Large colloid drusen analyzed with structural en face optical coherence tomography

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Roberti, Nathalia Corbelli
de Oliveira Dias, Joao Rafael [UNIFESP]
Novais, Eduardo Amorim [UNIFESP]
Regatieri, Caio Saito [UNIFESP]
Belfort, Rubens, Jr. [UNIFESP]
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Drusen are extracellular deposits between the basal lamina of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the inner collagenous layer of Bruch's membrane. Large colloid drusen (LCD) are located below the RPE and are characterized by multiple, large, dome-shaped RPE detachments, with marked attenuation of the ellipsoid zone overlaying the drusen. This report presents the structural en face optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings of LCD and relates them to findings from fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography. We describe the case of a 55-year-old woman who presented with the chief complaint of a 5-year history of progressively worsening vision. Her best-corrected visual acuities were 20/40 and 20/400 in the right eye and the left eye, respectively. Fundus examination showed large bilateral, symmetrical, sub-retinal, yellowish lesions compatible with LCD. We describe the structural en face OCT characteristics and angiographic findings from this patient.
Arquivos Brasileiros De Oftalmologia. Sao Paulo, v. 80, n. 2, p. 122-124, 2017.