Potencial biotecnológico das microalgas: referencial teórico das suas aplicações
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A procura pela sustentabilidade e por produtos naturais está cada vez maior na sociedade e nas indústrias, nesse cenário, a pesquisa acadêmica para entender o potencial biotecnológico das microalgas e cianobactérias é de extremo interesse. A partir desses micro-organismos obtêm-se biomassas ricas em proteínas, lipídeos, carboidratos, pigmentos e outros compostos bioativos. Em razão dessa diversificada composição bioquímica, as biomassas das microalgas possuem inúmeras aplicações nas indústrias alimentícias, farmacêuticas, cosméticas e de combustível, atuando como matéria-prima para a produção de bioprodutos, além de potencializar a produção de proteína que não seja de origem animal e poder atuar na biorremediação de efluentes. Com uma elevada taxa de crescimento, possibilitando o cultivo em escalas industriais, a utilização da biomassa de microalgas torna-se ainda mais atrativa. À vista disso e, diante da importância de se obter produtos e produções industriais mais sustentáveis, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo dos fundamentos e das aplicações das microalgas e cianobactérias através de uma revisão bibliográfica. Para tanto, uma pesquisa no banco de dados Scopus foi realizada, utilizando as palavras-chave: “microalgas” e “biotecnologia”. Como resultado, foi obtida uma ampla revisão bibliográfica que poderá direcionar de maneira embasada estudos científicos utilizando o potencial biotecnológico das microalgas.
The demand for sustainability and natural products is increasing in society and in industries, in this scenario, academic research to understand the biotechnological potential of microalgae and cyanobacteria is of extreme interest. Biomass rich in proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, pigments and other bioactive compounds are obtained from these microorganisms. Due to this diverse biochemical composition, microalgae biomass has numerous applications in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and fuel industries, acting as raw material for the production of bioproducts, in addition, enhancing the production of protein that is not of animal origin and being able to act in the bioremediation of effluents. With a high growth rate, which can be cultivated on industrial scales, the use of microalgae biomass becomes even more attractive. In view of this, and given the importance of obtaining more sustainable products and industrial production, the objective of this work was to carry out a study of the fundamentals and applications of microalgae and cyanobacteria through a bibliographical review. For that, a search in the Scopus database was carried out, using the keywords: “microalgae” and “biotechnology”. As a result, a broad bibliographical review was obtained that could guide scientific studies using the biotechnological potential of microalgae in a grounded way.
The demand for sustainability and natural products is increasing in society and in industries, in this scenario, academic research to understand the biotechnological potential of microalgae and cyanobacteria is of extreme interest. Biomass rich in proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, pigments and other bioactive compounds are obtained from these microorganisms. Due to this diverse biochemical composition, microalgae biomass has numerous applications in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and fuel industries, acting as raw material for the production of bioproducts, in addition, enhancing the production of protein that is not of animal origin and being able to act in the bioremediation of effluents. With a high growth rate, which can be cultivated on industrial scales, the use of microalgae biomass becomes even more attractive. In view of this, and given the importance of obtaining more sustainable products and industrial production, the objective of this work was to carry out a study of the fundamentals and applications of microalgae and cyanobacteria through a bibliographical review. For that, a search in the Scopus database was carried out, using the keywords: “microalgae” and “biotechnology”. As a result, a broad bibliographical review was obtained that could guide scientific studies using the biotechnological potential of microalgae in a grounded way.