A Divisão Sociossexual do Trabalho a partir das Trabalhadoras de Restaurante da Cidade de Santos
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Esta monografia analisa o trabalho realizado por mulheres que trabalham em restaurantes localizados na cidade de Santos, município litorâneo do estado de São Paulo. O enfoque da pesquisa baseou-se em investigar como é feita divisão sociossexual do trabalho realizado pelas mesmas, com a finalidade de aprofundar duas esferas que compõem essa divisão: a produtiva e a reprodutiva, que estão no âmago da família patriarcal. Foram feitas entrevistas com trabalhadoras de um mesmo restaurante, visando a mostrar como se dão as relações de trabalho naquele ambiente, e também na função que elas exercem. Foi constatado nesta pesquisa introdutória que existe, em certo grau, exploração da força de trabalho feminina neste segmento; essa exploração vai desde a negação de benefícios sociais básicos (ex: assistência médica, seguro de vida, auxílio-creche) até a intensificação da jornada de trabalho, que ultrapassa a carga horária prevista na CLT, de oito horas por dia. Essas trabalhadoras acabam cumprindo uma carga que pode variar de nove a dez horas diárias, sem que haja remuneração pelo tempo extra. Para além da esfera produtiva, este TCC analisa a vida e o trabalho na esfera reprodutiva dessas trabalhadoras. Nessa fase da pesquisa, a maioria das entrevistadas constataram que, depois do trabalho, exercem tarefas domésticas e de cuidado, seja dos filhos ou de algum parente doente. A divisão sociossexual do trabalho na esfera produtiva e reprodutiva ocorre de maneira desigual ou até mesmo injusta.
This monograph analyzes the work done by women who work in restaurants located in the city of Santos, a coastal city in the state of São Paulo. The research focus was based on investigating how socio-sexual division of work is done, with the purpose of deepening two spheres that make up this division: the productive and the reproductive, which are at the heart of the patriarchal family. Interviews were carried out with workers in the same restaurant, aiming to show how work relations take place in that environment, as well as the function they perform. It was found in this introductory research that there is, to some degree, exploitation of the female workforce in this segment; this exploitation ranges from the denial of basic social benefits (for example: medical assistance, life insurance, childcare assistance) to the intensification of the working day, which exceeds the workload provided for in the CLT, of eight hours a day. These workers end up fulfilling a load that can vary from nine to ten hours a day, without remuneration for extra time. In addition to the productive sphere, this TCC analyzes life and work in the reproductive sphere of these workers. In this phase of the research, most of the interviewees found that, after work, they perform household and care tasks, whether for their children or for some sick relative. The socio-sexual division of labor in the productive and reproductive sphere occurs unevenly or even unfairly.
This monograph analyzes the work done by women who work in restaurants located in the city of Santos, a coastal city in the state of São Paulo. The research focus was based on investigating how socio-sexual division of work is done, with the purpose of deepening two spheres that make up this division: the productive and the reproductive, which are at the heart of the patriarchal family. Interviews were carried out with workers in the same restaurant, aiming to show how work relations take place in that environment, as well as the function they perform. It was found in this introductory research that there is, to some degree, exploitation of the female workforce in this segment; this exploitation ranges from the denial of basic social benefits (for example: medical assistance, life insurance, childcare assistance) to the intensification of the working day, which exceeds the workload provided for in the CLT, of eight hours a day. These workers end up fulfilling a load that can vary from nine to ten hours a day, without remuneration for extra time. In addition to the productive sphere, this TCC analyzes life and work in the reproductive sphere of these workers. In this phase of the research, most of the interviewees found that, after work, they perform household and care tasks, whether for their children or for some sick relative. The socio-sexual division of labor in the productive and reproductive sphere occurs unevenly or even unfairly.
BARRETO, Laiza Rodrigues. A Divisão Sociossexual do Trabalho à partir das Trabalhadoras de Restaurante da Cidade de Santos. 2021. 42 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.