Caracterização mecânica e microestrutural do aço maraging 300 solubilizado
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O presente trabalho consiste no estudo das propriedades mecânicas do aço maraging 300 para aplicação aeroespacial, submetido ao tratamento térmico de solubilização. O aço maraging 300 tem sido um material estudado nos últimos anos pelo Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE) como uma possível substituição do aço SAE 4140 usado no envelope motor do foguete de sondagem brasileiro, o VSB-30. Este aço é considerado um aço de ultra-alta resistência mecânica, com boa tenacidade, e por isto tem sido frequentemente utilizado no setor aeroespacial. O aço maraging solubilizado tem sido muito estudado, pois é nessa condição onde todos os processamentos são feitos (corte, calandragem, soldagem, usinagem). Devido a sua versatilidade e suas boas propriedades mecânicas adquiridas durante os tratamentos térmicos, este aço tem alcançado outros setores industriais. Assim, tendo em vista a importância deste aço, foi realizado, um estudo da anisotropia da chapa laminada em corpos de provas solubilizados, avaliações de resistência mecânica pelo ensaio de tração, medições de dureza na escala Vickers (HV), avaliações de comportamento em fadiga e análises microestruturais por microscopia óptica (MO). Por fim, obteve-se uma dureza em torno de 330 HV, uma vida infinita de fadiga em tensões inferiores a 450 MPa e uma tensão máxima de 1035 MPa (sentido da laminação) e de 995 MPa (sentido perpendicular), obtendo uma variação de 4,02%.
The present work consists of studying the mechanical properties of maraging steel 300 for aerospace application, submitted to the solution treatment. The maraging steel 300 has been a material studied in recent years by the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE) as a possible replacement for the SAE 4140 steel used in Brazilian rocket motor, the VSB-30. This steel is considered an ultra-high mechanical strength steel, with good toughness, and for this reason it has been frequently used in the aerospace sector. The maraging steel, after the solution treatment, has been extensively studied, as it is in this condition where all processing is done (cutting, calendering, welding, machining). Due to its versatility and good mechanical properties acquired during heat treatments, this steel has reached other industrial sectors. Thus, in view of the importance of this steel, a study of the anisotropy of the laminated sheet, evaluations of mechanical strength by the tensile test, hardness measurements on the Vickers scale (HV), evaluations of fatigue behavior will be carried out and microstructural analyzes were performed by optical microscopy (OM). Finally, a hardness of around 330 HV is obtained, an infinite fatigue life at stresses below 450 MPa and a maximum stress of 1035 MPa (lamination direction) and 995 MPa (perpendicular direction), obtaining an variation of 4.02%.
The present work consists of studying the mechanical properties of maraging steel 300 for aerospace application, submitted to the solution treatment. The maraging steel 300 has been a material studied in recent years by the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE) as a possible replacement for the SAE 4140 steel used in Brazilian rocket motor, the VSB-30. This steel is considered an ultra-high mechanical strength steel, with good toughness, and for this reason it has been frequently used in the aerospace sector. The maraging steel, after the solution treatment, has been extensively studied, as it is in this condition where all processing is done (cutting, calendering, welding, machining). Due to its versatility and good mechanical properties acquired during heat treatments, this steel has reached other industrial sectors. Thus, in view of the importance of this steel, a study of the anisotropy of the laminated sheet, evaluations of mechanical strength by the tensile test, hardness measurements on the Vickers scale (HV), evaluations of fatigue behavior will be carried out and microstructural analyzes were performed by optical microscopy (OM). Finally, a hardness of around 330 HV is obtained, an infinite fatigue life at stresses below 450 MPa and a maximum stress of 1035 MPa (lamination direction) and 995 MPa (perpendicular direction), obtaining an variation of 4.02%.