Desenvolvimento de um modelo de machine learning para predição do aumento de temperatura e diminuição do índice pluviométrico no Estado de São Paulo em função do desmatamento da Amazônia.
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Com o passar dos anos, o desmatamento da Floresta Amazônica tornou-se um ponto crítico e de extrema preocupação não só em âmbito local, mas também regional e global devido aos impactos que este gera sobre o meio ambiente a curto, médio e a longo prazo. O aumento da temperatura, da emissão dos gases de efeito estufa e a diminuição dos índices pluviométricos são só algumas das consequências exercidas sobre as regiões que sofrem as complicações provenientes do desmatamento. Por conta disso, cientistas vêm buscando alternativas para não só conseguirem mapear os impactos gerados, mas também prever como estes se comportarão no futuro com base no histórico do desmatamento que foi registrado ao longo dos anos, fazendo-se assim possível traçar planos de ação para poder mitigar não só os impactos, mas o desmatamento da Amazônia em si. Para colocar estes planos em prática, a versatilidade e assertividade fornecida pela tecnologia por meio de métodos de IA (Inteligência Artificial) se mostra cada vez mais fundamental para se resolver questões complexas como as apresentadas no âmbito ambiental. Fazendo o uso das bases de dados com um compilado de variáveis como precipitação média, variação de temperatura, direção do vento e desmatamento acumulado, por exemplo, fornecidas por instituições como a PRODES (Projeto de Estimativa ao Desflorestamento Bruto da Amazônia), INPE (Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais) e INMET (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia), um modelo de Machine Learning (Aprendizado de Máquina) foi aplicado a fim de se estabelecer uma predição das variações dos índices pluviométricos e temperatura de São Paulo relacionando-os com o desmatamento da Amazônia. Após aplicação do método de Random Forest foi possível confirmar a correlação do desmatamento da Floresta Amazônica com variação da amplitude térmica e pluviosidade total no estado de São Paulo. Entretanto, para se obter uma predição mais assertiva, se mostrou necessário considerar mais variáveis além do desmatamento da Amazônia, como por exemplo a evapotranspiração do piche e a direção do vento, que apresentaram grande correlação com as mudanças climáticas em São Paulo.
Over the years, Amazon Rain Forest desforestation has become a critical point and extreme concern not only locally, but also regionally and globally due to the impacts it generates on the environment in the short, medium and long term. The temperature and greenhouse gases emission increase added to decrease in rainfall are just a fill of the consequences to regions that suffer directly with complications arising from deforestation. Because of that, scientists have been looking for alternatives not only to be able to map generated impacts, but also in order to predict how they will impact the environment in the future based on the history of deforestation that has been recorded over the years, making it possible to draw up action plans to mitigate these consequences and also to decrease the Amazon Forest deforestation itself. To put these plans into practice, the versatility and assertiveness provided by technology through AI (Artificial Intelligence) methods proves to be increasingly fundamental to solving complex issues such as those presented in the environmental field. Based on databases with a compilation of variables such as average precipitation, temperature variation, wind direction and accumulated deforestation, for example, provided by institutions such as PRODES (Projeto de Estimativa ao Desflorestamento Bruto da Amazônia), INPE (Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais) and INMET (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia), a Machine Learning model was developed in order to establish a prediction of variations in rainfall and temperature of São Paulo, relating them to Amazon deforestation. After to run Random Forest method, it was possible to confirm the correlation of deforestation in the Amazon Forest with variation in the thermal amplitude and total rainfall in São Paulo. However, in order to obtain a more assertive prediction, it was necessary to consider more variables in addition to deforestation in the Amazon, such as tar evapotranspiration and wind direction, which showed a strong correlation with climate change in São Paulo.
Over the years, Amazon Rain Forest desforestation has become a critical point and extreme concern not only locally, but also regionally and globally due to the impacts it generates on the environment in the short, medium and long term. The temperature and greenhouse gases emission increase added to decrease in rainfall are just a fill of the consequences to regions that suffer directly with complications arising from deforestation. Because of that, scientists have been looking for alternatives not only to be able to map generated impacts, but also in order to predict how they will impact the environment in the future based on the history of deforestation that has been recorded over the years, making it possible to draw up action plans to mitigate these consequences and also to decrease the Amazon Forest deforestation itself. To put these plans into practice, the versatility and assertiveness provided by technology through AI (Artificial Intelligence) methods proves to be increasingly fundamental to solving complex issues such as those presented in the environmental field. Based on databases with a compilation of variables such as average precipitation, temperature variation, wind direction and accumulated deforestation, for example, provided by institutions such as PRODES (Projeto de Estimativa ao Desflorestamento Bruto da Amazônia), INPE (Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais) and INMET (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia), a Machine Learning model was developed in order to establish a prediction of variations in rainfall and temperature of São Paulo, relating them to Amazon deforestation. After to run Random Forest method, it was possible to confirm the correlation of deforestation in the Amazon Forest with variation in the thermal amplitude and total rainfall in São Paulo. However, in order to obtain a more assertive prediction, it was necessary to consider more variables in addition to deforestation in the Amazon, such as tar evapotranspiration and wind direction, which showed a strong correlation with climate change in São Paulo.