Poliácido láctico aplicação de biopolímeros na área médica
Trabalho de conclusão de curso
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Nos últimos anos o interesse por biomateriais vem crescendo de forma acelerada, isto devido à
sua grande aplicabilidade na área médica e também pela não toxicidade, a qual é fundamental para o
sucesso na Engenharia Tecidual. Dessa maneira, os biomateriais podem substituir funções totais ou
parciais de um órgão ou tecido, além de serem usados como suturas ou como carregadores de
fármacos, devido a produção de resíduos não tóxicos. Nesse contexto, inúmeros polímeros vem sendo
sintetizados, sendo que, o Poliácido Láctico (PLA) ganha grande destaque dentre os biopolímeros
provenientes de fontes renováveis. Os biopolímeros consistem em uma classe de biomateriais muito
visada pelos pesquisadores, já que apresentam propriedades ideais, tais como alta biocompatibilidade
e biodegradabilidade. O PLA é um biopolímero que pode ser sintetizado por inúmeras rotas, sendo a
rota de policondensação direta e a abertura de anel as mais conhecidas e utilizadas. Neste sentido,
este trabalho de conclusão de curso, tem como finalidade estudar as duas rotas de síntese do PLA e
propor um fluxograma de processos da rota de abertura de anel, pouco encontrada na bibliografia.
Além disso, um estudo sobre as principais aplicações do PLA na área médica será desenvolvido,
mostrando assim, a aplicabilidade do biopolímero.
In recent years the demand for biomaterials has been increasing rapidly due to its great application in the medical field and also for its nontoxicity, which is fundamental for success in Tissue Engineering. Hence, biomaterials are seeking to replace total or partial functions of an organ or tissue. Moreover, PLA is being used as sutures, and as drug carriers due to its nontoxic waste production. In this context, many biopolymers have been synthesized, and the Polyacid Lactic (PLA) is gaining prominence among the biopolymers of renewable sources. Biopolymers consists a class of biomaterials highly targeted by researchers, as they have properties such as high biocompatibility and biodegradability. PLA is a biopolymer which can be synthesized by numerous routes, the route of direct polycondensation and ring opening being known as the most common and used process. That being said, this graduation final project aims to study two routes of PLA synthesis and purpose a flowchart to an industrial route process of opening ring reaction, which have scarce bibliography about it. In addition, a study on the main applications of PLA in the medical field will be developed, showing the miscellaneous applicability of the biopolymer.
In recent years the demand for biomaterials has been increasing rapidly due to its great application in the medical field and also for its nontoxicity, which is fundamental for success in Tissue Engineering. Hence, biomaterials are seeking to replace total or partial functions of an organ or tissue. Moreover, PLA is being used as sutures, and as drug carriers due to its nontoxic waste production. In this context, many biopolymers have been synthesized, and the Polyacid Lactic (PLA) is gaining prominence among the biopolymers of renewable sources. Biopolymers consists a class of biomaterials highly targeted by researchers, as they have properties such as high biocompatibility and biodegradability. PLA is a biopolymer which can be synthesized by numerous routes, the route of direct polycondensation and ring opening being known as the most common and used process. That being said, this graduation final project aims to study two routes of PLA synthesis and purpose a flowchart to an industrial route process of opening ring reaction, which have scarce bibliography about it. In addition, a study on the main applications of PLA in the medical field will be developed, showing the miscellaneous applicability of the biopolymer.