Respostas do Governo Norte-Americano ao posicionamento mais assertivo da China no Mar do Sul da China (2013-2020)
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O principal objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em analisar, de modo comparativo, como os
Estados Unidos responderam ao posicionamento mais assertivo da China no Mar do Sul
da China (MSCh) entre o segundo Governo Obama (2013-2016) e o Governo Trump
(2017-2020). Neste sentido, o artigo abaixo busca elucidar a importância estratégica do
Mar do Sul da China para as relações político-econômicas dos Estados Unidos e China,
assim como analisar e destacar as principais semelhanças e diferenças entre as agendas
de Política Externa do Segundo Governo Obama e Governo Trump no que se refere às
respostas das administrações de ambos os governos à militarização da China no Mar do
Sul da China a partir do século XXI. Parte-se da hipótese de que não houve grandes
mudanças ou rupturas entre as agendas de Política Externa dos governos em questão no
que se refere às respostas dos Estados Unidos quanto a militarização China no Mar do
Sul da China, visto que tais agendas possuem mais semelhanças do que diferenças
conforme comparadas adiante. A metodologia do artigo científico é teórica e
explicativa, e o texto a seguir está dividido em duas seções principais, além da
introdução e considerações finais.
The main objective of this research is to analyze, in a comparative perspective, how the United States responded to the more assertive position of China in the South China Sea between the second Obama Administration (2013-2016) and the Trump Administration (2017-2020). In this way, the article below seeks to clarify the strategic importance of the South China Sea for the political and economic affairs of both the United States and China, besides analyzing and highlighting the main similarities and differences between the Foreign Policy agendas of the Second Obama Administration and Trump Administration regarding the responses of the administrations of both governments to the militarization of China in the South China Sea from the 21st century onwards. We believe in the hypothesis that there were no major changes or ruptures between the foreign policy agendas of the governments analyzed regarding the responses of the United States to the militarization of China in the South China Sea, as these agendas have more similarities than differences as compared below. The methodology of this scientific research is theoretical and explanatory, and the text that follows is divided into two main sections, in addition to the Introduction and final considerations.
The main objective of this research is to analyze, in a comparative perspective, how the United States responded to the more assertive position of China in the South China Sea between the second Obama Administration (2013-2016) and the Trump Administration (2017-2020). In this way, the article below seeks to clarify the strategic importance of the South China Sea for the political and economic affairs of both the United States and China, besides analyzing and highlighting the main similarities and differences between the Foreign Policy agendas of the Second Obama Administration and Trump Administration regarding the responses of the administrations of both governments to the militarization of China in the South China Sea from the 21st century onwards. We believe in the hypothesis that there were no major changes or ruptures between the foreign policy agendas of the governments analyzed regarding the responses of the United States to the militarization of China in the South China Sea, as these agendas have more similarities than differences as compared below. The methodology of this scientific research is theoretical and explanatory, and the text that follows is divided into two main sections, in addition to the Introduction and final considerations.
JACINTHO, Natália Libreti. Respostas do Governo Norte-Americano ao posicionamento mais assertivo da China no Mar do Sul da China (2013-2020). 2021. 28 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Relações Internacionais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Osasco, 2021.