Estudo comparativo entre previdência e outras opções de investimento no mercado brasileiro
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Nos últimos anos o Brasil vem passando por incertezas político-econômicas que geraram mudanças principalmente no âmbito econômico-financeiro da população brasileira. Além disso, cabe dizer que outro ponto de incerteza se dá pela insegurança quanto a aposentadoria. Considerando is'so, é desejável entender como é possível complementar a renda futura através de investimentos presentes. Tendo isso em vista, o presente estudo tem como objetivo: analisar e realizar comparativo entre alternativas de investimento para a pessoa física brasileira com as diversas formas de previdência complementar. Com vistas a cumprir o objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório descritivo. Quanto à natureza foi realizada pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa; e com relação aos procedimentos técnicos, foram realizadas pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa documental. Para delimitar o estudo utilizou-se o período de 2015 a 2019, e investimentos de renda fixa (LCI, LCA e Títulos Públicos), renda variável (Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário e Ações) e dois investimentos em previdência privada (VGBL e PGBL). Como resultado, observou-se que se nega a hipótese de que a previdência privada aberta pode ser considerada uma das melhores alternativas para obtenção de renda futura, quando comparada a outros tipos de investimento.
In recent years Brazil has been going through political and economic uncertainties that have generated changes, especially in the economic-financial sphere of the Brazilian population. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that another point of uncertainty is the insecurity about retirement. Considering this, it is desirable to understand how it is possible to complement future income through present investments. With this in mind, the present study has as its objective: to analyze and compare investment alternatives for the Brazilian individual with the various forms of complementary pension plans. As to the nature, research was carried out with a quantitative approach; and as to the technical procedures, bibliographical research and documental research were carried out. To delimit the study the period from 2015 to 2019 was used, and fixed income investments (LCI, LCA and Government Bonds), variable income (Real Estate Investment Funds and Shares) and two investments in private pensions (VGBL and PGBL). As a result, it was observed that the hypothesis that open private pension plans can be considered one of the best alternatives for obtaining future income, when compared to other types of investments, is denied.
In recent years Brazil has been going through political and economic uncertainties that have generated changes, especially in the economic-financial sphere of the Brazilian population. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that another point of uncertainty is the insecurity about retirement. Considering this, it is desirable to understand how it is possible to complement future income through present investments. With this in mind, the present study has as its objective: to analyze and compare investment alternatives for the Brazilian individual with the various forms of complementary pension plans. As to the nature, research was carried out with a quantitative approach; and as to the technical procedures, bibliographical research and documental research were carried out. To delimit the study the period from 2015 to 2019 was used, and fixed income investments (LCI, LCA and Government Bonds), variable income (Real Estate Investment Funds and Shares) and two investments in private pensions (VGBL and PGBL). As a result, it was observed that the hypothesis that open private pension plans can be considered one of the best alternatives for obtaining future income, when compared to other types of investments, is denied.
CRIST, Renan Dearo. Estudo comparativo entre previdência e outras opções de investimento no mercado brasileiro. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Atuariais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022