Desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle residencial baseado em princípios de IoT
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo de controle residencial de baixo custo, capaz de se conectar com dispositivos convencionais, como lâmpadas e tomadas, fazendo o controle destes dispositivos a partir de uma rede Wi-Fi. Dessa forma, pode-se substituir os atuais dispositivos inteligentes de custo elevado, para assim popularizar a construção de Smart Houses por meio do barateamento deste tipo de implementação, tornando-a mais acessível à população em geral. Para tal, foram implementadas rotinas no software Home Assistant, sistema operacional voltado para controle de casas inteligentes. Este software é capaz de se comunicar via Wi-Fi com um módulo controlador baseado em um dispositivo ESP32, que tem a função de repassar os comandos enviados pela plataforma a todos os dispositivos de uma residência que estejam conectados ao mesmo. Foi também desenvolvido um protótipo baseado em uma maquete, utilizando LEDs para simbolizar as lâmpadas, transistores para realizar o chaveamento delas e o sensor de temperatura e umidade DHT22 para coletar dados sobre o ambiente. Além disso, foram criadas rotinas de automação para os componentes conectados ao microcontrolador. Por fim, também foi analisado o comportamento do sistema quando submetido à falta de internet ou à uma conexão fraca.
This work aims at creating a low-cost home control device that can connect to conventional devices such as lamps and outlets, and control them through a Wi-Fi network, replacing the current high-cost smart devices. The goal is to make the construction of Smart Houses more affordable and accessible to the general public. To achieve this, routines were implemented in the Home Assistant software, an operating system for smart home control, which communicates via Wi-Fi with a controller module based on an ESP32 device. This device passes on commands from the platform to all devices in a residence that are connected to it. A prototype was also developed based on a small scale model, using LEDs to symbolize lamps, transistors to switch them, and the DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor to collect data about the environment. Automation routines were also created for the components connected to the microcontroller. The behavior of the system was also analyzed when it was subjected to a lack of internet or a weak connection.
This work aims at creating a low-cost home control device that can connect to conventional devices such as lamps and outlets, and control them through a Wi-Fi network, replacing the current high-cost smart devices. The goal is to make the construction of Smart Houses more affordable and accessible to the general public. To achieve this, routines were implemented in the Home Assistant software, an operating system for smart home control, which communicates via Wi-Fi with a controller module based on an ESP32 device. This device passes on commands from the platform to all devices in a residence that are connected to it. A prototype was also developed based on a small scale model, using LEDs to symbolize lamps, transistors to switch them, and the DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor to collect data about the environment. Automation routines were also created for the components connected to the microcontroller. The behavior of the system was also analyzed when it was subjected to a lack of internet or a weak connection.