intrínseco do meio ambiente. Reforçando assim, a importância de desenvolver estratégias que levem em conta as necessidades/motivações dos indivíduos, ao mesmo tempo em que aumentam a conscientização ambiental e a responsabilidade socioambiental.
The civilizational and socioenvironmental crisis humanity is going through has direct impacts on our lives and the planet's sustainability, making it essential for institutions and individuals to be increasingly aware of their coresponsibility in this problem. However, the muchneeded "environmental awareness" is not easily developed, and there are numerous variables involved in the process towards the development of proenvironmental behaviors (which also highlight the levels of socioenvironmental consciousness of an individual or an institution). Within this perspective, the aim of this study was to assess the needs/motivations present in attitudes in favor or against the environment among students of a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of São Paulo Diadema campus. The study was based on the initial assumption that, despite being a course that deals with nature/environment, the needs and motivations of the participants would have a greater influence on proenvironmental behaviors when their basic needs were not met. This research had an empirical nature, with both qualitative and quantitative elements, and the main theoretical framework adopted was Maslow's Theory of Needs, as well as the theory of social representations based on Reigota's categorizations. Data collection was carried out through a structured questionnaire called "Environmental Motivogram," adapted from a motivogram derived from Abraham Maslow's theory of personal needs research, in order to include questions that sought to assess not only motivations but also the social representation of the environment, attitudes, actions, and consumption behaviors adopted in daily life. The study included a total of 60 students, and the results obtained revealed that decisions related to the environment are influenced by individual needs and motivations. Moreover, it became evident that views about the environment vary considerably, depending on factors such as history, culture, experiences, and social factors. This finding emphasizes the importance of adopting more personalized and comprehensive approaches to promote proenvironmental behaviors, thus reinforcing the importance of developing strategies that take into account people's preferences and priorities, while increasing environmental awareness and socioenvironmental responsibility.
The civilizational and socioenvironmental crisis humanity is going through has direct impacts on our lives and the planet's sustainability, making it essential for institutions and individuals to be increasingly aware of their coresponsibility in this problem. However, the muchneeded "environmental awareness" is not easily developed, and there are numerous variables involved in the process towards the development of proenvironmental behaviors (which also highlight the levels of socioenvironmental consciousness of an individual or an institution). Within this perspective, the aim of this study was to assess the needs/motivations present in attitudes in favor or against the environment among students of a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of São Paulo Diadema campus. The study was based on the initial assumption that, despite being a course that deals with nature/environment, the needs and motivations of the participants would have a greater influence on proenvironmental behaviors when their basic needs were not met. This research had an empirical nature, with both qualitative and quantitative elements, and the main theoretical framework adopted was Maslow's Theory of Needs, as well as the theory of social representations based on Reigota's categorizations. Data collection was carried out through a structured questionnaire called "Environmental Motivogram," adapted from a motivogram derived from Abraham Maslow's theory of personal needs research, in order to include questions that sought to assess not only motivations but also the social representation of the environment, attitudes, actions, and consumption behaviors adopted in daily life. The study included a total of 60 students, and the results obtained revealed that decisions related to the environment are influenced by individual needs and motivations. Moreover, it became evident that views about the environment vary considerably, depending on factors such as history, culture, experiences, and social factors. This finding emphasizes the importance of adopting more personalized and comprehensive approaches to promote proenvironmental behaviors, thus reinforcing the importance of developing strategies that take into account people's preferences and priorities, while increasing environmental awareness and socioenvironmental responsibility.