Estudo sobre os beneficiários ativos nos planos de saúde suplementar: Análise comparativa dos número de ativos e os impactos decorrentes da Covid-19
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Tendo em vista que com a chegada da pandemia da covid-19 diversos setores do país sofreram impactos, este presente estudo tem por objetivo verificar qual foi o impacto da pandemia da covid-19 nos números de beneficiários ativos registrados na ANS na modalidade coletivo empresarial. Assim, com propósito de investigar essa questão, este estudo propôs a hipótese de que as operadoras tenham diminuído seus números de beneficiários ativos durante a pandemia, pois muitas pessoas perderam seus empregos. Para que seja possível a análise, foi utilizada os dados públicos abertos do site da ANS e os dados de indicadores econômicos do IBGE como PIB e a taxa de desemprego. Foi utilizado a metodologia de painel de dados para o desenvolvimento do modelo, comparando os dados do primeiro trimestre de 2019 até o quarto trimestre de 2021. O resultado mostrou que houve aumento nos números de beneficiários ativos durante a pandemia e que as pessoas passaram a utilizar mais os planos de saúde, além de indicar que o porte da operadora influencia nesse aumento.
Considering that with the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic, several sectors in the country suffered impacts, this present study aims to verify what was the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the numbers of active beneficiaries registered with the ANS in the corporate group modality. Thus, in order to investigate this question, this study proposed the hypothesis that the operators have decreased their number of active beneficiaries during the pandemic, because many people lost their jobs. To make the analysis possible, we used open public data from the ANS website and data from IBGE economic indicators such as GDP and unemployment rate. The panel data methodology was used to develop the model, comparing data from the first quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2021. The result showed that there was an increase in the number of active beneficiaries during the pandemic and that people started to use health insurance more, and also indicated that the size of the operator influences this increase.
Considering that with the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic, several sectors in the country suffered impacts, this present study aims to verify what was the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the numbers of active beneficiaries registered with the ANS in the corporate group modality. Thus, in order to investigate this question, this study proposed the hypothesis that the operators have decreased their number of active beneficiaries during the pandemic, because many people lost their jobs. To make the analysis possible, we used open public data from the ANS website and data from IBGE economic indicators such as GDP and unemployment rate. The panel data methodology was used to develop the model, comparing data from the first quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2021. The result showed that there was an increase in the number of active beneficiaries during the pandemic and that people started to use health insurance more, and also indicated that the size of the operator influences this increase.
SANTOS, Alessandra Ribeiro dos. Estudo sobre os beneficiários ativos nos planos de saúde suplementar: análise comparativa do número de ativos e os impactos decorrentes da Covid-19. 2022.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.