O valor das narrativas e do simbólico para as Startups
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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso examina o papel das narrativas e do
simbolismo no cenário das startups, onde o potencial de crescimento é
frequentemente valorizado acima de métricas financeiras estabelecidas. Utilizando
uma abordagem metodológica que combina pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, a
pesquisa destaca a discrepância entre avaliações tradicionais e as dinâmicas voláteis
das startups, propondo um olhar mais atento à influência de elementos intangíveis na
percepção e avaliação de mercado dessas empresas emergentes.
No atual mercado de capitais, saturado com novas empresas tecnológicas,
compreender esses aspectos é vital para investidores, empreendedores e
stakeholders. O estudo explora a capacidade das narrativas de atrair investimentos e
de construir a imagem pública das startups, enquanto também investiga o risco de
tais narrativas criarem valorações inflacionadas e práticas empresariais
questionáveis. Através da análise de casos práticos, incluindo a ascensão e queda
da Theranos, evidenciam-se as potencialidades e perigos das narrativas corporativas.
As narrativas, entrelaçadas com o simbolismo, são reconhecidas não como
meros adornos, mas como fundamentos essenciais que tanto propulsam quanto, por
vezes, comprometem o desenvolvimento e o financiamento das startups. Este estudo,
ao mergulhar nas histórias que definem e impulsionam o empreendedorismo
moderno, busca não só destacar a importância do storytelling no capitalismo
contemporâneo mas também apontar para as fissuras que essas histórias podem
causar no tecido do financiamento de risco e no mais amplo sistema capitalista.
This thesis examines the role of narratives and symbolism in the startup landscape, where growth potential is often valued above established financial metrics. Employing a methodological approach that combines bibliographic and documentary research, this study highlights the discrepancy between traditional valuations and the volatile dynamics of startups, proposing a closer look at the influence of intangible elements on market perception and valuation of these emerging businesses. In the current capital market, saturated with new technology companies, understanding these aspects is vital for investors, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders. The study explores the ability of narratives to attract investments and build the public image of startups, while also investigating the risk of such narratives creating inflated valuations and questionable business practices. Through practical case analysis, including the rise and fall of Theranos, the potentialities and dangers of corporate narratives are evidenced. Narratives, intertwined with symbolism, are recognized not as mere adornments but as essential foundations that both propel and, at times, compromise the development and financing of startups. This study, by delving into the stories that define and drive modern entrepreneurship, seeks not only to highlight the importance of storytelling in contemporary capitalism but also to point out the fissures that these stories can cause in the fabric of risk financing and the broader capitalist system.
This thesis examines the role of narratives and symbolism in the startup landscape, where growth potential is often valued above established financial metrics. Employing a methodological approach that combines bibliographic and documentary research, this study highlights the discrepancy between traditional valuations and the volatile dynamics of startups, proposing a closer look at the influence of intangible elements on market perception and valuation of these emerging businesses. In the current capital market, saturated with new technology companies, understanding these aspects is vital for investors, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders. The study explores the ability of narratives to attract investments and build the public image of startups, while also investigating the risk of such narratives creating inflated valuations and questionable business practices. Through practical case analysis, including the rise and fall of Theranos, the potentialities and dangers of corporate narratives are evidenced. Narratives, intertwined with symbolism, are recognized not as mere adornments but as essential foundations that both propel and, at times, compromise the development and financing of startups. This study, by delving into the stories that define and drive modern entrepreneurship, seeks not only to highlight the importance of storytelling in contemporary capitalism but also to point out the fissures that these stories can cause in the fabric of risk financing and the broader capitalist system.
Fernandes, Gabriel Vieira. O valor das narrativas e do simbólico para as Startups. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Econômicas) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2023.