A guerra civil síria, no pós-Primavera Árabe, como palco da reedição das guerras por procuração
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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar os desdobramentos da Guerra Civil Síria,
concebida após uma série de fracassos da tentativa ocidental no redirecionamento de regimes
durante a Primavera Árabe. Deseja-se responder, portanto, os motivos do malogro ocorrido e a
forma que países como Arábia Saudita, Kuwait, Catar, Emirados Árabes Unidos e Turquia se
introduziram no conflito a partir de uma reedição das “guerras por procuração”, em que grupos
armados patrocinados por outros Estados intensificaram os confrontos na região. Duas hipóteses
sustentam esse trabalho; a primeira, visa responder a premissa do investimento econômico e militar
pelos países envolvidos e os interesses geopolíticos em jogo na região, enquanto a segunda hipótese
se fundamenta na inédita ação, pelo Estado Islâmico (EI), em redirecionar o financiamento
recebido para construir seu baluarte territorial com foco em regiões estratégicas, como o Leste da
Síria, rico em campos de petróleo. A metodologia científica deste artigo emprega fontes
qualitativas e secundárias, aplicando-se o método hipotético dedutivo.
This research has as its main objective to analyze the developments of the Syrian Civil War, conceived after a series of failures of the western attempt to redirect regimes during the Arab Spring. Therefore, it would like to answer the reasons for the failure that occurred and the way that countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey entered the conflict through a reissue of the “proxy wars”, in which armed groups sponsored by other States have intensified clashes in the region. Two hypotheses support this work; the first, aims to answer the premise of economic and military investment by the countries involved and the geopolitical interests at stake in the region, while the second hypothesis is based on the unprecedented action, by the Islamic State (IS), to redirect the financing received to build its territorial stronghold with a focus in strategic regions like East Syria, rich in oil fields. The scientific methodology of this article employs qualitative and secondary sources, applying the hypothetical deductive method.
This research has as its main objective to analyze the developments of the Syrian Civil War, conceived after a series of failures of the western attempt to redirect regimes during the Arab Spring. Therefore, it would like to answer the reasons for the failure that occurred and the way that countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey entered the conflict through a reissue of the “proxy wars”, in which armed groups sponsored by other States have intensified clashes in the region. Two hypotheses support this work; the first, aims to answer the premise of economic and military investment by the countries involved and the geopolitical interests at stake in the region, while the second hypothesis is based on the unprecedented action, by the Islamic State (IS), to redirect the financing received to build its territorial stronghold with a focus in strategic regions like East Syria, rich in oil fields. The scientific methodology of this article employs qualitative and secondary sources, applying the hypothetical deductive method.