Política pública para implantação de biodigestor em comunidade isolada de Guarujá, SP
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A geração de lixo no mundo tem aumentado e as populações convivem com a falta de soluções eficazes para sua disposição final de resíduos. No Brasil essas dificuldades são mais evidentes nas áreas urbanas e nas comunidades isoladas, que resultam em problemas ambientais e sanitários. Ferramentas que facilitem o saneamento ambiental se tornam fundamentais e, como respostas aos desafios referentes à busca de tecnologias apropriadas para as comunidades isoladas, várias experiências têm sido desenvolvidas ao redor do mundo. A presente pesquisa busca analisar a implantação de políticas públicas para digestão anaeróbia de resíduos sólidos e obter benefícios no aspecto socioambiental e no gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos locais. A metodologia adotada neste trabalho baseia-se em pesquisas bibliográficas, bem como análise de legislação e dados de órgãos governamentais, além disso, foi realizada pesquisa de campo. Por conseguinte, foi feita uma revisão sistemática fundamentada em artigos da base de dados SCOPUS (Elsevier). A partir deste estudo, foram analisadas propostas de políticas públicas para viabilizar integração de biodigestão anaeróbia da fração orgânica dos resíduos urbanos (FORSU) ao manejo dos resíduos da comunidade. A biodigestão anaeróbia de FORSU, desde que devidamente observadas características locais, pode implicar em melhoria do saneamento ambiental de comunidades isoladas.
The generation of waste in the world has been increasing, and populations are dealing with the lack of effective solutions for its final disposal. In Brazil, these difficulties are more evident in urban areas and isolated communities, leading to environmental and sanitary problems. Tools that facilitate environmental sanitation become essential, and in response to the challenges of finding appropriate technologies for isolated communities, various experiences have been developed worldwide. This research aims to analyze the implementation of public policies for anaerobic digestion of solid waste and to obtain benefits in the socio-environmental aspect and local solid waste management. The methodology adopted in this work is based on bibliographical research, as well as the analysis of legislation and data from government agencies. Additionally, field research was conducted. Furthermore, a systematic review based on articles from the SCOPUS database (Elsevier) was performed. Based on this study, proposals for public policies to enable the integration of anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of urban waste (OFMSW) into community waste management were analyzed. Anaerobic digestion of OFMSW, provided that local characteristics are properly observed, can lead to improvements in the environmental sanitation of isolated communities.
The generation of waste in the world has been increasing, and populations are dealing with the lack of effective solutions for its final disposal. In Brazil, these difficulties are more evident in urban areas and isolated communities, leading to environmental and sanitary problems. Tools that facilitate environmental sanitation become essential, and in response to the challenges of finding appropriate technologies for isolated communities, various experiences have been developed worldwide. This research aims to analyze the implementation of public policies for anaerobic digestion of solid waste and to obtain benefits in the socio-environmental aspect and local solid waste management. The methodology adopted in this work is based on bibliographical research, as well as the analysis of legislation and data from government agencies. Additionally, field research was conducted. Furthermore, a systematic review based on articles from the SCOPUS database (Elsevier) was performed. Based on this study, proposals for public policies to enable the integration of anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of urban waste (OFMSW) into community waste management were analyzed. Anaerobic digestion of OFMSW, provided that local characteristics are properly observed, can lead to improvements in the environmental sanitation of isolated communities.
SILVA, Felipe Xavier da. Política pública para implantação de biodigestor em comunidade isolada de Guarujá, SP. 2023. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioprodutos e Bioprocessos) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.