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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O desenvolvimento diferenciado na escola: um estudo sobre a inclusão escolar de uma criança com transtorno do espectro autista(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-09-10) Araujo, Camila Azevedo de [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Maria de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This work addresses aspects of the process of school inclusion of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The work is based on the historical-cultural psychology, with emphasis on the ideas of Lev Vigotski about the social dimension of development of people with disabilities and the importance given to education in this process. The research articulates the interview and participant observation in constructing a case study of school inclusion of a child with ASD in early childhood education school in Sao Paulo in order to understand how the process of the school inclusion of the child occurs, whether and how this process impacts in her development in relation to the defining characteristics of the disorder, related to language and social interaction. This analysis revealed that the conditions and embodiments of the process of school inclusion in the context of early childhood education are organized around the different behaviors displayed by children. At school, these behaviors, deemed as inadequate and resulting from disorders are influenced by prevailing conceptions of ASD, related to the existence of this diagnosis. Stands out in the analysis, the need to understand and discuss the role played by these conceptions and by the action of the school environment (teachers, children and forms of organization of school work) in the emergence of language’s possibilities of participation of children in school practices and school inclusion.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Um estudo sobre o atendimento em creches às crianças com deficiência ou transtorno do desenvolvimento: o que dizem familiares e profissionais de um município paulista(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-05-04) Diniz, Nathalia Lucena [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Maria de Fátima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This dissertation?s theme is the educational inclusion of little children with disability or disorders. The aim is, through semi-structured interviews answered by relatives and professionals from daycares within a municipality of Sao Paulo, to understand and discuss conceptions about child development, disability and disorders, educational inclusion and the role of daycares, involved in the process to assist these children. The research has as its methodological and theoretical foundation in cultural-historical psychology, with highlight to contributions from Lev Vygotsky on the social character ? mediated ? of human constitution and the role of others and of the language on the cultural development of children with disability. It was also considered contributions of Brazilian researchers about children education and special education, in an inclusive perspective, and documents conducting these educational genre and the specific legislation. The work consists in a case study through qualitative approach. The analysis points towards the importance of educational inclusion on school in these children?s lives and to the changes evoked by their presence in the regular school system. The roles played by relatives and professionals conceptions about the child development, disability, disorders and educational inclusion are emphasized. This work discusses a context which reflects the current changes taking place regard little children?s education and special education.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Imigração e violência escolar: o processo de inclusão escolar dos alunos identificados como bolivianos nas escolas públicas de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-12-17) Fuchs, Francis Armando dos Santos [UNIFESP]; Dias, Marian Ávila de Lima [UNIFESP];; objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a trajetória e o desempenho escolar bem como a eventual ocorrência de violência escolar contra os alunos identificados como bolivianos em escolas públicas, especialmente aquelas manifestações de violência expressas sob a forma de bullying e de discriminação decorrente do preconceito. A partir dos conceitos da Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, partimos da hipótese de que as péssimas condições de trabalho oferecidas à população imigrante e seus descendentes afetam negativamente a trajetória e a permanência escolar dos alunos identificados como bolivianos; e da hipótese de que o desempenho nas hierarquias escolares (oficial e não oficial) – ademais, as possíveis incidências de elementos associados às condições socioeconômicas dos alunos identificados como bolivianos, dadas as condições de competição e exclusão existentes em nossa sociedade – os colocariam em uma situação propícia a serem potenciais vítimas da violência escolar entre pares. Buscamos, assim, verificar e comprar o grau de inclusão das escolas e projetos participantes da pesquisa; apontar qual posição os alunos identificados como bolivianos ocupam na hierarquia escolar; verificar se há ocorrência de bullying e de discriminação decorrente do preconceito contra alunos identificados como bolivianos em comparação com os demais alunos; e investigar a trajetória escolar dos alunos identificados como bolivianos verificando o desempenho acadêmico, a permanência, a participação e a evasão no processo escolar, bem como o prosseguimento dos estudos e sua relação com o trabalho. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em cinco instituições de ensino: três escolas públicas e dois projetos de organizações filantrópicas, estes acolhem os alunos daquelas escolas no contraturno. Participaram 103 alunos matriculados no Ensino Médio (estudantes identificados como bolivianos, bem como estudantes brasileiros que têm colegas identificados como bolivianos em suas turmas), cinco coordenadores/as pedagógicos/as (duas mulheres e dois homens) e cinco representantes da coordenação.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Percurso Escolar de Pessoas com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne: Contingências Sociais e Constituição dos Sujeitos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-09-20) Rozante, Gessica Torres [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Maria de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research is inserted in the field of studies about inclusion of people with disabilities in the scholar education. Its objective is to comprehend the schooling path of people with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) through the investigation of the roles of the subjective, historic, social and educational-political aspects, as well as those related to their organic conditions, which are contingencies in such paths. This research evinces in the diversity that can feature those paths, how it is the intertwining of social and personal histories of the subjects in their relation with the school. It has as theoretical-methodological framework the cultural-historical psychology, highlighting the contributions of Vygotsky and the studies about language in a dialogic and enunciative perspective, based on studies of the Bakhtin Circle (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHINOV), in a way that the look is directed to the social constitution of the educational paths and subjects. It has as references other theorists as Ecléa Bosi, in order to expand the discussion about the social constitution of the memory; Norberto Bobbio, in order to enable the reflection on the relation between the rights and their practical realization; Erwing Goffman from the sociology field, whose work allows to base arguments about the stigmatization process. The empiric work consists on the bibliographic review about the topic, in particular the Neuropsychology researches about intellectual disability and DMD; on the contextualization of the Inclusive Education policies; finally, on the realization of open interviews with people with DMD and their relatives. The analysis has two areas of thought: conditions of possibilities for access and staying in the school, and the constitution of the subjects in relation with the school, from which we increase the discussion about the impacts of the meaning of the diagnosis by the mothers, as well as the conditions of volitional possibilities of learning and confrontation of stigma. The investigation undertaken points the difficulties of access and staying faced by the subjects with DMD in their paths, despite the political-pedagogical context of School Inclusion. It highlights the role of the mothers efforts on seeking guarantees of conditions of educational possibilities for their children and, in conclusion, it clarifies how these schooling paths are constitutives of the subjectives of the research
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A relação com a linguagem escrita na inclusão escolar de uma criança com deficiência visual: mediação pedagógica e (im)possibilidades de ensino-aprendizagem(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-01-09) Carvalhais, Keuri Costa [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Maria de Fátima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This work deals with the relation between children with visual disability [hereafter named under the acronym DV ? translator?s note], and written language in a school inclusion policy during the first year of elementary school, together with specialized educational attendance [hereafter named under the acronym AEE ? translator?s note]. It aims to discuss the conditions and ways it is accomplished within such educational contexts, and within situations which objective is to introduce children(in)directly to both reading and writing practices, its teaching and learning as well. The investigation is based on Vygotsky?s cultural-storic Psychology (1897-1943), a current of thought that assumes both writing and language as social practices, emphasizing their role on the constitution of cultural functions, and in the school development of children. It also aims to outline the moderator role of the other and that of the language, and the importance they give to the use of cultural instruments towards the development of forms of psychological measures within the existence of any kind of disability. Carried out a case study throughout participant observation, this research was developed with a six-year-old boy with diagnosticated visual disability [hereafter named under the acronym DV ? translator?s note], enrolled in the 1st year of elementary public school, in the city of Guarulhos/SP, and beneficiated by the specialized educational attendance (AEE).During the elaboration of the case study, it was also made semi-structured interviews with the research participants: an AEE?s teacher, a teacher from the elementary school?s classroom, her trainee, the school committee, the visual disabled child, and his mother. The data analysis, carried out under the focus of cultural-storic Psychology outlines the mediation of the teachers ? ways and devices to achieve the pedagogical work that involves the approach towards writing and its learning ? indicating it as preponderant to the construction of the (im)possibilities related to DV children and written language, its learning and development.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Universo TEA - Uma cartilha para apoiar professores na cultura da educação inclusiva(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-06-18) Nogueira, Gisele [UNIFESP]; Gamez, Luciano [UNIFESP]; Hardagh, Cláudia [UNIFESP];;; partir dos anos 1990, foram definidas orientações para o processo de inclusão de estudantes com deficiência e necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas regulares em eventos como a Conferência Mundial de Educação para Todos (Jontiem-Tailândia/1990) e a Conferência Mundial de Educação Especial (Salamanca-Espanha/1994). Articulada aos eventos citados, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (Brasil, 1996), particularmente no Capítulo V, artigos 58 e 59, indicam o processo de inclusão de estudantes com deficiência em escolas regulares. Assim, verifica- se no Brasil uma sequência de políticas públicas para dar início ao processo de inclusão de estudantes com necessidades educacionais especiais nas escolas regulares do país. Nas últimas duas décadas, verifica-se um número crescente de estudantes que ingressam em escolas regulares, entre eles, alunos/alunas com TEA. No entanto, professores do ensino fundamental II e do ensino médio, não possuem repertório conceitual e metodológico para proporcionar a inclusão de estudantes com TEA. Por isso, este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso se propôs a provocar uma reflexão entre docentes dos segmentos citados, por meio da organização de grupo focal que, por meio das narrativas reveladas pelas experiências contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do protótipo da publicação: Universo TEA: uma cartilha de apoio para professores engajados na cultura da inclusão. A cartilha é um material instrucional projetado a partir da metodologia do Grupo Focal para coleta de dados e da pesquisa qualitativa de tipo etnográfico. As bases metodológicas possibilitaram a estruturação da cartilha que tem como um dos seus principais objetivos orientar professores e professoras do ensino fundamental II e médio a tornar suas classes regulares, espaços de aprendizagem acessíveis, baseados nos princípios do Desenho Universal de Aprendizagem e da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas.