A evolução regulatória dos fundos de investimento no Brasil: uma análise da resolução CVM nº 175
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A indústria de fundos de investimento no Brasil desempenha um papel crucial no contexto do mercado de capitais nacional. Com a crescente popularização das corretoras de investimentos, os fundos se tornaram ainda mais essenciais para o mercado de capitais, proporcionando um veículo de investimento acessível a investidores com diversos perfis de aversão ao risco. Tendo em vistas as consideráveis movimentações vivenciadas pelo mercado nos últimos anos, tanto os investidores mais cautelosos quanto os mais ousados encontraram nos fundos de investimento uma maneira de direcionar seus recursos.
No Brasil, os fundos de investimento são submetidos à regulamentação da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) e à autorregulação da Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais (ANBIMA). Desta maneira, este estudo se propõe a analisar a estrutura regulatória do mercado fiduciário brasileiro, com ênfase na supervisão exercida pela CVM e na autorregulação pela ANBIMA. Adicionalmente, serão abordadas as principais alterações promovidas pela recente Resolução CVM nº 175 e seus eventuais impactos no cenário dos fundos de investimento.
The investment fund industry in Brazil plays a crucial role in the context of the national capital market. With the growing popularity of investment brokers, funds have become even more essential to the capital market, providing an accessible investment vehicle for investors with various risk aversion profiles. Given the significant market movements witnessed in recent years, both cautious and bold investors have found in investment funds a way to allocate their resources. In Brazil, investment funds are subject to regulation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and self-regulation by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities (ANBIMA). Thus, this study aims to analyze the regulatory structure of the Brazilian fiduciary market, with an emphasis on the supervision carried out by the CVM and self-regulation by ANBIMA. Additionally, it will address the main changes brought about by the recent CVM Resolution No. 175 and its potential impacts on the investment fund landscape.
The investment fund industry in Brazil plays a crucial role in the context of the national capital market. With the growing popularity of investment brokers, funds have become even more essential to the capital market, providing an accessible investment vehicle for investors with various risk aversion profiles. Given the significant market movements witnessed in recent years, both cautious and bold investors have found in investment funds a way to allocate their resources. In Brazil, investment funds are subject to regulation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and self-regulation by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities (ANBIMA). Thus, this study aims to analyze the regulatory structure of the Brazilian fiduciary market, with an emphasis on the supervision carried out by the CVM and self-regulation by ANBIMA. Additionally, it will address the main changes brought about by the recent CVM Resolution No. 175 and its potential impacts on the investment fund landscape.