A mudança das cores em relatividade e a percepção do referencial inercial
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Esse TCC apresenta uma abordagem prática sobre a possibilidade de aplicação de uma UEPS jogo educacional chamado de Slower Speed of Light desenvolvido e elaborado pelo M.I.T. que ajuda na construção do ensino e na aprendizagem para que os alunos do ensino médio consigam superar certos obstáculos epistemológicos e pedagógicos presentes na Física da Teoria da Relatividade Especial. Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico humano, inúmeras ferramentas foram desenvolvidas para auxiliarem a aprendizagem e a área de ciências físicas se apresenta na Teoria da Relatividade Especial através do jogo. Devemos salientar que os professores serão os principais interlocutores para a aplicação de uma aula temática e didática para a adequação da aprendizagem com a realidade do cotidiano dos alunos. Essa ferramenta é de grande importância para que os alunos entendam o comportamento das cores em velocidades perto da luz, os seus fenômenos e efeitos relativísticos.
This TCC presents a practical approach on the possibility of applying an UEPS education al game called Slower Speed of Light developed and elaborated by M.I.T. which helps in the construction of teaching and learning so that high school students can overcome certain epistemological and pedagogical obstacles present in the physics of the Theory of Special Relativity. With human technological development, numerous tools have been developed to aid learning and the area of physical sciences is presented in the Theory of Special Relativity through games. It should be noted that teachers will be the main interlocutors for the application of a thematic and didactic class to adapt learning to the students' daily reality. This tool is of great importance for students to understand the behavior of colors at speeds close to light, their phenomena and relativistic effects.
This TCC presents a practical approach on the possibility of applying an UEPS education al game called Slower Speed of Light developed and elaborated by M.I.T. which helps in the construction of teaching and learning so that high school students can overcome certain epistemological and pedagogical obstacles present in the physics of the Theory of Special Relativity. With human technological development, numerous tools have been developed to aid learning and the area of physical sciences is presented in the Theory of Special Relativity through games. It should be noted that teachers will be the main interlocutors for the application of a thematic and didactic class to adapt learning to the students' daily reality. This tool is of great importance for students to understand the behavior of colors at speeds close to light, their phenomena and relativistic effects.
A mudança das cores em relatividade e a percepção do referencial inercial