The Radar Cross Section of a Military Transport Helicopter in the X-Band
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As a consequence of their large size and surface geometry, military transport helicopters have usually large radar cross sections (RCS). Depending on the type of the mission these helicopters are carrying, it would be advantageous for the helicopter to have a smaller RCS. The RCS of any target can be minimized using different methods. In this study, the RCS of a helicopter was simulated assuming that it was covered by a multifunctional composite that can function both as structural material and narrow band microwave absorber. Simulations were performed at 8 and 12 GHz and the results indicate that a considerable reduction of the overall RCS of the helicopter at 12 GHz can be obtained using the multifunctional composite.
2017 Sbmo/Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave And Optoelectronics Conference (Imoc). New York, v. , p. -, 2017.