Impactos do racismo em aspectos socioeconômicos da população negra Brasileira de 1995-2015: uma análise com base na teoria da causação circular de Gunnar Myrdal
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No Brasil ao se olhar para indicadores das condições materiais de vida dos brasileiros nota-se que as pessoas negras são maioria entre os desempregados, ocupam cargos de menor prestígio social, recebem menores salários, têm as piores condições de educação, saúde e habitação, além de sofrerem maior violência. Autores tanto das Ciências Econômicas, quanto das Ciências Sociais se debruçaram para tentar compreender o fenômeno das desigualdades raciais, bem como tentar descrever as causas do racismo e da discriminação que ocorrem na sociedade. Entre diversos autores, escolhemos o economista sueco Gunnar Myrdall, autor de An American Dillema de 1944, obra fruto de uma monumental pesquisa sobre as condições de vida do negro norte americano que aponta o princípio da causação circular como motivo das desigualdades raciais observadas nos Estados Unidos. A partir da teoria criada por Myrdal , analisamos o tratamento historicamente dado à questão racial no Brasil para tentar compreender a reiterada manutenção das condições do padrão de vida da população negra brasileira.
In Brazil, when looking at indicators of the material living conditions of Brazilians, black people in Brazil are the majority among the unemployed, occupying positions of less social prestige, in addition to receiving lower wages. Authors from both Economic Sciences and Social Sciences have focused on trying to understand the phenomenon of racial inequalities, as well as trying to describe the causes of racism and discrimination that occur in society. Among several authors, we chose the Swedish economist Gunnar Murdall, author of An American Dilemma from 1944, the result of a monumental research on the living conditions of North American blacks that points to the principle of circular causation as the reason for the racial inequalities observed in the United States. In order to verify if the theory created by Myrdal can be extended to Brazil, we analyze the historical treatment given to the racial issue in the country, in order to try to understand if there are elements that have influenced the current conditions of the standard of living of the Brazilian black population.
In Brazil, when looking at indicators of the material living conditions of Brazilians, black people in Brazil are the majority among the unemployed, occupying positions of less social prestige, in addition to receiving lower wages. Authors from both Economic Sciences and Social Sciences have focused on trying to understand the phenomenon of racial inequalities, as well as trying to describe the causes of racism and discrimination that occur in society. Among several authors, we chose the Swedish economist Gunnar Murdall, author of An American Dilemma from 1944, the result of a monumental research on the living conditions of North American blacks that points to the principle of circular causation as the reason for the racial inequalities observed in the United States. In order to verify if the theory created by Myrdal can be extended to Brazil, we analyze the historical treatment given to the racial issue in the country, in order to try to understand if there are elements that have influenced the current conditions of the standard of living of the Brazilian black population.
BAPTISTA, Raphael Gustavo da Silva. Impactos do racismo em aspectos socioeconômicos da população negra Brasileira de 1995-2015: uma análise com base na teoria da causação circular de Gunnar Myrdal. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Econômicas) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.