Periféricas maneiras de vestir: a juventude negra de periferia na construção de uma moda engajada
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Esta pesquisa se dedica a levantar recursos para entender como a moda periférica, mais especificamente da juventude negra das periferias urbanas de São Paulo, se estabeleceu como uma moda engajada. Embora o foco da investigação seja evidenciar como se deu a estética negra e periférica, a pesquisa irá contextualizar a diáspora negra e a formação das periferias no Brasil, sobretudo em São Paulo, a fim de entender seus agentes. A partir desse interesse será necessário traçar pontos históricos para compreender como a identidade negra diaspórica ampliou e se tornou um dos elementos para a construção da identidade periférica do país. Dessa maneira, há a intenção de discutir como o espaço da moda periférica vem ganhando força ao trazer o orgulho em ser morador de quebrada e de ter uma cultura de periferia. Para isso, a pesquisa pretende unir referências bibliográficas à análise de duas marcas de moda das periferias da capital de São Paulo: AfroPerifa e Loyal.
This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the peripheral fashion evolution, more specifically about how the black youth people from São Paulo urban peripheries became themselves the engaged fashion. Although the purpose is to investigate the black aesthetics and peripheral aspects through engaged fashion, this article will also contextualize the black dispersal and the peripheries formation in Brazil, in special São Paulo, to understand its authors. Based on this interest, it will be necessary to connect the historical points to comprehend how the diasporic black identity expanded and became one of the elements for the construction of the country's peripheral identity. Besides that, there is an intention to discuss more how peripheral fashion space is increasing and being strengthened to bring the pride of living in the outskirts. Therefore, this research intends to collect bibliographical references to the analysis of two São Paulo capital outskirts fashion brands: AfroPerifa and Loyal.
This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the peripheral fashion evolution, more specifically about how the black youth people from São Paulo urban peripheries became themselves the engaged fashion. Although the purpose is to investigate the black aesthetics and peripheral aspects through engaged fashion, this article will also contextualize the black dispersal and the peripheries formation in Brazil, in special São Paulo, to understand its authors. Based on this interest, it will be necessary to connect the historical points to comprehend how the diasporic black identity expanded and became one of the elements for the construction of the country's peripheral identity. Besides that, there is an intention to discuss more how peripheral fashion space is increasing and being strengthened to bring the pride of living in the outskirts. Therefore, this research intends to collect bibliographical references to the analysis of two São Paulo capital outskirts fashion brands: AfroPerifa and Loyal.
BASTOS, Angela Oliveira. Periféricas maneiras de vestir: a juventude negra de periferia na construção de uma moda engajada. Monografia (Graduação em História da Arte) - Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, p. 56. 2021.