Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas de misturas de PEAD e cápsulas de café.
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O café é uma das bebidas mais consumidas mundialmente, mantendo
milhares de admiradores ao redor do globo. O hábito de tomar café está presente no dia a dia da maioria das pessoas, muitas vezes se repetindo ao longo do dia. Devido à isso, aos avanços tecnológicos e à correria do cotidiano, em que se valoriza cada vez mais a rapidez e a praticidade, ocorreu a popularização do mercado de cápsulas no cenário mundial. Apenas no Brasil, segundo uma pesquisa da Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Café (ABIC), são consumidas anualmente cerca de 3 bilhões de cápsulas, com tendência de crescimento de 17% ao ano até 2020. O grande problema, no entanto, está associado ao descarte das cápsulas pós uso e à sua composição, pois, apesar de serem compostas basicamente de poliolefinas e alumínio dependem de um mecanismo de separação de elevada complexidade, o que dificulta o processo de reciclagem, fazendo com que o destino de grande parte dessas cápsulas seja os aterros sanitários. De acordo com o apresentado, este trabalho de conclusão de curso visa apresentar uma alternativa de reciclagem para as cápsulas de café pós uso, na intenção de minimizar o descarte inadequado, dando a elas um destino ecologicamente correto e sustentável, e com isso reduzir os impactos ambientais negativos causados. Para isso, a reciclagem das cápsulas de café foi realizada a partir de uma mistura de cápsulas trituradas, compostas majoritariamente por polipropileno (PP) e alumínio, e polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD). Para a realização do projeto, foram disponibilizadas cápsulas de café descartadas no Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). As cápsulas foram lavadas e trituradas. Diferentes teores de cápsulas foram utilizados com o PEAD e o processamento foi realizado por extrusão, seguido da prensagem dos corpos de prova. As composições foram caracterizadas por ensaios de tração uniaxial, resistência ao impacto Izod e dureza Shore D. A adição das cápsulas mostrou aumentar o módulo elástico e a dureza das composições, com uma respectiva diminuição da resistência ao impacto.
Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, with thousands of admirers around the world. The habit of drinking coffee is present in the daily lives of most people, often repeated throughout the day. This fact, the technological advances and the daily rush, in which quickness and practicality are increasingly valued, drove to the popularization of espresso and the capsule market in the world scenario. Only in Brazil, according to a research by the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association about 3 billion capsules are consumed annually with a growth trend of 17% a year until 2020. The problem is associated with the disposal of the capsules after use and their composition; although they are composed basically of polyolefins and aluminum depend on a mechanism of separation of high complexity, which hinders the recycling process, making the sanitary landfills the destination of a big part of these capsules. This study is aimed to present an alternative to recycling the coffee capsules after their use, in order to minimize the inappropriate disposal, giving them an ecologically correct and sustainable destiny, and by that, to reduce the environmental impacts caused by them. For this, the recycling of the coffee capsules were carried out from a mixture of milled capsules, mainly composed of aluminum and polypropylene, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). For this project were used discarded coffee capsules at the Science and Technology Institute of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). The capsules were washed and milled. Different capsule content was used to prepare HDPE/capsule compositions using extrusion process followed by the pressing and stamping of the samples. The compositions were evaluated by tensile tests, Izod impact strength and Shore D hardness. Increasing the capsule content, an increase in the elastic modulus and Shore D hardener were observed with a decrease in the impact strength results.
Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, with thousands of admirers around the world. The habit of drinking coffee is present in the daily lives of most people, often repeated throughout the day. This fact, the technological advances and the daily rush, in which quickness and practicality are increasingly valued, drove to the popularization of espresso and the capsule market in the world scenario. Only in Brazil, according to a research by the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association about 3 billion capsules are consumed annually with a growth trend of 17% a year until 2020. The problem is associated with the disposal of the capsules after use and their composition; although they are composed basically of polyolefins and aluminum depend on a mechanism of separation of high complexity, which hinders the recycling process, making the sanitary landfills the destination of a big part of these capsules. This study is aimed to present an alternative to recycling the coffee capsules after their use, in order to minimize the inappropriate disposal, giving them an ecologically correct and sustainable destiny, and by that, to reduce the environmental impacts caused by them. For this, the recycling of the coffee capsules were carried out from a mixture of milled capsules, mainly composed of aluminum and polypropylene, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). For this project were used discarded coffee capsules at the Science and Technology Institute of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). The capsules were washed and milled. Different capsule content was used to prepare HDPE/capsule compositions using extrusion process followed by the pressing and stamping of the samples. The compositions were evaluated by tensile tests, Izod impact strength and Shore D hardness. Increasing the capsule content, an increase in the elastic modulus and Shore D hardener were observed with a decrease in the impact strength results.
SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA, Waldir Patrick. Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas de misturas de PEAD e cápsulas de café. Trabalho de conclusão de curso, engenharia de materiais - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia. 2020.