Resíduos sólidos no ambiente escolar no município de Diadema: gestão, conscientização e educação ambiental
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Com o crescimento populacional, o consumo excessivo e a ausência do gerenciamento adequado dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) são um dos principais problemas ambientais enfrentados atualmente no Brasil e no mundo. Desde 2010, a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) dispõe os instrumentos necessários para o atingimento das metas relacionadas à gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos; essa lei hierarquizou a gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos em não geração, redução, reaproveitamento, reciclagem e disposição final ambientalmente adequada, e destacou como um de seus instrumentos a educação ambiental e a responsabilidade compartilhada pelo ciclo de vida dos produtos. Para o alcance das metas estabelecidas pela PNRS e para que sejam efetivamente colocadas em prática, são necessárias ações de educação ambiental com o propósito de sensibilizar a sociedade sobre a importância da temática, além de enfatizar a responsabilidade das pessoas sobre o resíduo gerado. Considerando os principais pilares da lei, o objetivo do presente estudo foi mensurar o nível de entendimento dos estudantes de uma escola estadual no município de Diadema sobre os problemas ambientais ocasionados pelos resíduos sólidos. A abordagem deste estudo é mista, combinação de abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas, com a finalidade de maior compreensão e detalhamento das perguntas da pesquisa; a pesquisa totalizou 5 (cinco) palestras e oficinas aplicadas em diferentes turmas, e o instrumento de pesquisa utilizado foi um questionário com perguntas abertas, com retorno de 65 respostas. Os resultados constataram que as palestras e oficinas foram positivas e os estudantes compreenderam, em sua maioria, os principais conceitos relacionados a resíduos sólidos, cerca de 88% compreenderam o conceito de lixo (rejeito) e 96% sobre o que são recicláveis; essa diferenciação demonstra que o entendimento dos estudantes pode permitir o avanço para a construção de novos assuntos sobre a temática ambiental, proporcionando a sensibilização e conscientização sobre a gestão e gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos dentro e fora do ambiente escolar.
With the population growth, excessive consumption and inadequate management of urban solid waste (USW) are the main environmental problems currently faced in Brazil and the world. Since 2010, The National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) has provided the necessary tools to achieve the goals related to the integrated management of solid waste. This law has hierarchized the management and handling of solid waste into non-generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, and a environmentally suitable final disposal. It also highlights environmental education and shared responsibility for the product life cycle as instruments. To achieve the goals established by the NSWP and effectively put them in practice, it is necessary to take environmental education actions to raise awareness in society about the importance of this issue, as well as to emphasize individuals responsibility for the waste they generate. Considering the main pillars of the law, the objective of this case study was to measure the level of understanding among students at a public school in the municipality of Diadema, regarding the environmental problems caused by solid waste. This study adopts mixed methods, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, to enhance the understanding and detailed analysis of the research questions. The research comprised a total of five lectures and workshops conducted in different classes, using a questionnaire with open-ended questions that yielded up to 65 responses. The results indicated that the lectures and workshops were positively received, with most students understanding the key concepts related to solid waste. Approximately 88% of the participants comprehended the concept of waste (rejects), while 96% understood what is recyclable. This differentiation demonstrates that the students understanding can enable the development of new topics on environmental issues, fostering awareness and consciousness regarding the management and handling of solid waste within and beyond the school environment.
With the population growth, excessive consumption and inadequate management of urban solid waste (USW) are the main environmental problems currently faced in Brazil and the world. Since 2010, The National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) has provided the necessary tools to achieve the goals related to the integrated management of solid waste. This law has hierarchized the management and handling of solid waste into non-generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, and a environmentally suitable final disposal. It also highlights environmental education and shared responsibility for the product life cycle as instruments. To achieve the goals established by the NSWP and effectively put them in practice, it is necessary to take environmental education actions to raise awareness in society about the importance of this issue, as well as to emphasize individuals responsibility for the waste they generate. Considering the main pillars of the law, the objective of this case study was to measure the level of understanding among students at a public school in the municipality of Diadema, regarding the environmental problems caused by solid waste. This study adopts mixed methods, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, to enhance the understanding and detailed analysis of the research questions. The research comprised a total of five lectures and workshops conducted in different classes, using a questionnaire with open-ended questions that yielded up to 65 responses. The results indicated that the lectures and workshops were positively received, with most students understanding the key concepts related to solid waste. Approximately 88% of the participants comprehended the concept of waste (rejects), while 96% understood what is recyclable. This differentiation demonstrates that the students understanding can enable the development of new topics on environmental issues, fostering awareness and consciousness regarding the management and handling of solid waste within and beyond the school environment.