Condições e desafios dos/as professores/as da rede pública de São Paulo na baixada santista
Trabalho de conclusão de curso
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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem o objetivo de compreender
vivenciados pelos/as professores/as atuantes na rede pública de São Paulo, com
foco na Baixada Santista. Observando se o processo de aprendizagem, quando
realizado em instituições de ensino públicas do Estado de São Paulo, vão apresentar
efeitos no processo de formação acadêmica. Compreender também se as
dificuldades enfrentadas por estes/as professores/as são mais expressivas
naqueles/as professores/as que estudaram, durante o ensino básico, no período em
que o Estado de São Paulo teve como governador políticos filiados ao PSDB. Além
disso, entender que outros desafios esses/as professores/as enfrentaram durante
sua formação. A metodologia da pesquisa foi qualitativa, com dados quantitativos, de
revisão bibliográfica, documental e pesquisa de campo, através de questionário
enviado à professores/as pelo formulário google forms. Constata-se uma enorme
contradição no processo de contratação docente no Estado de São Paulo, que
provoca o sucateamento para todo ambiente escolar, atingindo estudantes e
professores/as. O perfil docente participante da pesquisa é majoritariamente
professores/as moradores/as da baixada santista, atuantes da rede Estadual de
ensino e registrados na Diretoria de Ensino de Santos. Nas considerações finais
destacam-se os inúmeros desafios postos aos/às profissionais docentes frente às
condições de trabalho e da luta pela garantia de uma educação emancipadora.
This final paper in Social Work aims to understand the process to teachers working in the public network of São Paulo, focusing on the Baixada Santista. Observing whether the learning process, when carried out in public educational institutions in the state of São Paulo, will have effects on the academic training process. Also understand if the difficulties faced by these teachers are more expressive in those teachers who studied, during basic education, in the period when the State of São Paulo had as governor politicians affiliated to the PSDB. In addition, understand what other challenges these teachers faced during their training. The research methodology was qualitative, with quantitative data, bibliographic review, documentary and field research, through a questionnaire sent to teachers through the google forms form. There is a huge contradiction in the process of hiring teachers in the State of São Paulo, which causes scrapping for the entire school environment, reaching students and teachers. The teaching profile participating in the research is mostly teachers/residents of the baixada santista, active in the State education network and registered in the Board of Education of Santos. In the final considerations we highlight the numerous challenges posed to teaching professionals in the face of working conditions and the struggle to guarantee an emancipatory education.
This final paper in Social Work aims to understand the process to teachers working in the public network of São Paulo, focusing on the Baixada Santista. Observing whether the learning process, when carried out in public educational institutions in the state of São Paulo, will have effects on the academic training process. Also understand if the difficulties faced by these teachers are more expressive in those teachers who studied, during basic education, in the period when the State of São Paulo had as governor politicians affiliated to the PSDB. In addition, understand what other challenges these teachers faced during their training. The research methodology was qualitative, with quantitative data, bibliographic review, documentary and field research, through a questionnaire sent to teachers through the google forms form. There is a huge contradiction in the process of hiring teachers in the State of São Paulo, which causes scrapping for the entire school environment, reaching students and teachers. The teaching profile participating in the research is mostly teachers/residents of the baixada santista, active in the State education network and registered in the Board of Education of Santos. In the final considerations we highlight the numerous challenges posed to teaching professionals in the face of working conditions and the struggle to guarantee an emancipatory education.
COUTO, Samantha Cristina. Condições e desafios dos/as professores/as da rede pública de São Paulo na baixada santista. 2023. 59 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.