Desafios mercadológicos para o desenvolvimento sustentável na indústria de embalagens biodegradáveis
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Atualmente as embalagens plásticas estão passando por um processo de
transição em sua composição, com foco principal na biodegradabilidade. Em virtude
de todos os benefícios gerados para as empresas, como a contribuição no
desenvolvimento de políticas de logística reversa para os resíduos, reconhecimento
com selo de responsabilidade ambiental e minimização dos impactos ambientais. O
presente trabalho apresenta uma contextualização sobre o desenvolvimento,
aplicação e desafios das embalagens plásticas biodegradáveis, através de diferentes
aspectos e visões, como: contexto histórico de desenvolvimento e aceitação pela
sociedade, impactos ambientais, conscientização da sociedade, matérias-primas,
energia consumida no processo de produção, fluxogramas industriais, logística
reversa das embalagens e as estratégias para engajamento e aquecimento do
mercado. Além disso, realizou-se um estudo de caso sobre a aplicabilidade dos
plásticos biodegradáveis à indústria de embalagens flexíveis, dentre os desafios da
implantação destes tipos de plásticos, destacam-se as adaptações do mercado aos
processos já bem estabelecidos com os filmes convencionas. Mesmo com as altas
previsões de produções futuras de bioplásticos, ainda é necessário a construção de
áreas específicas para a degradação dessas embalagens, pois quando descartadas
em locais inadequadas causam um impacto inverso ao esperado e podem contribuir
para o aumento da poluição global
Currently, plastic packaging is undergoing a transition process in its composition, with the main focus on biodegradability, due to all the benefits generated for companies, such as the contribution in the development of policies and processes for reverse logistics for waste, recognition as an environmentally responsible organization, and for the minimization of environmental impacts from its use, since we have the reduction of environmental pollution due to the ease of its decomposition process in a short period of time. This work presents a contextualization on the development, application and challenges of biodegradable plastic packaging, through different aspects and visions, such as: historical context of development and acceptance by society, environmental impacts, society's awareness, raw materials, energy consumed in the production process, industrial flowcharts, reverse packaging logistics and strategies to engage and warm up the market. In addition, a case study was carried out on the applicability of biodegradable plastics to the flexible packaging industry, among the challenges of implementing these types of plastics, the market adaptations to processes already well established with conventional films stand out. Even with the high forecasts of future production of bioplastics, it is still necessary to build specific areas for the degradation of these packages, because when discarded in inappropriate places they cause an impact opposite to that expected and can contribute to the increase of global pollution
Currently, plastic packaging is undergoing a transition process in its composition, with the main focus on biodegradability, due to all the benefits generated for companies, such as the contribution in the development of policies and processes for reverse logistics for waste, recognition as an environmentally responsible organization, and for the minimization of environmental impacts from its use, since we have the reduction of environmental pollution due to the ease of its decomposition process in a short period of time. This work presents a contextualization on the development, application and challenges of biodegradable plastic packaging, through different aspects and visions, such as: historical context of development and acceptance by society, environmental impacts, society's awareness, raw materials, energy consumed in the production process, industrial flowcharts, reverse packaging logistics and strategies to engage and warm up the market. In addition, a case study was carried out on the applicability of biodegradable plastics to the flexible packaging industry, among the challenges of implementing these types of plastics, the market adaptations to processes already well established with conventional films stand out. Even with the high forecasts of future production of bioplastics, it is still necessary to build specific areas for the degradation of these packages, because when discarded in inappropriate places they cause an impact opposite to that expected and can contribute to the increase of global pollution