Participação popular em espaços institucionalizados: uma análise sobre o processo de tomada de decisões no conselho municipal de saúde de Santos/SP (2013 2015)
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O tema tratado neste estudo é decorrente dos desdobramentos das lutas e conquistas do Movimento da Reforma Sanitária, Movimento Popular de Saúde e demais setores organizados da sociedade, realizadas principalmente na década de 1980, e parcialmente inseridos na Lei 8.142, de 28/12/1990: qu e
dispõe sobre a participação da comunidade na gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde SUS. A pesquisa teve o objetivo de analisar a participação da sociedade civil na política de saúde do município de Santos/SP, focando na dinâmica de funcionamento do Conselho Municipal de Saúde de Santos no período entre janeiro de 2013 e novembro de 2015, para evidenciar aspectos referentes ao exercício da representação social e ao significado do espaço político institucionalizado conselho. Foi desenvolvida a partir da análise de uma experiência envolvendo movimento social e universidade; especificamente o processo avaliativo realizado pelo Fórum Popular de Saúde da Baixada Santista em relação à gestão da política pública de saúde do município de Santos SP. Para tanto, se fez necessário, além dos estudos teóricos sobre o tema a participação nas reuniões no conselho entre janeiro de 2013 e novembro de 2015, a participação na realização das pré conferencias para o pleito e ocupação de cadeiras de conselheiros/as; como também a participação das atividades do Fórum Popular de Saúde da Baixada Santista. Para o desenvolvimento da análise foram priorizadas duas questões problematizadoras deste processo: a) a possibilidade do efetivo exercício da representação social; b) o significa do do espaço político institucionalizado conselhos para as transformações sociais.
The subject covered in this study is due to the consequences of the struggles and achievements of the Health Reform Movement, People's Health Movement and other organized sectors of society, mainly carried out in the 1980s, and partially inserted into the 8142 Act of 28/12/1990: which provides for community participation in the management of the Unified Health System - SUS.A research aimed to analyze the participation of civil society in health policy in the city of Santos / SP, focusing on the operating dynamics of the City Council Health Santos between January 2013 and November 2015, to highlight aspects relating to the exercise of social representation and significance of institutionalized political space -Board. It was developed from the analysis of an experiment involving social movement and university; specifically the evaluation process carried out by the Health Forum of People's Santos over the management of public health policy in the city of Santos - SP. Therefore, it was necessary, in addition to theoretical studies on the subject participation in meetings on the board between January 2013 and November 2015, participation in carrying out pre-conferences for the election and occupation counselors chairs; as well as the participation in the activities of People's Health Forum of Santos. For the development of problem-analysis were prioritized two issues of this process: a) the possibility of the effective exercise of social representation; b) the significance of institutionalized political space - advice - for social change.
The subject covered in this study is due to the consequences of the struggles and achievements of the Health Reform Movement, People's Health Movement and other organized sectors of society, mainly carried out in the 1980s, and partially inserted into the 8142 Act of 28/12/1990: which provides for community participation in the management of the Unified Health System - SUS.A research aimed to analyze the participation of civil society in health policy in the city of Santos / SP, focusing on the operating dynamics of the City Council Health Santos between January 2013 and November 2015, to highlight aspects relating to the exercise of social representation and significance of institutionalized political space -Board. It was developed from the analysis of an experiment involving social movement and university; specifically the evaluation process carried out by the Health Forum of People's Santos over the management of public health policy in the city of Santos - SP. Therefore, it was necessary, in addition to theoretical studies on the subject participation in meetings on the board between January 2013 and November 2015, participation in carrying out pre-conferences for the election and occupation counselors chairs; as well as the participation in the activities of People's Health Forum of Santos. For the development of problem-analysis were prioritized two issues of this process: a) the possibility of the effective exercise of social representation; b) the significance of institutionalized political space - advice - for social change.
ROCHA, Edson Barbosa da. Participação popular em espaços institucionalizados: uma análise sobre o processo de tomada de decisões no conselho municipal de saúde de Santos/SP (2013 2015). 2015. 38 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Serviço Social) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2015.