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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Age norms for monocular grating acuity measured by sweep-VEP in the first three years of age(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2008-08-01) Salomão, Solange Rios [UNIFESP]; Ejzenbaum, Fábio [UNIFESP]; Berezovsky, Adriana [UNIFESP]; Sacai, Paula Yuri [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Josenilson Martins [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To determine age norms for grating visual acuity and interocular acuity differences measured by the sweep-visually evoked potentials (VEP) technique in the first three years of life. METHODS: Monocular grating visual acuity was measured using the sweep-VEP in 67 healthy normal infants and children in the first 36 months of life. RESULTS: Sweep-VEP grating acuity ranged from 0.80 logMAR (20/125 Snellen equivalent) in the first month of life to 0.06 logMAR (20/20 Snellen equivalent) at 36 months of age. Lower normal limits (95th percentile limit) ranged from 0.95 logMAR (20/180) to 0.12 logMAR (20/25) with a progression of approximately 3 octaves in the first 36 months of age. The largest acceptable interocular acuity difference for clinical purposes was 0.10 logMAR. CONCLUSIONS: Age norms for grating acuity along with interocular acuity differences were determined using the sweep-VEP technique. These norms should be incorporated in clinical practice for precise diagnosis of visual status in infants and preverbal children.
- ItemEmbargoAnálise da freqüência respiratória e do volume corrente como preditivo para a falha na extubação da recém-nascidos muito baixo peso(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2006-05-31) Davidson, Josy [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Werther Brunow de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetive: to analyze the relation between respiratory rate (RR) and tidal volume (TV) ratio as a predictive index for extubation very low birth weight infants submitted to mechanical ventilation. Methods: Prospective observational collection of data with newborns less than 37 weeks gestation, less than or iqual to 1.500 grams who were mechanically ventilated for at least 48 hours and less than 30 days and had planned extubation. As soon as physicians decided to extubate infant, a fixed-area pneumotachograph was installed between endotracheal tube and ventilator circuit. Infant stayed in endotracheal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mode during 10 minutes and spontaneous tidal volume (TV) and respiratory rate (RR) were collected. After measurements, neonate was extubated and used nasal CPAP. Extubation failure was considered if infant required reintubation within 48 hours, except if infant evaluated with airway obstruction. RR/TV was indexed to body weight in the day of the study and means of RR, TV and RR/TV during 10 minutes were calculeted. For continuous variables were used Student t-test and for categorical variables between groups were used Chi-square or the Fisher´s exact test. A cutoff was calculated for respiratory rate and tidal volume and sensibility and specificity were also calculated. Results: Thirty-five infants were enrolled and fifteen (43%) failure extubation. During 10- minute measurements, there were no differences between groups in RR, TV and RR/TV. Specificity and sensibility were for RR 40% ,67%, TV was 50%, 67% and RR/TV was 40%, 73%, respectively. Conclusion: Respiratory rate tidal volume ratio was not a good predictor for extubation success.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação de duas classificações para excesso de peso em adolescentes brasileiros(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2007-08-01) Vítolo, Márcia Regina [UNIFESP]; Campagnolo, Paula Dal Bó; Barros, Maria Elisa; Gama, Cintia Mendes [UNIFESP]; Ancona Lopez, Fábio [UNIFESP]; Fundação Faculdade Federal de Ciências Médicas de Porto Alegre Departamento de Saúde Coletiva; Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro Departamento de Nutrição; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A cross-sectional study carried out among 418 adolescents between ten and 19 years old at a private school in the city of São Paulo in 1998. The objective of the study was to evaluate the proposed thresholds for diagnosing overweight among Brazilian adolescents. The percentage body fat was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. The cutoff points used for excess body fat were 25% for boys and 30% for girls. The body mass index was classified in accordance with Cole et al and with Conde & Monteiro. The Brazilian reference (Conde & Monteiro) presented higher sensitivity among younger girls (44.2% vs. 32.6%), older girls (18.9% vs. 17%) and older boys (83.3% vs. 50%). The Conde & Monteiro proposal presented higher positive and negative predictive values and provided higher-sensitivity predictions of excess body fat among the study population.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Elaboração e validação de tabela MNREAD para o idioma português(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2005-12-01) Castro, Celina Tamaki Monteiro de [UNIFESP]; Kallie, Christopher Scott; Salomão, Solange Rios [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); University of MinnesotaPURPOSE: To create and to validate a version of the Minnesota Low Vision Reading Test (MNREAD) acuity chart for the Portuguese language. METHODS: The Minnesota Low Vision Reading Test acuity chart contain 19 sentences (logMAR 0.5 to 1.3) with 60 characters printed on three lines. All the sentences must have the same length with simple vocabulary. A total of 110 sentences were generated. The sentences were presented to 36 subjects (20 adults and 16 children) and mistakes and reading time were marked. 38 sentences were selected for a prototype (MNREAD-P). Sentences with extreme high and low mean reading time, large standard deviation, and with persistent mistakes by subjects were excluded. Validation: Twenty subjects with normal vision (logMAR 0 or 20/20 or better, with best refractive correction) were tested with the MNREAD-P and read a passage of text, representing normal, day-to-day reading. Reading speeds in words per minute were recorded for both the MNREAD and the text passage. RESULTS: Sentences in the MNREAD Portuguese chart are sufficiently consistent to provide reliable measures of reading abilities. Reading speeds for the passage (logMar = 0.6) were 197.8 words/minute and the maximum reading speeds calculated by the MNREAD-P were 200.1 words/minute. The correlation between the two measures was r = 0.82. CONCLUSION: The MNREAD-P was tested on normal vision subjects and the results were the same from the original Minnesota Low Vision Reading Test. The reading speed measured on the MNREAD-P was statistically equivalent to the reading speed of the passage.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Predictive validity analysis of six reference equations for the 6-minute walk test in healthy Brazilian men: a cross-sectional study(Associacao Brasileira Pesquisa Pos-Graduacao Fisioterapia-Abrapg-Ft, 2017) Negreiros, Alexandher; Padula, Rosimeire Simprini; Bretas Bernardes, Rosane Andrea; de Moraes, Monica Vasconcelos; Pires, Raquel Simoni; Chiavegato, Luciana Dias [UNIFESP]Background: The six-minute walk test (6MWT) is an important tool for evaluating functional capacity and exercise tolerance. The reference equations for the 6MWT in healthy subjects were established on the basis of American and European populations, but reference equations have been proposed with different variables for the Brazilian population. Objective: To analyze the predictive validity of six reference equations for the six-minute walking distance (6MWD) in healthy adult men. Methods: We evaluated 103 individuals in relation to level of physical activity (IPAQ), respiratory symptoms (MRC), handgrip strength, and 6MWD test. The data were submitted to a normality test, then the Bland-Altman agreement test was used to compare individual 6MWD values with that expected for each equation. Results: The subjects were active, with a mean age of 34.12 (SD = 8.88) years and no respiratory symptoms. The mean of the 6MWD was 663.43 (SD = 93.01) m. The 6MWD's predicted values came closest to the walked distance covered by Britto et al.'s equation (using BMI) of 647.62 (SD = 38.62) m. Conclusions: The equation proposed by Britto et al. using body mass index (BMI) was the closest to the 6MWD for the individuals studied and could be widely used as a reference tool during the 6MWT in healthy Brazilian men. (C) 2017 Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pos-Graduacao em Fisioterapia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosRetransplante de fígado: validação externa de um modelo matemático preditivo de sobrevida(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Mattos, Rogerio Obregon de [UNIFESP]; Linhares, Marcelo Moura [UNIFESP]Introdução: A necessidade de transplante de figado nos diversos paises tem suplantado e muito a oferta de enxertos. Em geral, a sobrevida dos doentes RETX e dos enxertos e menor em relacao ao TX primario. Portanto, e de grande importancia determinar, no periodo pre-operatorio, quais doentes teriam uma melhor sobrevida no RETX, evitando, desta maneira, o RETX oinutilo e aumentando os beneficios de um recurso escasso. Em um estudo previo, Linhares et al. (2006) desenvolveram um modelo matematico preditivo de mortalidade precoce em pacientes retransplantados, modelo que foi validado internamente por Mattos et al. (2012). No entanto, para que um modelo matematico tenha aceitacao e efiCiência clinica e necessaria a sua validacao externa em uma populacao diferente da que o modelo foi construido. Objetivo: Validar externamente o modelo matematico preditivo de sobrevida, criado por Linhares et al. (2006). Metodo: Estudaram-se, retrospectivamente, 217 doentes submetidos a retransplante hepatico no periodo compreendido entre janeiro/2000 e dezembro/2008, em quatro centros Europeus. Os dados dos doentes foram obtidos da base de dados computadorizada da ELTR e dos Servicos participantes. Foram colhidas as seguintes variaveis do receptor: idade, creatinina, urgencia do retransplante e tempo entre o transplante e o retransplante. Foram utilizadas as curvas de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier e a curva ROC com objetivo de validar o modelo matematico. Intervalos de confianca de 95% foram estimados. Pela tecnica de log-rank, compararam-se as curvas de sobrevida, quando dicotomizadas em dois decis (alto e baixo risco) e quando essas foram dicotomizadas em tercis, de acordo com os pontos de cortes do modelo original: alto risco (> 32), medio risco (24 - 32) e baixo risco (< 24). Resultados: Os resultados deste trabalho mostram igual tendencia de sobrevida em relacao ao trabalho de Linhares et al. (2006) no que se refere as variacoes biologicas, quando comparamos as curvas de sobrevida para cada uma das quatro variaveis estudadas entre ambas as amostras. Quando comparadas, as areas abaixo da curva ROC (aROC) das amostras de derivacao (0,733) e validacao (0,593), observou-se uma diferenca estatisticamente significante (p= 0,005), mostrando uma baixa relacao de sensibilidade e especificidade entre as duas curvas. Observou-se semelhanca nas curvas de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier das duas amostras, tanto dicotomizadas pelo cut-off (ponto de corte = 30), como pela distribuicao em tercis (<24, 24-32 e > 32). Conclusao: Com este trabalho foi possivel validar externamente, atraves das curvas de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier, o modelo matematico preditivo de sobrevida no retransplante de figado proposto por Linhares et al. (2006), porem a validacao atraves da curva ROC, a aROC, foi considerada de fraca habilidade discriminatoria.