As elites empresariais na integração do Brasil ao Mercosul nos governos Lula e Temer
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A pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar a influência das elites empresariais, nos governos de Lula e Michel Temer, no processo de integração do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul). Assim, o propósito do artigo é compreender como esse grupo influiu para a transmutação do regionalismo pós-liberal para o regionalismo atual, com características do regionalismo aberto, relativo às tomadas de decisões frente ao bloco. São duas as hipóteses levantadas, a primeira diz respeito à cessão de benefícios direcionados a essa elite, fazendo com que as expectativas não fossem mais atendidas e tomando como única solução a mudança do posicionamento do governo em relação à integração. A segunda, baseada em estudos de mudanças de comportamento eleitoral sob a perspectiva sociológica, defende que ocorreu o anseio pela modificação da condução política que era tomada pelos governantes, tornando assim, parte da elite favorável a uma política externa bilateral, devido à insatisfação com meios multilaterais seguidos na integração regional. Ambas as hipóteses são convergentes ao assumir a importância deste grupo como influenciador à tomada de decisão pelos dirigentes da integração
regional (presidentes e governantes). Este estudo apresenta natureza de pesquisa teórica possuindo como base lógica de investigação o método hipotético-dedutivo e qualitativo, cujas análises se darão através de dados secundários e primários.
This research aims to study the influence of the business elites on the governments of Lula and Temer in the integration process of The Common Market of the South (Mercosur). Thus, the proposal of this article is understanding how this group swayed to a transformation from post-liberal regionalism to current regionalism, with open regionalism features, with regard to decision-making in relation to the block. There are two hypotheses raised, the first one concerning the cession of benefits targeted to this elite, doing with their expectations were not fulfilled and resulting as the sole solution the position change of the government in relation to the integration. The second, based on studies of electoral change behavior under sociological perspective, advocates that occurred the desire for changing the political conduct that was taken by the government, thus becoming part of the elite favorable to bilateral foreign policy, due to dissatisfaction with the multilateral measures followed in the regional integration. Both hypotheses are convergent in assuming the importance of this group as an influence on decision-making by the leaders of regional integration (presidents and governors). This study presents the nature of theoretical research having as a logical basis of investigation the hypothetical-deductive method, whose analyzes will be done through secondary and primary data.
This research aims to study the influence of the business elites on the governments of Lula and Temer in the integration process of The Common Market of the South (Mercosur). Thus, the proposal of this article is understanding how this group swayed to a transformation from post-liberal regionalism to current regionalism, with open regionalism features, with regard to decision-making in relation to the block. There are two hypotheses raised, the first one concerning the cession of benefits targeted to this elite, doing with their expectations were not fulfilled and resulting as the sole solution the position change of the government in relation to the integration. The second, based on studies of electoral change behavior under sociological perspective, advocates that occurred the desire for changing the political conduct that was taken by the government, thus becoming part of the elite favorable to bilateral foreign policy, due to dissatisfaction with the multilateral measures followed in the regional integration. Both hypotheses are convergent in assuming the importance of this group as an influence on decision-making by the leaders of regional integration (presidents and governors). This study presents the nature of theoretical research having as a logical basis of investigation the hypothetical-deductive method, whose analyzes will be done through secondary and primary data.
BARBOSA, Samara Caroline Santana. As elites empresariais na integração do Brasil ao Mercosul nos governos Lula e Temer. 2021. 33 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Relações Internacionais). Monografia-Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2021.